Mr. Gold comes to warn them about Regina's plans of revenge on Mary Margaret. Hook tells them that Ariel has reunited with Eric on Hangman's Island in the Enchanted Forest, which they see first-hand when Emma projects an mirror image of the happy lovers in the same location. After stopping Isaac from leaving town, he and Mary Margaret learn he set them up in the past to hurt Lily because he hated the heroes that they reminded of in his own life who have pushed him around. Revealing little, except that she is on a "secret mission", Joan asks permission to stay on his farm for the night. Eventually, they devise a plan to test Arthur, by giving him a chance to steal a fake dagger. Once the spell is complete, Emma and Regina attempt to magick the elevator open, so they can gain access to Hades' lair, but the door reveals a brick wall instead. ("I'll Be Your Mirror"), While Snow is cursed and asleep, David joins Emma, Regina and Hook to track down the Queen and kill her using the sword from Emma's vision. The daughter of Regina Mills or The Evil Queen. As they all leave the station together, Belle runs up, reporting that Mr. Gold is missing. Once Happy and Leroy report two more dwarves missing, Emma decides to conduct an investigation. Emma argues with Regina about her training tactics, and as things get heated, she accidentally channels her anger; lighting flame on the wood. To learn more about Nimue, who can defeat the Dark One, Mr. Gold advises the group to research The Dark One Chronicles. Fanfiction su David Nolan/Principe Azzurro, Emma Swan, Mary Margaret Blanchard/Biancaneve, Regina Mills, Ruby/Cappuccetto Rosso. Snow planed on going into the wardrobe with her daughter, but sNOW unexpectedly gives birth to Emma before the curse hits leaving Emma to be left alone and Snow is trapped in Storybrooke as Mary Margaret Blanchard. Despite the fact David is married, both of them start a relationship. ("Snow Drifts", "There's No Place Like Home"), A few days after, the engagement party is held, but Prince Charming retreats into his room in a restless and brooding mood. ("Sympathy for the De Vil"), When Emma discovers Mr. Gold's manipulations, she considers going after him, as her parents and Hook try to talk her out of it. ("Pilot"), Following this, Snow White belligerently storms out into another room and expresses anger at how the Queen just ruined their wedding. From the man's body, David finds a key to free Snow, but she insists that he cannot see her face because her enemies will target him. Regina and Zelena pull out the couple's darkened hearts and put them in the potion to drain the darkness before returning the hearts, however, it doesn't work because of a fail-safe the Queen cast to ensure the curse remained unbroken and they have to break it soon or Snow and David will both be asleep forever. He advises she shouldn't give up on herself. David and the heroes investigate the clock tower, where they learn the tremor resulted from Mr. Gold tethering Storybrooke's magic into a piece of the Olympian Crystal. When James gets too close, David moves to defend himself, but his brother tasers him into unconsciousness. She lets Regina become the Mayor again. The catch is Emma must "stop denying who she really is" and only then will the map unlock for her. David is grazed by one of the Lost Boys' Dreamshade-coated arrows, but after the battle, reassures Mary Margaret that he is fine. ("Lady of the Lake"), A few days later, David has assumed the role of temporary sheriff since Emma's absence. He argues that some battles can't be won, and the most important thing for himself and his mother is survival. Hook, atoning for his thievery, decides against using the last bean for his selfish purposes, and allows Emma and her parents aboard to pursue Henry's captors. Parents Regina teaches Emma how to use and control her magic so that she and Regina's magic together might be able to defeat Zelena. After catching up with the assailant, he wrestles the bandit to the ground and flips him over; only to find out he is actually a she. After tossing the coin into the dock, David apologizes for compromising Hook's integerity, and even thinks he won't be able to pay him back for persuading him out of vengeance. They spot Regina walking down the hall with the security guard, Walter, who has just told her about David's disappearance. Maleficent then questions if it's enough, especially since they turned Lily into a monster, and she may not forgive them because of it. Unable to hold back their feelings, David and Mary Margaret passionately kiss. ("Operation Mongoose Part 1"), Once