Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Pleading Your Case in The Court of Heaven - The Father's Business. Prayer doesn't work; Jesus works on our behalf. Are You Pursuing Your Destiny and Calling in God? Without the books being opened you dont know what the purpose for anyone or anything is. God will judge and pass the judgement accordingly.. Omniscient God understands that Job was why Satan came up to heaven to start this court case. I called those who had wronged me! "availability": "", I completely surrender to Him and bring myself under the government of the Holy Spirit. How do we do this? 9:5-6, Ps. I imagine the angels as sheriffs going to the enemy and serving them with these orders. The trial court found that the couple failed to prove specific agreements to take an interest in the system by deed or to receive an easement over the mother's property. Quote God's promises reverently back to him. Ps 23:3. The other party accepted the new amount that was requested and I ended up with double than what they were initially offering! Provide yourself with a fresh understanding of Paul's message via Eugene Peterson's translation. The voice of finance Our giving of finances has great weight and authority when they come into agreement with Heavens desire and intent, this teaching is grear help for me and i wish to how i can Apostle Robert Henderson for further help i have for years since 1979 without knowing how to approach God. Thank you! Plead Gods attributes. It is a trick question, because the first two are one and the same. I have petitioned the highest judge now to settle these matters and advocate for me. 3. 2. Plead the Word and promises of God. Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus. For Later. 0% (1) 0% found this document useful (1 vote) 408 views 3 pages. If I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith. Once the courts of Heaven are seated, then the ***** There sure is a lot of courtroom language used in those Scriptures. 6. He strongly cried out to God for Him to contend with those who contended with him (Ps 35:1). I needed this. When we approach God as Judge we approach for his purposes in the Earth. . Matthew 5:25 says, "When you are on the way to court with your adversary, settle your differences quickly. You know every detail of my life and the numbers of the hairs on my head. Because Abraham was his friend and knew His heart. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. But we need not fear him; we have the spiritual armor of God that protects us from his attacks (Ephesians 6) and as you find later, we will not be alone once we enter the courts of heaven. Thank You that I am seated with Jesus in heavenly places, and that Your ear is open to my cry right now. The good shepherd . Clothed with filthy garments. But he benefited from His , He shared his good and or anything at all:The lawyer who handled my divorce case He neglected me and do my case in the favour of my ex- husband whos His friend apparently. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. By signing up with iDisciple, you will be able to enjoy such perks as: Get the iDisciple Verse of the Day sent directly to your inbox. When you come before the courts of heaven, you are coming into agreement with God that: Still uncertain if this court is for you? Psa 43:1 Judge me, O God, and . The Holy Spirit is alongside us as Friend of the court. Agree with your adversaries quickly and repent Intercession means to present a case in council or to plead the terms of the covenant (Ps. Ask Jesus to cover your sins with His Blood. This is why obeying Gods laws and living in righteousness are essential. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an advocate. We use cookies to improve this website. God had been directing me to scripture that talks about God defeating enemies, and that I only need to stay silent, just as I did before. Zech 3:1-4. Call for your witnesses to show up and speak in behalf of you! But did you know that there is another realm where justice can be found? Plead the blood of Jesus sprinkled on the mercy seat. During the status hearing Thursday, Judge R. Lee Smith set a tentative sentencing date for Fucci for the week of March 21. How do we approach God? "@context": "", However, years ago, I did learn about the principle of legal prayer from reading the book Power, Passion, and Prayer by Charles Finney. Jesus silence the lies of my oppressor I need peace Jesus I hope in Court of Heaven, Court of Heaven Give me Victory and Vindication with my name on it in the name of Jesus Amen. The case is stacked in our favor. Ps. The courts of heaven are where you can partner with God to see His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We must also confess our sins to God and agree with Him that they are wrong. He laid out his points clearly and concisely, repeating them as necessary in order to push his audience toward salvation and holiness. Not even when His disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. "bestRating": "5", David pressed God to fulfill His promises. A Brilliant Design. (Daniel 7:10). David pressed God to fulfill His promises (Chron. Alec Baldwin pleaded not guilty Thursday in the shooting death of "Rust" cinematographer Halyna Hutchins , and waived an anticipated virtual appearance Friday before a New Mexico judge. Jamie, you know the perfect message for my life, my brother, we both suffer from anxiety, he got into some trouble 2019 a court appointed lawyer, about to take a plea, I prayed for the Holy Spirit to give him wisdom and knowledge, surely God, the Holy Spirit sent him in a different direction, he hired a lawyer, he felt the other had convicted him before the case was even heard, my brother has drawn close to our Abba Father, he knows he is the way maker, the deal maker, the Judge, the Prosecuter the Lord of Lords and King of Kings, I give God all the Glory for this intervention, this prayer is right on time! Thicken her hedge of protection. Plead the sorrows and needs of the people. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thank you God Bless you Jamie. Published: 2/22/2023 12:41:37 PM. Believers, you have a right to declare and plead the blood of Jesus because it saved you and purchased you. Learn how your comment data is processed. falling in love with God, as Boas subtitle for the facet explains. Jamie, Jamie i thanked God first for this prayer and secondly to you.for this is relevant to my present situation right now. The Cross of Christ is our verdict but there are times we need to enforce this by entering into the justice system of God. In the Court of Heaven justice is determined, mercy is found and the wrath of God is poured out and Satan . I feel that a grave injustice was served and didnt know where to turn. When you go before heavens courts, you declare your faith and trust in God. Lord Jesus Christ, I summon You as my Advocate to help me plead my case before the Righteous Judge for a divine restraining order against any and all forms of premature death. He guides me in paths of righteousness for His names sake. 9:5,12). Many Old Testament writers used the format of pleading with God as if arguing a case in a court of law. He was sure that God would enter his contention with his enemy Saul and decide between them, vindicating him (1 Sam. Even if you arent actually in a trial, if youre embroiled in any nasty, ongoing issue, like: Then you can ask God to rise up and make judgment, cutting off the controversy and the trial and deciding your case with finality. Far be it from you to do such a thing, shall not the Judge of all the Earth do right? I have suffered and they are doing Unjust I ask Jesus God the father son and Holy Spirit for Justice. Im praying for complete healing of my back and also the stimulus money due me from last year also. Did they sincerely receive my call? Uploaded by Maritza Sierra. I will never know; all I knew was that I was making the right choice for me and my destiny. OPINION At issue in this case is whether the trial court violated the Due Process Clause or Article 28.01, Section 1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure when it held a pre-trial . Amen? This may be, the blood of Jesus, your angels, cloud of witnesses, seven spirits of God etc. When you and I plead to God in prayer, we approach the courts of heaven and come prepared to defend our petitions for God to act out his will in a certain way. Its actually pretty simple. He entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained eternal redemption (Heb 9:5,12). 23:3. Praying is talking to God and asking Him to intervene in your situation. Its a very popular chapter quoted in terms of spiritual warfare. December 2, 2008 by Georgy. We have no merit of our own. As a thank you for signing up for a free iDisciple account, enjoy this downloadable e-book. Plead God's relationships to you. Let me explainthere is a spiritual war. Spurgeon called the blood of Jesus the master key "that unlocks the treasury of heaven." If you were wrong, you should repent and make things right with God and with people. In this post, we will explore the courts of heaven and how they operate. I want to recommend reading the books or applicable material by Robert Henderson, Dutch Sheets, and Francis Myles. Agree with the accusations quickly Court of the Ancient of Days (Supreme Court) The highest court in Heaven is the Ancient of Days court. He is the High Priest and the Priesthood was about getting things into place so that God with not have to destroy. Thank you for writing in response to my website. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). Call for the counterparty to show up "mpn": "Courtroom01", God bless you. God invites His people to do that. Plead God's relationships to you. Learn how your comment data is processed. Intimacy With God Psalm 25:14; Genesis 3:18. We hope it is a blessing to you! Our destiny is not for our happiness, its so that Gods will is done on Earth. Change). You will start receiving theiDisciple Verse of the Dayto your inbox tomorrow morning. It just rips me back open. Preparing to enter in Beholding Your beauty Is all that I long for To worship You Jesus Is my sole desire For this. The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). But if you must stand trial, it's good to know that somebody is there to plead your case. In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. 1. To do so, we must first have a revelation that God is the Judge and we have a rightful position to present our case through our advocate and lawyer, Jesus . Prayer Secret #4 Stating Your Case Before God. When you come into agreement with what God has decreed in the courts of heaven, you are coming under the covering and protection of God. After living a "decent" life my time on earth came to an end. Seek ye FIRST the kingdom of heaven then all your needs will get met. This is perhaps the most powerful plea of all. I only do what I see the Father do. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? Tim Keller discusses the significance of the women and men who saw Jesus die, buried, and resurrected. Aligning with God's plan and purposes. things before Heaven's court. 