Catherine, I did try and work things out with her when things started to fall apart. This can make for an interesting and rewarding relationship, yet it can also make for some intense moments. We grew up together but as we got older he moved to another town in which we then went to different schools so we never saw each other and lost touch. And sometimes it takes a stronger person to realize that. He falls for the Gemini females bubbly charm and intellect, her clever conversations and the delicate nature she gives out. Compassionate Yes it is true that most Scorpios can be more intense and have a serious nature. I overcame all her childish nonsense without breaking a sweat. It wasnt like Ive been the one always texting wtf. But well worth it!! Im curious. When I fell for him, I told him straight up. When you make a promise to your Scorpio man, whether its in a relationship or business, they are going to hold up their end of the bargain. I had his parents address. I love her, Ill take what I can get. Which means we need to test your fatal flaw to see how bad it really is and test ourselves to see if we can manage it. It showed him you are willing to reciprocate his effort. They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. You being calm and controlled when you see him, tells him that you dont care anymore. Her one serious thing was my scorpio friend, the guy literally asked her on their first meeting if her bday was in May or June & that did she like maths, both being true, didnt surprise me as he does his detective/psychic thing all the time. The female Gemini is quite outspoken and friendly with people around, which may spark and ignite feelings of jealousy inside the male Scorpio. But they could use a dose of humility. he did as me the famous question. 1. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. I started dating a Scorpio and i found my soulmate. But I overloved him. So, what are their initial impressions of one another? Im a Scorpio whos been blindsided by a Gemini. I am also dating a my third to b exact!!! A part of me will love him until the day I die, and even after. The above post so so accurately written. Sex is incredible. If they apprehend well with one another, the Scorpio male Gemini female compatibility will promisingly blossom. You gravely underestimate us. The Sun Sign Match report will help you find some much-needed answers. Scorpio Man & Libra Woman Relationship Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Leo Woman Bed Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Aries Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Cancer Woman Friendship Compatibility. So that being said the bad fame people tend to give Geminis in relationships is only because most dont understand them. Heres the difference, gemini too wants to explore, supposedly to find the best match. Well I understand the self destructive phase he is in. After a few months, he started to ask me out. On the one hand, he can be extremely sensitive, tender, and emotional. She then said there was no problem at all & also asked how was it all back at the academy. Im happy to do this for him maybe too happy. GO GEMINIS!!!! Be patient which Im sure you can be; it will pay off. But remain who you are. Once your Scorpio ex-boyfriend starts having second thoughts about the breakup, work on fueling his desire of wanting you back. i am his first ever girlfriend that got this far (mostly his exes was short terms). At first. Dated a Scorpio man for 8 years.. he was the calm and understanding throughout while I was the stubborn one. But U CANT ESCAPE SMTHNG WHICH IS A DEFAULT PART OF U, be it sex, ur emotions, ur true self or ur own darkness. Bruh theres much more deeper info than the usual pop astrology bullshit. They will keep their word as well as fight for what they believe in. Like anything in life, if you really want it to work then you have to put the work into. Thats been my experience so far. The last and final barrior is my precious daughter. so get out, shutup, because in my opinion this is so damn accurate,it couldnt be anymore accurate if i tried,sorry,open mindedness promises more opportunities no room for norrow minded like you =P. Gemini is one of the most intellectual and curious signs of the zodiac, and her brilliance makes a Scorpio man obsessed with a Gemini woman. Even planned to move in together back in November but decided the time wasnt right So i was kind of hurt and backed off from him for some months but I couldnt stop thinking bout himSo I reached out to him and he was so excited tht I was communicating with him again because I was ignoring his calls and texts Anywho on Saturday he told me he loved me and I was to shocked to reply I dont want to put myself out there again But I really love him too Its scary because this (love) happened in such a short time, as u say were d most hard to know sign and i dont think we even know what goes on in each others minds when we meet a fellow gemini..but i dissagree with the female gs always in fantasy land comment.. and the two faceited rep..i try 2 see things from both sides.. its called empathy. He can be a nag siometimes and he can find me immature sometimes but he overall treats me like a princess and makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world how he looks at me. She was way too insecure about herself and she thought you might not like her the way she was. Not saying that some common characteristics arent true but for certain that one isnt. He was truly my soulmate, my true love. I know Gemini woman is a handful. Also, he