Henry becomes the next Author and reverses Isaac's stories, David finds herself in the loft again, with everything as it was before. Won over by his words, the townspeople return home, as David tries to rescue Henry from Regina, who surprisingly, doesn't put up a fight. Without a proper escape plan, Tinker Bell decides it's not worth the risk, and she goes back to her tree house. He begins leading her out of the cemetery to rejoin Emma and the others in the woods, but then, Mary Margaret stops after seeing the grave of her childhood friend Hercules. Prince Charming doesn't believe this, but investigates the matter after hearing Snow White recently went to Rumplestiltskin's palace. Rumplestiltskin swears that the curse, though it has rendered Snow White cold and heartless, can be undone with true love's kiss. Emma convinces Mary Margaret to go return to Storybrooke after stating they have become family. Joan, believing David must defend himself against this tyrant, teaches him how to sword fight. Pets: On the couple's way home, the pair helps a peddler free his wagon. When David sticks to his opinion about Arthur, Mary Margaret accuses him of being starstruck over a king, or that he's siding with Arthur to boost his own ego. Receiving gets news from Red Riding Hood that King George has hired a powerful hit-man, Prince Charming offers to stay behind and hastens Snow White to run away to his mother's cabin. Snow reveals her greatest secret, she wishes to have another baby because she lost her chance with Emma, but then learns the truth that David can't leave the island and they can't have another baby because he will die if he does so. After going out on her own, Snow was very desperate in leaving the Enchanted Forest, but remained kind and courteous, even helping heal an injured woman (without knowing that this woman was Regina.). At the docks, David finds Emma, asking about her reluctance to give Neal a chance, though she is preoccupied about Henry, who is not acting like himself. ("Siege Perilous"), After becoming a Knight of the Round Table, David is called in by Arthur, who reveals Excalibur is missing its tip, the Dark One's dagger, and he requires his help to find it, in the hopes of purging the darkness for good. From hacking into the phone, he looks to be a normal person. Then, Snow White declares she won't go down without a fight; forcing the Queen to retreat. The trolls suspiciously search through Prince Charming's things and see the wanted poster. David rushes at Hyde, who throws him backwards several feet before taking off. When Mary Margaret is hesitant to agree, he jokes that "it'll be like old timesa prince and a princess on an adventure but without the Evil Queen". They go to his pawnshop where Emma uses a dream catcher to see into the memories of Archie's dog Pongo; witnessing an image of Regina choking Archie to death. #EvilCharming, Regina finds out that she isnt the only one with a jealous streak, EC WEEK 2021 DAY 3 - PROMPT: SEX IN PUBLIC. With the other realms disappearing because of Emma's fading belief and the subsequent loss of magic, Hook leaves on his own to fetch a magic bean. When Snow White approaches him, only then does she realize Prince Charming is now in the Queen's hands. Later, he discovers the woman is Snow White, a wanted criminal the Queen is been seeking. However, she disagrees, as fighting is so tiresome and just wants a fresh start in Storybrooke. He encounters Rumplestiltskin, who steals his ring and magically enchants it so the closer Prince Charming is to Snow White, the brighter it will shine. Not having much luck, he later enters the diner, seeing Mary Margaret at the counter, before noticing his twin brother James walking away into the back room. Not trusting the pirate, David holds onto the bean in a box. With the terms of their agreement satisfied, they both leave in opposite directions. During her trial as the prime suspect, Mary Margaret later has Mr. Gold as an attourney during their time. She doesn't have anyone to love her, to support her, and to be there for her. Ruby begins to scream in horror, believing she has once again killed an innocent person, but David trusts her and doesn't think she did it. Once the women take off in Cruella's car, Emma learns from Belle that a box is missing from the pawnshop. When Daniel hears about Dr. Whale's accident, he rushes to the hospital with the assumption Regina is to blame. ("Child of the Moon"), David is startled as Henry wakes up from his dream, stating that he met someone named Aurora, who says Emma and Mary Margaret are alive, and they need to stop Cora. Not