2023 The Father's Business. Did you pray this prayer with me today? Hopefully to heal. Freely you have received; freely give. Once you know the purpose you hold God to it. Thank you God bless you sister in Christ . Thank You ABBA Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit for hearing and answering my prayers! The accuser in Heaven, the enemy, will try to stop you to be bold and pleading your case. "brand": "Courtroom", If you have been estranged from a loved one, the court of heaven can bring you back together. You see (insert your circumstances here). Immediately after that, God blessed me with receiving the dream job I was praying for. For more info see our Privacy and Cookies policy. This stirred something in my Spirit to be able to research and get my own revelation. 97:2, Isa. (like front to back). This is where you do all the pre-work or paperwork. You prepare yourself for what is ahead. Ps 23:3. I needed this prayer so desperately. Ten is the smallest number that constituted a government. You are to put together an airtight case based on the specific scriptures and to keep pleading that case in the court of heaven until your adversary, the devil, gives up and goes home. 23:3. Thats where the purpose for your life (Psalm 49:16) is written. My husband has accused me of certain things .some true and some false. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. Ps 85:1-7. Our prayer experience counts for nothing. You call me the apple of your eyes. Plead is a legal word, meaning to make a plea in a legal action, to put forward a legal declaration, or to address a court as an advocate. In prayer, we can make petitions, and plead our case before Elohim, the Righteous Judge of Heaven, with Yeshua as . Thank You for using her mightily in your Kingdom. We plead His finished work on the cross in our behalf in accordance with Gods will and His glory. Word becomes legal evidence that basically obligates God to give us whatever we are asking for. 103:8); Righteousness (Ps. }, You are agreeing with God that life is found in Him and that His will is good. 64:8, Rom. 25:6, 4:1, 27:7, 30:10); and Lovingkindness (Ps. In the Bible, we see that God is a righteous judge (Psalm 96:13 & Psalm 7:11) and that Jesus is our advocate (1 John 2:1). Any insight/discernment is greatly appreciated. In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. This is where Gods forgiveness and mercy are extended to all, and He can heal even the deepest wounds. We fall to our knees before Him on behalf of our loved ones. 89:14, 143:1, Deut. You formed my inward parts and covered me in my mother's womb. Isaiah: 43. If so, todays sample prayer for judgment from the courts of Heaven is for you. Our Father is our Judge. You just need to know that the courts of heaven work Just like an earthly court (but courts of heaven are far much superior). Appellant said that he understood and wanted to plead guilty. well, almost. 119:41, Isa. Intercession means to present a case in council or to plead the terms of the covenant (Ps. Rather, lies were told against me and my lawyer was very weak. It is an, A few years ago my wife and I left the cozy comfort of our Midwestern life to partner in gospel, Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his book, Psalms: The Prayer Book Of The Bible, arranges the psalms into various division, including the. He is your Creator Ps 119:73; Helper Ps 40:17; Redeemer Isa 63:16; and Father Isa 64:8, Rom 8:15. When you go to the courts of heaven, you are aligning with God's plan and purposes for your life. Heres a sample prayer for judgment from the courts of Heaven: Abba Father, thank You for allowing me to come boldly before Your throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. 8. Thank You for sacrificing Your Son Jesus, who died for me, Prayers and Prophecies for Financial Increase! Wouldnt you want your case to be decided quickly and fairly, so you can move on with your life? Just trusting the Lord and keeping the faith! He is the Judge of the Earth and He issues judgments based on the arguments set forth in the Court of Heaven. That means you need to know how you can access the court. Do this by speaking life over your situation and believing God will bring it to pass. Thus the subtitle of the original "courts of heaven" book: Operating in the Courts of Heaven: Granting God the Legal Rights to Fulfill His Passion. If so, leave a comment below! 64:8, Rom. Thankyou Jamie i have been persecuted and judged and ridiculed in this house for so long I needed this prayer I know now that God is answering my prayers as there is a shift in the behaviour towards me God is closing the mouths of those who have made my life hell for years thankyou Jesus, I am blessed and highly favoured, Your email address will not be published. We also await the physical manifestation of the verdict. Heavenly Father, the Judge of heaven and earth, I call you my Abba, Father. (See Deuteronomy 12:3) We must renounce any agreement we have made with the enemy. You can ask God to give you wisdom and understanding as you present your case. Also, live a holy life We must live according to Gods standards, not the world. Our standing in the court of heaven is by the blood of Jesus. We strongly encourage you to read and/or watch some or all of the many books . The blood of Jesus is powerful, it covers all, and it resurrects things that are dead. However, I will be doing this in a very easy beginner-friendly way! Experience. Because of what Jesus has done for us, we can boldly approach the throne of grace and present our case before Him. "image": "", As Eugene Peterson has noted, Jeremiah is used by God to call the people of Israel to repentance. Can you imagine presenting your case before the bench of the Ancient of Days, the Lord of hosts? Feel free to use it and share it with others! If you are in need of financial assistance, the court of heaven can provide it. It was not an angel. 