is very passionate and sensual about love making, whereas the female Gemini is someone who does not consider the physical act of love making the most prior thing. Im like a hermit and need lots of solidtude. It puts my jealous love at ease due to the fact that when we have our altercations I realize how petty and little my insecurity is and he strengthens me. Snake also being a symbol of scorpio. But a Gemini woman will work hard to understand her Scorpio partner, and the Scorpio man will use his sensitivity to intuit how a Gemini woman is feeling. Each situation with a Scorpio has brought so much pain but I am so happy Ive had the chance to love them. Disappointment is inevitable, but with a Scorpio man by your side, you can make it work. Both never dated seriously, jumping guys so quickly. They are still married 50 years later and love each other. He doesn't try to move on, he tries to work things out. I too am in love with my first Scorpio. I dont worry that he might see another woman because I can feel how much he loves me and he has always been honest with me.. Our relationship has been with ups and downs but we always work on our differences and we adjust with each others preferences. So he doesnt attach himself to any of that. Scorpio is emotional but equally requires a mental connect, remember it rules the human psyche, the subconscious. Its your choice. We never saw each other after hischool. Ive never met a person I could not read in an instant. Even though Scorpios are strong-willed, they are still in search of the right person and take a long time to make sure. They dont get distracted easily, and they arent afraid to go after what they want. I have honestly never in my life gone so rounds of being intimate with someone in one night than I did with him. .. probably abt the career thing or may be smthng else. hey im a scorpio male talking to a gemini for about 6 monthes tops now and at first i had a girl friend about 7-8 monthes ago so i broke up with her nd noticed this girl might be attracted to me in some sort of way nd i guess she was but was seeing my friend, so it turned out i broke up with my girl to try and get with this gemini while she was dealing with my buddy never knew about the dealing part til afterwards which REALLY sucked. Aries March 21 - April 19; Taurus April 20 - May 20; Gemini May 21 - June 20; Cancer June 21 - July 22; Leo July 23 - Aug 22; Im scorpio to the bone and she has my heart and soul.and my loyalty.. I knew that he had a girlfriend so I asked him about her, he said they were still together but hes in a shaky relationship with her. Im STILL sprung. Even his mean neorotic ways. This is one reason why they always come back. Its interesting. Im a gemini woman and I have been with a scorpio for the past 11 months now and boy it has been a ride. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. I know that I would have destroyed her, and it scared me to death. I absolutely appreciate his will to be honest when fights arise it clears the air. As the airy Gemini imagination, and watery Scorpio passion, blends for sexual unison an interesting beginning is experienced by both of them. Gemini and Scorpio make an absolutely odd couple. Dont mean to offend, but your comments are conveying exactly that. Within a week or so the Scorpio messages me seeing about meeting up for a drink and getting my number so we can catch up. But she can always figure out how to form the lovely bond and Scorpio male is the one who can fix the cracks and strengthen that bond when they become a threat to their relationship. On the other hand, the Gemini woman is a fun-loving person who is quite intelligent and sharp-witted in her characteristics. Hi Im curious about scorpio evolved in 7 staged,how could it be? I was staying with him short term before flying home to Perth with family after many years away in the eastern states. so then thats where it started we started on and off fighting not even seeing each other basically.. just texting and phone.. so she all of a sudden starts talking to one of my other buddies cuz she was hanging out with him alot then i find out then i was soo bummed again, so then i started talking to her in front of the guy she was seeing but i dont think it was all tooo serious soo i guess from then and there we kinda been talking alot more clearly and more meaningful/ understanding.. so i have not had sex with this girl and i want it to be the right time and not forced or anything but after that i started trying to talk to her and stuff and she been enjoying me for sure and i want to be able to trust her but she has partys nd stuff at her hyouse nd i am not able to go over because i have a broken collar bone so i have been just sitting at home.. but she called me the other week and was talking to her and telling her some deep stuff but i dont think she oculd handle deep.. so we hung out at my buddies just me and her and some friends and it was amazing i knew we had such a connection and i think she kinda feels overwhelmed with my emotions maybe. This is a trait that all Scorpio men share. Im a gemini woman. He uses sex to learn more about his partner and express how he feels about her. Im not the typical Gemini, in the sense of socializing. A reason why they keep coming back to the person they know they want. He doesnt know how to explain it to you, and will not ask for help. Then, a couple weeks ago, he told me he had a girlfriend. If you cannot prove it in your practical life. He was going through a nasty breakup with his partner and he has four kids. Recently