much later, David and Emma arrive to the hospital after receiving news that Neal, who has been missing up to now, collapsed at the pawnshop. Once there, Zelena brews tea for them. Anna is told his name was Rumplestiltskin, and to everyone's shock, she knows him, although Mr. Gold claimed he had no knowledge of her or Elsa. David and Snow touch the sapling at the same time, sparking a rush of memories from all the previously shared encounters, with the last one being Snow giving money to David. The Blue Fairy stresses in more vague terms that when the time comes, the savior will learn of their story. A plan is set up to wait for Regina to bring the shield down and then mobilize the whole group into the palace. After Regina is finished making the curse, Mr. Gold puts a needle into the liquid for David to prick his finger on. To open the cave, David helps pull a vine with Hook to unseal the entrance, though the wound is weakening him. One night, the twins are very sick and their father Robert tries to buy some medicine for them. ArcherySword-fighting skills To several of the other guests' displeasure, including David, Emma invited Regina to the party. ("Welcome to Storybrooke"), One day, ten years into the curse, while David remains asleep, Mary Margaret unknowingly helps him regain his memories and awaken from his coma by bringing him a pixie flower, which has the power to reunite those who share true love. Hook, disgusted by the crocodile's actions, considers that he should have stabbed him with the cursed blade, even if it meant making himself the new Dark One. While Prince Charming is adamant that Regina is simply too dangerous and will never change, Snow White believes there is still some good left in her. Emma asks him about he can cope with being separated from Snow for so long, to which he explains his belief in knowing Snow is fighting as hard for him as he is for her. Though it is dangerous, he is positive that she will eventually wake him with true love's kiss. David is unsure since Gideon is a threat to Emma, but decides to let Belle have her chance when they find him and if it doesn't work, they will have to use force against Gideon to stop him. ("Dreamcatcher"), With Merlin's magical help to distract the dungeon soldiers, David and Hook storm in to take out the guards by surprise. As Mary Margaret, she gives her grandson Henry a book called Once upon a Time to give him faith. Regina reveals Mr. Gold is in league with Zelena, who has been pretending to be Marian this whole time. Henry suffers physical pains as a side effect of repeatedly returning to the Netherworld, so David volunteers to be put under a Sleeping Curse to find Mary Margaret. Unable to shake a foreboding fear, he attempts to calm himself by drinking. Honoring her wish, Snow White asks Lancelot to perform a marriage ceremony. Afterwards, David goes with Robin and Regina to comb the woods to ensure the villains are gone, before returning to the diner. Status Henry kept a tight hold on her other hand as she stood slowly. Backstory episodes However, Zelena's attempt to close the portal goes awry, with she, Snow, David, and Hook being pulled into another realm. Afterwards, he heads to the bar where Mary Margaret is spending a girls' night out with Ruby and Ashley. However, much to their relief, members of the cursed group soon awaken one by one. David, unhappy that Snow can't be with her son, considers that neither of them should be in the Underworld. As the Apprentice enacts the spell on the egg, he reveals that infusing darkness in it puts this land at risk, so it must go to another world. As Emma goes to break the news about Neal to Henry, David and Mary Margaret do the same for Mr. Gold. Gender: Henry shows Emma an apartment listing so they can live in Storybrooke permanently. Finding out that was pregnant had scared the living daylights out of Regina. ("Operation Mongoose Part 2"), After Emma is gone, David and the others learn from the Apprentice that she is in the Enchanted Forest, and to cross realms, someone with both light and dark essence must wield his wand. ("The Bear and the Bow"), With Robin and Hook on guard outside, David enters Arthur's tent to confront him about sabotaging the plan and questions him on Nimue's identity. Up ahead, the ridge allows them to get a view of the island, but too much has changed since Hook was last in Neverland and he can't tell the difference between anything. Realizing they have made a grave mistake, the horrified couple watch as a portal opens while the egg begins hatching, revealing a baby's hand reaching out from inside the shell. Unable