c. Minimize risks to subjects. According to ecological theory, the people closest to a developing child represent his or her a. microsystem b. macrosystem c. mesosystem d. exosystem ANSWER: 60. Daisy and Rose are identical twins who were separated at birth. d. Participants may choose not to continue. Multidirectionality, plasticity, historical context, and multiple causation are all key features of the ____ perspective. a. correlational b. independent c. manipulated d. dependent, 106. If you choose to go this route, you should carefully examine the source of the dataset as well as what data is available to you. C) Respondents may not tell the truth. Both types of study can prove useful in research. Dr. Fletcher is attempting to determine whether adult criminals were rule-breakers throughout their childhood or whether they suddenly turned to a life of crime. Maya decides to buy soup. few longitudinal investigations to assess the natural history of behaviors or to evaluate the long-term effects of interventions. Longitudinal and comparative research projects present a range of ethical dilemmas for researchers working with children and young people. This is most likely an example of a. observational learning b. operant conditioning c. punishment d. self-efficacy, 41. Which problem is least associated with longitudinal research? Identifying modifiable factors that may predict long-term cognitive decline in the elderly with adequate daily functionality is critical. c. menopause a. naturalistic observation b. cross-sectional c. experimental d. longitudinal. 109. Yet few prospective longitudinal studies have examined pathways to BPD, particularly with inclusion of multiple risk domains. 30. Advantages and new devel-opments associated with conducting longitudinal research make this an opportune time to increase the profession s involvement in longitudinal research. a. 9. As frequent users of this professional care, especially for people with chronic diseases this had consequences. True b. This means any changes in the outcome variable cannot be attributed to differences between individuals. 3. What is an example of a longitudinal study? A publishing company does a study to determine whether using a study guide for a textbook improves performance on psychology exams. This study type is also known as cross-sectional analysis, transverse study, or prevalence study. 4. Thomas, L. From an ecological perspective, this influence is best thought of as part of the culture's a. mesosystem b. exosystem c. macrosystem d. microsystem, 63. Given these concerns, she is probably going to be best served doing a(n) ____study. When Alfonso says, "It would have been tough to be a father at age 21, but being one at age 28 is super," he is noting the important role that ____ factors play in human development. What sort of method is the best option for Shuntelle? a. in a research study must understand and agree to the research procedures and also be made aware of any potential risks associated with participating in the research . This means you can better establish the real sequence of events, allowing you insight into cause-and-effect relationships. to even a few decades. Longitudinal studies can offer researchers a cause. In our webinar, we focused on the dilemmas of consent that arise in longitudinal research. Indicate one of the lessons that is violated. Longitudinal research refers to a research method in which individuals are tested over a long period. A research problem is a definite or clear expression [statement] about an area of concern, a condition to be improved upon, a difficulty to be eliminated, or a troubling question that exists in scholarly literature, in theory, or within existing practice that points to a need for meaningful understanding and deliberate investigation. Which question best captures the spirit of most individuals who study human development with a nature/nurture focus? Dr. Chang is asked by Jiang's mother to explain why Jiang is easily distracted, impulsive, and socially anxious. According to psychosocial theory, Mick is probably in the ____ stage of life. A longitudinal study is a type of correlational research study that involves looking at variables over an extended period of time. Compared to punishment, reinforcement tends to result in quicker and longer-lasting learning. It is difficult to generalize results to the larger population. An advantage of cross-sectional studies is that they cannot be influenced by cohort effects. A longitudinal study is a correlational research method that helps discover the relationship between variables in a specific target population. They are highly flexible. A longitudinal study generally yields multiple or \repeated" measurements on each subject. Lotte's professor seems to be supporting the, 11. a. The rates of divorce with porn use were higher for women who started using porn, nearly tripling from 6 to 16 percent, whereas for men, porn use was associated with an increase from 5 to 10. It is difficult to generalize results to the larger population. You are doing a study to determine whether vaping nicotine prior to taking a psychology test affects performance on that test. The longitudinal research is time-consuming. Which method of measuring behavior is most likely to be used in combination with other behavioral measures? Scores on the new intelligence test are correlated with scores on another valid intelligence test. According to the life-span perspective, human development can only be understood within the scope of a single framework. Of Peter's total costs and expenses, $40,000\$ 40,000$40,000 is quarterly depreciation expense, and $18,000\$ 18,000$18,000 represents the expiration of prepayments. a. biological factors a. social cognitive b. ecological c. information-processing d. psychosocial, 28. Validity is to reliability as a. study is to experiment b. cause is to correlation c. positive is to negative d. accuracy is to consistency. 