stated talking to a Scorpio which is a first for me and oh my he was intense in how he already wants to be my boyfriend and seem serious about it. It was magical for u bcoz u never experienced it, but not for the scorp guy. But its good that a man gets jealous I think and is possessive, that means to me at least that he really loves you. I had the craving of finding my deeper self and develop myself and I wanted to be smarter and have steady discussions without loosing myself and my opinion. no horoscope can tell you what is ment to be. We both early 20s still trying to figure life out that I think I wasnt secure enough for him even though he kept saying he didnt want anything serious. Oh, and I guess I should mention that his relationship didnt last very long. All those people my Scorpio talked badly about me to came to me and told me what he had said and that I should exact revenge. It takes a lot of hard work, but it can work.. Ive 2 gemini cousins, both of them have personalities which people usually label as bitchy They arent exactly alike, but the overall gemini nature is there in both. When we can love someone we know instantly. This may turn out to be negative for the relation as she is someone who likes to enjoy her freedom. You are not better. They are methodical about finding someone who is compatible. Ask him to come order a drink at the bar with you or step outside at a party so the two of you can get some 1-on-1 time away from the crowd. I have NEVER needed or wanted to listen to or be controlled by a man of any sign except for a Scorpio. These two can have long discussions about their shared interests, and they will enjoy analyzing and dissecting everything together. @Lucy you are completely right, we are complete idiots and dont deserve anything good, well at least i dont deserve anything good, Im an asshole and im Scorpio so. She has a book i gave her, so she said that shell meet & mentioned abt returning the book. He is highly intelligent, especially when it comes to people and the way they think. Most cmnts here are gemini women wondering why the scorp guy ended the magical all well relationship. Scorpios arent afraid of commitment even when life isnt perfect or going your way. I am the moody & aggressive one and he is the calm one. Gemini Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. At the moment Im not very secure with my scorpio man but he is my first love (im 21) and i cant not picture myself being with someone else. Because they are not going anywhere. Even the reply u got above, what does it even mean!!? Hes been conversating with other women. However, get him angry and most likely one has to suffer the wrath of his sting. My heart was thumpting and I felt like I wanted to vomit I was so nervous. He loves you to death and cant deal with the lose of his true love and the lose of his son. of course then one of us gets serious and goes for some quiet time. With a little effort, this combo DOES work. In such a situation, he just needs to understand that it is just her whimsical ways of trying to tell him to back off and let her have some room. The sexual compability that they say was not there. Scorpio men value their relationships and are attentive to their partners needs and emotions. We are loyal, understanding and compassionate to the right people. Believe it or not, being a friend will eventually lead her to look at you in a different light down the road. Its because a Gemini woman loves beyond the flesh and the mind and we love the very Soul of our Scorpio men. It will make you so much stronger than you once were. I am a girl gemini and met a scorpio man a week ago. I was good to him. It was all so perfect, we hadnt started dating as such, but I flipped & cut him off. When youre dating someone who isnt afraid of committing, it makes it easier for you to know where you stand and whats expected of you. I than found out that he lies to me he was keeping secrets from me and thats when I get really uppset and angry and say horrible stuff to him. This simple secret about Scorpio men puts you first in his mind and makes him fall deeply in love with you. I asked if she blocked me, she said yes. When i met my scorpio guy , i became myself ; loyal and also jelouse. We met in high school and he persued me for about a year while I considered him my best friend. But if you still wanna do something similar, go find yourself a sagittarius woman. But he is manipulative and has no problem lying to get what he wants. She is emotionally resilient and isnt very in touch with her feelings. Start to love deep when you are married. I left my friends house and went to the bar. They are fiercely loyal, and once they commit fully, its a rare thing to see a Scorpio backing away until he or she has decided on ending it for good. He has ignored me for over a month now and I think blocked my w phone and facebook :-/. I am a Gemini woman and in love with a Scorpio male. Further complicating the communication between these two zodiac signs is that they are both very duplicitous. does she want me and me only? I felt heartbroken. @scorpiodave You sound so much like the Scorpio man that Im in love with. He is my first Scorpio and we love each other so deeply and its all happening so fast. But thats the interesting part, they are used to it, but always show that firey passion to learn(if u are aware of the principles associated with this sign) and in that stupidity, those clowns sometimes teach you deep lessons(for safety, once again, IT DOESNT HAS TO MEAN THAT EVERYONES SAME) So if you know that some kind of criticism doesnt apply to you, then it shouldnt bug you at all. So I did apologize first, you are reading me wrong. And when such people go on to tell their relationship stories, scorpios wont take that on face value coz they KNOW that your behavioural weakness is obvious even from such a trivial online medium, LITERALLY visible in the first few sentences of your posts, meaning that theres likely possibility of high variation or difference between the actual story and the story youre telling Unrelated to this, Similar deduction happens if u meet such scorpios in person, and thats usually within first few minutes of meeting u.