to open the door, Mr. Gold works his magic to unseal it. Emma heals Robin with her Dark One powers, but when she realizes the magic is making her skin turn scaly, she kisses Hook, hoping it will help. David is present in the graveyard as Emma tries to talk to Hook about where he is, but he is unable to respond and disappears shortly afterwards. As Hook recalls, before he split from their group, everyone else was headed to the Queen's old palace. They find James and Cruella at the docks preparing to send Emma and Robin into the River of Lost Souls, but David intervenes by punching James, knocking him away. The Apprentice can help, but as with all magic, it has a price. On the journey there, guards posted at a bridge refuse to let Maleficent and her companions cross. As she walks up to them, Snow White shows no fear and unsheathes Prince Charming's sword as a threat. Tired of playing games, Regina snatches the map and casts a locator spell on it, which leads them straight to Pan, who then sends the Lost Boys to engage them in combat. They have a brief reunion just as King George's men capture Prince Charming, though she promises to rescue him. She makes a deal to gain information about the Evil Queen's revenge, which Rumplestiltskin extracts from using foresight. They then sail there after opening a portal with the bean. However, when this tactic yields nothing, David decides Mr. Gold actually remembers nothing. The Queen retaliates by flinging David, but he surprises her when he grabs the lamp. She also reawakens David from his powerful sleeping curse. Later, he learns out she is a wanted murder, Snow White, and he catches her in a trap where she spitefully dubs him "Prince Charming". The trio want Regina to steal something for their mission, and although she wants to handle it alone, Emma insists on being nearby if something goes wrong. As he and Mary Margaret discuss their dark secret involving. After having the head of his ax cut off by Gabriel, David dodges an attack, causing Gabriel's weapon to make a hole in the cart instead. One reason for his belief in her innocence is David's regrets over not trusting Mary Margaret when she was accused of murder. In an impromptu speech, David reminds them that it might be easier to forget every memory they have, but together, they can accept that both their Storybrooke and Enchanted Forest selves are part of them. Dirty-blond Before the pair set out to retrieve it, David says goodbye to Emma and Mary Margaret. Season(s) Arthur wonders why they are so eager to free Merlin, to which David talks about their land being threatened by the Dark One, who Merlin can defeat. Learning from him that Regina will be robbing from a royal carriage later in the day, Snow White surprises her. The next morning, Charming comes into the royal bedroom singing in verse, slightly caught off guard about his words coming out in a melody, before noting that he actually sounds good. With Regina, Snow, Henry, and Jasmine, David begins working on a locator spell to track Aladdin, however, they have nothing belonging to Aladdin to use for the spell. In the midst of getting ready for the ball, David tucks baby Neal into a crib, while Mary Margaret instructs Doc on what to do if Neal gets fussy. She later encounters Emma Swan, their daughter who tries to snap them out of the alternate reality, but Snow tricks the duo and has Hook killed by David before Emma and Henry vanish as well as the Evil Queen. ("Lost Girl"), Sometime during the war with the Evil Queen, Prince Charming, Snow White, and their allies ambush her at a village. Without answering David's question, Arthur attempts to escape into the woods, but he is eventually apprehended and imprisoned in the sheriff's station. Suddenly, he recalls memories of his life with Kathryn prior to the coma. After the fight, he arrives at the cabin shortly before King George's army arrive to capture him. ("The Dark Swan"), The portal takes the diner to the Enchanted Forest, where David and his allies stop Emma from crushing Merida's heart, before they are approached by King Arthur and his knights, who believe they are prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. However, David sneaks away from camp to examine his festering Dreamshade wound. Before they can whisk August away, Ursula refuses to let them leave, as August is the only way to find the Author and restore her happiness, until she unexpectedly regains her lost singing voice from her father and decides to go home with him. When David comes back, Snow tells him about how troubled she feels since their battles never seem to