8. Harold is upset with his grade on his developmental psychology test and says, "I bet if I would've taken that test at another time, I would have done much better." What is the independent variable in your study? Michael studies developmental differences in extroversion by testing 9-, 19-, 39-, and 59-year-old subjects at the same time. Publication types Cross-sectional studies are quick to conduct compared to longitudinal studies. Behavioral and psychological factors for example, physical activity, smoking and other health behaviors, cognitive and social engagement, personality, and psychosocial stress play a critical role in health across the lifespan. a. This change in behavior is best described as a. loss-based selection b. elective selection c. compensation d. the epigenetic principle, 73. Marcia is 80 years old and is learning how to speak French and play the guitar for the first time. b. d. heredity, 16. He would disagree and point out that there is no "normal" progression of human development. The grandparents have ____ her visiting behavior. Greta wants to do a study on how self-efficacy changes over the life span. Lauren Thomas. Piaget believed that children begin to construct knowledge in new ways at a few critical points in development. c. Findings may not generalize to the real word O d. In this experiment, fidget spinning is the a. control group b. independent variable c. dependent variable d. cohort effect ANSWER: 102. True b. a. life-cycle forces b. exosystems c. internal maturational plans d. self-efficacy ANSWER, 42. Competence-environmental press theory emphasizes that to understand people's functioning, it is essential to understand the systems in which they live. His instructor is likely a(n) a. Piagetian b. social learning theorist c. ecological theorist d. behaviorist, 49. B) It costs more than other research methods. Because Harvey is not interested in determining a causeand-effect relationship, he would be best advised to do a(n) ____study. a. cross-sectional b. correlational c. experimental d. naturalistic observation, b. Davey, who has average self-esteem c. Peter, who has very low self-esteem d. Lisa, who refuses to answer the study questions, 96. The fact that Tatiana likes to watch reality television and her grandfather prefers watching 1960s television westerns is probably best explained bya. b. Viviana is most likely to support a ____ position regarding human development. True, false. A) Participants who repeatedly tested or observed may become "test-wise" B) Participants may die or drop out of the study C) Its expensive and time-intensive D) Its difficult to generalize to the larger population May 13 2022 11:25 AM Expert's Answer Solution.pdf a. cognition When Kayla says "It doesn't matter if they are French, Swedish, or Chinese, kids are kids," she is espousing a ____ position concerning human development. Based on a study that finds that self-esteem is negatively correlated with college grades, which person would you predict would have the highest grades? This action reflects a. how research can affect social policy b. the benefits of doing meta-analytic research c. the importance of longitudinal studies d. why correlational research is superior in some ways to . a. correlational b. natural observation c. experiment. They can be used to provide a snapshot of a group or society at a specific moment. True b. Which problem is least associated with longitudinal research? This relationship is best described by Bronfenbrenner's notion of a(n) a. mesosystem b. exosystem c. macrosystem d. microsystem, 61. . This process is . It is difficult to generalize results to the larger population. A cohort is any group that shares common historical or social experiences, like their year of birth. Because Dr. Jefferson is interested in researching how people of different ages are affected by events, it would be most accurate to say that Dr. Jefferson is most interested in studying ____ forces. a. Psychodynamic theories place the least emphasis on the ____ portion of the biopsychosocial framework.Michael studies developmental differences in extroversion by testing 9-, 19-, 39-, and 59-year-old subjects all at the same time. a. sequential b. longitudinal c. experimental d. cross-sectional, 111. In longitudinal studies, researchers do not manipulate any variables or interfere with the environment. Matti's predicament would probably best be explained by. d. biological, 17. Given this statement, Dr. Sefky's view is most likely to agree with. Mary has only one child, one-year-old Shelly, and has stayed home for most of Shelly's life. Longitudinal research is advantageous in situations in which the investigator wishes to (a) focus on change or patterns of change; (b) measure the duration of an effect; (c) investigate causal processes, including sleeper or delayed effects; (d) separate maturational and external influences; or (e) establish the effects of an intervention. Longitudinal research studies, that is, investigations conducted over time, are of growing importance in the social and the behavioral sciences and, in particular, in the field of education. Dr. Gauche likes to make fun of student comments in class. The epigenetic principle is a key component of ____ theory. Longitudinal studies are a type of correlational research in which researchers observe and collect data on a number of variables without trying to influence those variables. Kelly is doing research on the effect of birth order on personality. Human development research plays a role in establishing laws and regulations. With mostly poor soil, why does plant growth remain strong throughout most of Southeast Asia? C) It is expensive to keep collecting data on a large number of participants. b. normative age-graded Michael studies developmental differences in extroversion by testing 9-, 19-, 39-, and 59-year-old subjects all at the same time. Think of a cross-sectional study as a snapshot of a particular group of people at a given point in time. You decide to study how a particular weight-training program affects athletic performance. What type of theorist would most likely describe human cognitive development using the analogy of "mental software"? Lisa is getting ready to apply for graduate school. a. longitudinal b. cross-sectional c. sequential d. microgenetic, 113. True b. In most of Southeast Asia, the soil is poor. Obtain John Deeres 2016 annual report either through the Investor Relations portion of their While longitudinal studies repeatedly observe the same participants over a period of time, cross-sectional studies examine different samples (or a cross-section) of the population at one point in time. Which correlation coefficient value indicates the strongest relationship? A researcher who wants to study how state welfare programs influence parenting behaviors would be primarily studying a. microsystems b. exosystems c. mesosystems d. operant conditioning, 62. Which method of measuring behavior is most effective at directly studying brain activity? False ANSWER: False. False ANSWER: 124. It is pretty similar to a cross-sectional study, although in its case, the researcher observes the variables for a longer time, sometimes lasting many years. Virtually all studies done in psychology rely on studying people representative of a larger group. 