63:16; and Father Isa. Hagin, Kenneth E. Plead Your Case (Kindle Locations 113-118). He was sure that God would enter his contention with his enemy Saul and decide between them, vindicating him (1 Sam. Job said that he would lay his cause before God (Job 5:8, 23:4-5). Thank You that Your Word does not return to You void, and that You are not a man that You should lie. In the same way, you can ask God to intervene in any situationand you can call on Him to rise up and decide the case NOW on your behalf. One of the overriding themes throughout scripture is praising God regardless of our circumstances. This was my experience today. 5:1). In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. Ps. If youre caught up in any unjust situation. On that five million dollar lawsuit. Therefore, when we present Gods Word back to Him in prayer, that Word becomes legal evidence that basically obligates God to give us whatever we are asking for. We also see that the devil is the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10) and that there is spiritual law and jurisdiction. May God bless you so much. Thank you for this prayer and all the prayers this is the best site I have ever seen I been looking for many years decades. This content provider does not have additional content available right now. He is your Creator Ps. ISAIAH 55:9-11 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. Get off the Battlefield: As Robert Henderson shares in his book: The first thing we must do to step into the courts of heaven is to get off the battlefield. How do we do this? Justice Gen. 18:25, Neh. 89:34); Mercy (Deut. This sounds somewhat intimidating, but we need to know that when we go before the courts of heaven, we are not alone. Father, I need Your help; and I am here to reason with You, for You said, Come, let us reason together. I am here to present my evidence to You, O Lord, about this situation I am going through; and I am asking You to hear my case as not only the One True God but also as the Great Judge, and I am asking You to decide my case with finality today. If someone has been gossiping about you and slandering you for a long period of time; If youre caught up in a legal case that seems like it is going on and on; That You would make a declaratory judgment and state for all the earth to hear who is right in this case and who is wrong. Justice (Gen. 18:25, Neh. Job said that he would lay his cause before God (Job 5:8, 23:4-5). Thank you Jamie Love and all that God has for you be yours in Jesus name Love You Jayne. Make me passionate for your purposes. So, you know what I did? }. The first thing I remember is sitting on a bench in the waiting room of what I thought to be a courthouse. "aggregateRating": { When we repent of our sin and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, He pays the price for our salvation by His shed blood on the cross. Heres a short guided prayer for accessing the Court of Accusation. Read Psalm 119:153-160 Nobody enjoys going to court. The Holy Spirit pleads God's cause with us (John 16:15). FATHER, I COME TO THE COURT OF HEAVEN IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. We have spiritual authority because we are children of God and joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). Trending post: Prophetic Word for March 2023. How can we lose? The case is stacked in our favor. *With every step, be aware of the guidance of the Holy Spirit and what He puts on your heart. I pray this prayer this morning and will return when my case is settled because though the judge has ruled, Jesus has the final say, Dorit, Im so sorry. Lam 5:1. All Rights Reserved. It's not only informative and entertaining, but it also has the potential to help you land your first few clients as a Pleading Your Case In The Court Of Heaven expert. Prayer doesn't work; Jesus works on our behalf. This act wipes away our sins and gives us a clean slate before God. He was an attorney before he became a Holy Ghost-filled preacher. We back up our prayers with Scripture; after all, God asks us to plead with hm in Isaiah chapter 1 where . Just as we go to earthly courts to have our cases heard, we can also go to the courts of heaven. 40:17; Redeemer Isa. The verdict is rigged. I would have the ability to lay down my life to lose my life for your purposes that I might find my life. "@type": "Product", John 5:19. They are in heaven waging a relentless courtroom battle for our souls. And Abraham in Genesis. Pleading our case and detailing our arguments pleases God, helps us understand the need more completely, moves our compassion, strengthens our determination, and stirs up our holy hunger to see God move. Praise his holy name! So thats exactly what we are doing. One in particular is a horribly fraudulent and frivolous case against me, and I am so amazed that the people harassing me have suddenly decided to drop the case! Receive the fire of the judgment by faith on your spirit, soul, body, the situation(s), relationships connected with the case etc. I said the prayer, I felt it