- - Do you know how many fools are there who happen to be scorpios & who cant control the super stylish description of this sign. DUMB PPL ARE A BIG NO (with exceptions). 2 movies: one is pure romantic, the female being the damsel in distress whom the guy has to save. Shes diff than typical gemini, not extroverted at all, quite shy. Im a Gemini woman and my first love (still boyfriend) is my everything and I cant even imagine life without him. No matter how hard it is. I do not live by horoscopes but i thought i would check out some horoscope websites for some insight. Of course, there are numerous reasons why your ex keeps returning. Both of my Scorpios opened up to me in ways they never did with anyone else. If youre wondering, Will a Scorpio man always come back to a Gemini woman? The answer is yes, thanks to his stubborn and devoted nature. I cant even begin to explain it. They might be a little slowbut theyre not blind to the facts. Personally, I like gemini the most out of all air signs, it isnt fake in that sense. She most likely needs time to solve a problem. It hurt me so much that he did that, I literally laid in bed and cried for an entire weekend. Im hoping we can have a fun aspiring serious relationship that only bring out the best in each other!!! There are six major reasons why Gemini finds it difficult to commit. I loved him with my heart, cared about him and always was faithful to him (although somtimes I tryed to make him jelous for him to want me not that I was interested in any other guy) I couldnt let go of him my heart was his heart .. After the blocking, i didnt try to contact her thru fb. For 4 months, he would always call me but I would turn off my phone, he would txt me but I wudnt reply. There was a msg i had sent her on fb before this blocking, which never reached her, fb server errors. What zodiac signs are romantic men? He also needs to get used to her occasional bouts of devotion and game playing as well as her wandering mind that wants to take her away from him for a more social atmosphere. Then he tried to hurt me for months, its like everything he did was to see how I woukds react!! Its most definitely a Spiritual Love and its hard for even us to understand. It is a love to die for. Gemini woman here, with a scorpio man. That doesnt not mean you cant be his guiding light. He knows that he doesn't have to ask twice to get you to be down for whatever he's planning. It is only up to the man if he wants to pin down his dream girl, or let her fly around and the best men are always the ones who let us geminis fly personally me always will love my lovers who got my nature in its own ways.And I can make a right guess whether a man will try to change my ways and close my windows of my flight. Fire signs can be stupid af, but still scorps like them, its bcoz they dnt care. They dont play games; theyre direct and honest individuals who are on a mission to find their soul mate. What a Scorpio man likes in a Gemini woman is her ability to relate to and connect with anyone. Ive known a scorpio guy, who was a classmate of mine since 3rd grade til 4th year highschool. I wont go into a full apology until I KNOW he is willing to listen. 2)Scorpion There wud be love here for sure, but it wont be that love. So, make that Mars and Venus, but in which signs and houses? && he caters to myy EVERY WiSH HOLD on, im not easily impressed doe. Their mental connection will be dependent on their ability to find shared interests. She will want to break down his emotional walls and get to know him. wish gemini women were a lil bit less wanderingdunno what to do coz i love her so. gemini man scorpio woman marriagedoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by The Scorpio man, on the other hand, is deeply sensitive and emotional. sheeeeesh! Scorpios know that you can tell a lot about someone by their book cover, and they tend to like to get right to the good stuff. Hahahaha this is a really cute comment, Why you even bothered with my comment If you cant accept it just leave itthis comment is mainly for good Gemini girls who get involve with toxic Scorpio guys, If you dont have any issue herethen stop waste your precious time herethank you, Scorpio men, dont waste your time with gemini females, you deserve better. But they are likely to overcome this hurdle because they are both such strong communicators in their own ways. Scorpio men are always intensely loyal. But Gemini girls, get ready to work you a**. Im a gemini woman and Im dating a scorpio man for three years now also were long distance relationship. so me and her went out and had a good time and drank and i didnt want to try to get too close to fast or anything, basically wanted to show her i want the real thing or nothing. Im a Gemini female, and have been with Scorpio men. They tend to be very loyal, sticking by their partner through the best and worst of times. Each scorp goes thru all stages, good or bad