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. While they are most commonly used in medicine, economics, and epidemiology, longitudinal studies can also be found in the other social or medical sciences. Jamaal is a second-grade teacher who notices that his students behave differently from the fourth-graders during recess. Subject responses should be confidential.b. Correct Answer: Access For Free a. physiological measures b. naturalistic observation c. structured observation d. self-reports, 87. Never tell subjects if they've been deceived. The book has 4 main sections: 1) an introductory Expand The 1970 British Cohort Study, which has collected data on the lives of 17,000 Brits since their births in 1970, is one well-known example of a longitudinal study. Which force would likely explain most of the differences between their behaviors as teens? Plasticity refers to the fact that as we develop, some of our skills grow and others decline. Which problem is least associated with longitudinal research? Which method is Dr. Nuriama most likely to use for this study? a(n) ____. Prenatal as well as recurrent maternal depressive symptoms were associated with the least favorable child outcome. Approximately 70 percent of its sales are collected in the quarter in which they are made. Daisy and Rose are identical twins who were separated at birth. The argument that each psychosocial strength has its own special age period of specific importance is the cornerstone of ____ theory of development. d. sociocultural. Whose theory is best associated with a life-span perspective emphasizing research on adult development? These changes in Lisa's life are examples of a. compensation b. elective selection c. loss-based selection d. self-efficacy, 71. In a cross-sectional study you collect data from a population at a specific point in time; in a longitudinal study you repeatedly collect data from the same sample over an extended period of time. Shuntelle is interested in studying the relationship between self-esteem and school grades. . Julianna is probably most interested in studying ____ influences. Dr. Simpson's students were rightfully upset when he used very accurate weight scales (assessing the poundage of each pupil) to determine their grades in a developmental psychology class. design can be viewed as the simplest form ofa prospective longitudinal study. c. extinction The universal and context-specific developmental issue concerns whether there is just one path of development or several. Yes, because he can focus on psychological factors and ignore sociocultural and biological factors. The selective optimization with compensation model is primarily associated with the ____ perspective. Studies in which the presence or absence of disease or other health-related variables are determined in each member of the study population or in a representative sample at one particular time.. The field of ____ gives us information about how the four developmental forces interact with each other. Eddie's experience best exemplifies a. multiple causation b. historical context c. plasticity d. multidirectionality, 68. a. physiological measures b. self-reports c. naturalistic observation d. sampling behavior with tasks, 86. To focus on this goal, she is resigning from her posts as editor of the campus newspaper and president of her sorority. Chapter 1 quiz Human Growth and Development, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson. This should be noted already in prenatal care. Company Filings Search under Filings.. The notion that development is best described in terms of a series of abrupt shifts in behavior best fits with the ____ approach. The fact that 45-year-old George is worried about how the election of the new U.S. president will impact his current job status is best associated with a. individual timing of life events in relation to external historical events b. the synchronization of individual transitions with collective familial ones c. the impact of earlier life events on current conditions d. history determining the outcome of life, a. individual timing of life events in relation to external historical events, 77. Dr. Bach is a developmental psychologist who is interested in Vygotsky's theory. 1. a. operant conditioning b. ecological theory c. Piagetian d. information-processing, 51. From an ecological perspective, Mary is best thought of as part of Shelly's. True b. At one extreme a large population may be studied over decades. Zhang is practicing a. social learning theory b. negative reinforcement c. operant conditioning d. ecological theory ANSWER, 36. Dr. Kim takes a strong nature position with regard to the origins of intellectual disabilities. Whose theory is best associated with a life-span perspective emphasizing research on adult development? PDF | On Feb 1, 2023, Henrik Larsson published How to advance the understanding of multimorbidity in neurodevelopmental disorders using longitudinal research? Longitudinal studies also allow repeated observations of the same individual over time. Harvey is interested in doing a study to determine whether a relationship exists between participating in college athletics and self-efficacy for academic work. Setting Primary care units in mid-Sweden. This study aimed to estimate short-term mortality and analyze risk factors that affect the prognosis of bedridden patients. e. Estimate Peter's short-term borrowing requirements for the quarter. Longitudinal studies are a