too, I felt it with much power today, I even felt a satisfactory wave and feeling go through me straight afterward. Everyone knows about Ephesians 6. The Puritans were prone to give five methods for fighting our natural tendency to lapse into half-heartedprayer: Good books on preaching the Bible abound. My life is for your purpose and your purpose alone Lord. Abba Father, You see what is happening in my life. Prayers And Declarations That Open The Courts Of Heaven. With the authority we have been given, we sometimes fail to remember that to use our free will for His glory. Contend means a judicial proceeding, a lawsuit, or the litigation of a valid legal case. This prayer is a treasure, a lifesaver in the midst of a storm. Prayer Secret #2 The Will of God. Prayer Secret #1 Your Personal Relationship With God. I went through the entire beginner-friendly 12-step process that God revealed to me. 9:5-6, Ps. The Lord rebuked Satan away from Joshua not for Joshuas sake but for Jerusalems sake so that He through the intervention of Joshua had the legal right to bring blessing to Jerusalem. A Christ-Life Through Spiritual Alignment Something has gone wrong deep within me and gets the better of me every time. Thank the Father for His Grace, Mercy and Forgiveness. Smith said he doesn't plan to "drag out" the sentencing process and . 38 Awesome Short Prayers for Children to Say! So too must we build our case when we go into the CoH. In 1 John 2:1, Christ is called our Intercessory Advocate, who pleads our case with the Father. Because of his professional experience, he knew how to lay out a case and present his thoughts in a persuasive manner. Thirdly we must know Gods purpose for ourselves or the city or organisation that we are interceding for. The WAY that you present the case makes all the difference as to whether you win it or not. The courts of heaven are a place of justice, where wrongs can be righted and where we can receive help and breakthrough in our lives. REPENT and you might also want to repent as priest for your whole bloodline from your mothers and fathers side all the way to Adam. Since many christians around the world are discovering more and more about praying in the courts of God and I want my website to be a source of any stuff that might help you on your journey with God too I decided to put this online. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 140:12). The covenant of God with His people is a contract, and His protection and provision are in the terms of the contract on His part. Jesus kept nothing hidden. (Romans 12:2) You dont want the enemy to gain legal ground because of your disobedience. "description": "This is a prayer guide about praying in the court rooms", Confessions of An Unlikely Worship Leader, Dimensions of Destiny: A Study of Divine Alignment, Getting to Know the Sevenfold Holy Spirit, How to Heal from Rejection and Abandonment, Praying the Names of God: The Ultimate FREE Guide. Contend means a judicial proceeding, a lawsuit, or the litigation of a valid legal case. It is where you can receive direction from God for your life. That You would become indignant and angry against the evils that have been perpetuated against me. As a child of the light, I enforce the triumphant victory of my Lord Jesus Christ in this situation, knowing that all of heaven is backing me. 119:41, Isa. Hi Jamie, definitely resonates with me. Plead guilty to known sins. Wesley Duewel outlines seven bases of our pleading in the court of heaven. Dangerous Prayers from the Courts of Heaven . Since a courtroom is simply where a judge sits to make judgment, and the Judge of all the earth is sitting in Heaven, you can call the throne room of God the courts of Heaven., See? He is not a respecter of persons. (LogOut/ I honor Jesus as the door and enter the courtroom by faith by taking a physical step forward like stepping through the veil. The Holy Spirit witnesses concerning Jesus (John 14:16-17a,26). Plead the sorrows and needs of the people. Thank you so much for helping all of us. Amen. To a true-hearted man who lives a life of prayer, it is ever a rich consolation that his prayers do not go up to heaven . Several people have asked me how I pray in the heavenly courtroom and I decided to write it down for them. Story : In The Court With Jesus As My Lawyer. David said that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy (Ps 140:12). That we will live to see the day when the glory of the Lord covering the earth as the waters cover the seas. 23:3. In any court of law, we must have legal standing in that court. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ To access and start using your account today, go to and click login. It is not a mistake that a pleading is called, "a prayer" in court. I thank You that forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven. Pleading our case and detailing our arguments pleases God, helps us understand the need more completely, moves our compassion, strengthens our determination, and stirs up our holy hunger to see God move. So pray out of the purposes of God. NEW YORK (Reuters) -Nishad Singh, the former director of engineering at now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX, has agreed to plead guilty to U.S. fraud charges, his lawyer said in court on Tuesday, as U.S. prosecutors ramp up their investigation into members of Sam Bankman-Fried's inner circle. 1. Firstly we must know which way to approach God: Luke 11 & 18. Im Robin and its very nice to meet you. 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