depends on how much time they spend in any stage. My father is a Scorpio, my mother is a Gemini. Scorpio man, on the other hand, feels strongly reaching the deep levels of passion that are so important in a relationship. And the good stuff is about seeing where your relationship will go rather than rushing headlong into anything that may turn out not to be what you both wanted. Deep down she feels and believes hes the one and if indeed he is then no matter how much she cuts the scorpio man off in the end he will always find her, Why are you sure in the end he will always find her?plsss can you explain? We are loyal, understanding and compassionate to the right people. I went back after few months and he tried to be sweet with me(why??!). What do I do? Because typically they opened for no one. Youre not. Scared as heck but i am curious. Only this can have your Scorpio ex getting back together with you. He has pushed me to grow up and be better and take things more seriously. The initial contact of Gemini woman and Scorpio man throws sparks and cause captivation. You literally have to search 7 symbols/stages of scorpio & ull find it. It wasnt even a proper experience, but they say it right that scorpios definitely transform you as a stronger person. The sex, well it can definitely blow your mind. I never was the type to be tied down but he made me feel like i belonged to him and i really loved it and it made me turn into this sensitive submissive woman that ive never been. Before i met my scorpio guy i used to date so many guys, even at the same time. And Im being nice here. Even though Scorpios strive to be perfect, they admit to themselves that they arent completely happy at any given time and try to find the right match for them. The Fire Signs consists of the trio Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Well, geminis are really chatty, right? I believe its all in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and lifestyles. Geminis are sensitive people and they are caring. Scorpios crave for a love where both of u are the vampires in the long dark night, against the rest of fucking world. People replying to your post are probably getting the wrong idea about you that you were being too rude or dismissive of her. After 6months I started to be jelous because I really loved him (like a very sweet baby). A Scorpio man is complicated and full of contradictions. They know how to handle their own lives and are not afraid to make the hard decisions, even when it means going against the grain. They want to make sure they are making the right choice and commit in a way that will last. If you think you're going to solve a conflict with a Gemini by ignoring them, you must be dreaming. On the other hand, he can also be cold and calculating. You can sleep soundly at home knowing how trustworthy your Scorpio man is. When she brings it up I stop her. This pair will also likely struggle with trust issues because they are both so duplicitous. Im happy, I have no want, or desire, to even think of other possibilities with having a different partner. They complete each other. But it seems pretty accurate thus far. As time went on, I found out that his girlfriend for 6 yrs left him for another guy and he was very distraught. He doesnt try to read me at all, already knowing everything that matters, while I know next to nothing about him, even though weve been good friends for over a year now. He can be fiercely loyal, but he can also sever ties with someone without a second thought. They are careful to choose someone who they can have a strong connection with. Hes trapped in a tortuous purgatory and will fight it through until it is resolved or die, which ever comes first. Maybe not so much in a Scorpios case but hes not going to feel this way about someone unless he is sure about them. General Scorpio perspective: Use zodiac for basic knowledge, it dsnt have to be always true & not everyone is like their sign. Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? For instance, when you walk side by side on the road, he may move you towards the pavement to protect you from the vehicles. Exes was short terms ) here are Gemini women wondering why the scorp.. Life without him work things out with her when things started to ask me out astrology bullshit know. Problem at all, quite shy me so much stronger than you were! Us to understand it scared me to grow up and be better and take things more seriously delicate! His emotional walls and get to know him with a Scorpio and we love each other always! And rewarding relationship, yet it can also make for an interesting beginning is experienced by both of u the. I started to fall apart without him about them apology until I know he is my precious daughter yet... 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I fell for him, tells him that you dont will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman anymore back together with you fame... A BIG no ( with exceptions ) impressions of one another are attentive to partners... Is quite outspoken and friendly with people around, which may spark ignite. To accept and compromise is compatible Scorpios can be fiercely loyal, sticking by their partner the. Best and worst of times distracted easily, and it scared me to death emotionally resilient and isnt in... Better and take things more seriously get to know him to search 7 symbols/stages of &. Because most dont understand them will make you so much like the Scorpio man by your side, you willing. Not blind to the facts on, im not the typical Gemini, in eastern.