method of observational research. Zhang is attempting to alter the behavior of his son by controlling the consequences of his son's actions. The same subjects are used for the research, which means the study can sometimes last for months, if not years. After completing their study, researchers send a copy of their findings to a scientific journal in hopes of having it published. Which statement is not consistent with ethical research? A cross-sectional study is a type of observational research that analyzes data of variables collected at one given point in time across a sample population or a pre-defined subset. They can range from as short as a few weeks to as long as several decades. While they are most commonly used in medicine, economics, and epidemiology, longitudinal studies can also be found in the other social or medical sciences. psychological c. life-cycle d. sociocultural, 54. Who would have the least amount of interest in children's thinking? Question: What is one problem with longitudinal research? Jamaal 's ideas would best be described as Example: Individual differences. Which single set of factors best explains the different responses of Fernando and Jorge to the move? This reflects which step of the research process? A cross-sectional study is conducted over a specified period of time. Qualitative research differs from quantitative research because it a. is conducted in the laboratory b. seeks to gain an understanding of what governs behavior c. is non-correlational d. relies heavily on statistical analysis, b. seeks to gain an understanding of what governs behavior, 107. 18. Smita studies two different cohorts over a 50-year period, testing each subject every five years. a. psychological a. longitudinal b. cross-sectional c. sequential d. experimental, 114. False, 137. Exploratory research is flexible and can address research questions of all types (what, why, how). Which term does not belong in this group? Which of the following is one of the problems associated with survey research? Longitudinal Study | Definition, Approaches & Examples. Benoit is interested in studying the effects of various biological forces on human development. This means that the focus they use can be shifted while researchers are collecting data. This is partially because his method of assessment lacked a. a sufficient sample size b. reliability - d. the ability to identify practice effects, 88. Claire, who thinks that to understand adults you must consider prior development, n an experiment, the dependent variable is the behavior that is being. The influence of ethnic factors on your behavior would be considered a sociocultural force. Dr. Arantes uses a biopsychosocial framework for understanding human development. False ANSWER: 127. True b. a. the life-span perspective b. the epigenetic principle c. universal development d. operant conditioning, 32. Design is a useful approach for gaining background information on a particular topic. Harold's complaint deals most directly with the questionable ____of the test. a. an information-processing theorist b. a Skinnerian theorist c. a Vygotskian theorist d. a Piagetian theorist, 55. True b. False ANSWER: 140. In a longitudinal study, researchers repeatedly examine the same individuals to detect any changes that might occur over a period of time. Tina is given a huge salary increase and is now able to get things for her children that they have always needed and move into a nicer home. b. Michael is performing a(n) ____study. D) It is difficult to recruit participants. B)Participants may improve on the tests by taking them multiple times. A)It is difficult to generalise results to the larger population. Benoit is interested in studying the effects of various biological forces on human development. Peer attachment as a . The fact that George is worried about how the recession will impact his current job status is best associated with: individual timing of life events in relation to external historical events Police shootings have dramatically influenced race relations in the early 21st century. Few studies have sought student perceptions of school suspension, as well as measures of problem behaviours and emotional problems, and known factors that influence the development of antisocial behaviour, to examine associations between these variables. This means any changes in the outcome variable cannot be attributed to differences between individuals. Because of this structure, it is possible for a longitudinal study to last for several years or even several decades. a. the psychology test b. the participants in your study c. vaping nicotine d. It depends on where the study is conducted. Nature and nurture both play important roles in human development. a. Psychodynamic theories place the least emphasis on the ____ portion of the biopsychosocial framework. a. structured observation b. correlational c. self-report d. naturalistic observation, 79. evolutionary. We examined theory-informed predictors of young-adult BPD (a) diagnosis and (b) dimensional . Viviana notices that children seem to mature socially much faster in Costa Rica than in the Canada. This sort of relationship would best be characterized as a. a negative correlation b. no relationship c. positive correlation d. cause and effect, 97. a. social learning theory b. operant conditioning c. cognitive-developmental theory d. psychosocial theory, 44. Who would most likely explain a child's maladaptive behavior by saying, "They probably saw some TV character do that"? Each of his participants has been assessed every five years since 1970. In the present study, we aim to investigate the extent to which . 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Different responses of Fernando and Jorge to the life-span perspective b. the participants in your study vaping... Be influenced by cohort effects provide a snapshot of a group or society at few! Harold 's complaint deals most directly with the environment multiple risk domains a. Psychodynamic theories place the least of. Estimate Peter 's short-term borrowing requirements for the first time is flexible and address... Kim takes a strong nature position with regard to the larger population would best be described as example individual...