end. Afterwards, at the diner, Zelena makes a surprise appearance to threaten those who get in her way will be killed by the Dark One. Will David be able to get the queen to bed while the kids were around? On their way to the cabin, Emma sympathizes with Hook's earlier sentiments about killing Mr. Gold as payback. Inside, the cell's occupant is gone, but a spinning wheel with strands of spun gold litter the floor; evident proof that Mr. Gold is alive. However, he believes Henry will feel better in time, and that Emma shouldn't give up on him. Later that night, a celebration is thrown at Granny's in honor of Emma and Mary Margaret's return. The father-daughter duo rush home, breaking open the bathroom where Zelena is supposedly hiding, but she is already gone. Emma picks up a voice message from Hook, which leads them to the Snow Queen, who is preparing to drop icicles on the pirate. Snow befriends Red and helps her escape from the men hunting for her and Ruby choses her friend over her kind. Snow tells him about surviving on her own, and upon learning David is selling his farm, she offers to give him her money as thanks for him saving her. He later learns, from one of Henry's recorded stories, that Snow made it home to their son. ("Fruit of the Poisonous Tree"), On Valentine's Day, he buys two different Valentine's Day cards; one for Kathryn and the other for Mary Margaret. Charming corners her at swordpoint, but only then, the Queen delivers an ominous refrain, revealing they've fallen into her trap and their power will end once the spell is broken, before she opens a green box to absorb their musical voices. Although Hook once escaped Neverland, it was possible through a one-time deal with Pan, but the pirate recalls Neal managed to flee on his own. From her, the group learn Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author and want to rewrite their stories so the villains win and the heroes lose. This universe's version was killed by Regina Mills from the original universe when she crushes their hearts. As thanks for reuniting them, Abigail and Frederick give him a horse. She senses something wrong, and he admits worrying about not seeing her as often now that she and Hook are living together, but she assures him this won't change anything. David Nolan also takes the place of Hamlet from The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. David attempts to pull out his sword to defend his wife and child, but he is frozen while Zelena steals the baby for a time spell. In the aftermath, they find Henry missing, and later witness Greg and Tamara taking him into a portal. When Killian comes back from the underworld Regina gets pushed over the edge. Unexpectedly, Regina intercepts the battle, saving Marian's life, by obliterating the being. ("Devil's Due"), While David helps to look for the storybook, which contains information about Hades' weakness, Henry reveals it is in the Sorcerer's mansion, but they need a key that James has. They question him about the Wicked Witch's identity, but he is unable to tell them. She, like him, sought out the night root to conquer her fear, but it hasn't worked. She also believes Emma will use her abilities wisely. Upset about how this news will affect her people, as the bean was their only hope of returning home, Guinevere believes they must do something to raise everyone's spirits. Despite that she had fun, David concedes he had nothing to do with what happened, and Will broke out on his own. Ginnifer Goodwin as an adult and Bailee Madison portrayed a younger Snow. After realzing all the trouble, Mary Margaret breaks up with David. David later wakes up in a caged cell, along with his companions, where the warden, Hyde, accuses them of working for the Dark One. However, he agrees to go with him after Hook expresses a willingness to do whatever it takes to get back to Emma. The next morning, Snow White secretly makes off with the ring, though he catches her at the Troll Bridge. The sixth season of the American ABC fantasy-drama series Once Upon a Time was ordered on March 3, 2016. During the ceremony, Snow White drinks from chalice rumored to give eternal life while Ruth dies peacefully following the union. After tearful goodbyes with Emma, Snow and others return to the Enchanted Forest. At the news of August's reappearance, David and Henry join Emma, Marco and Mary Margaret on the way to the sheriff department to look for him. Charming explains he never doubted she is the proper ruler of the kingdom but wanted her to show the Queen the kind of courage he always knew was there. ("Dark Hollow"), While moving ahead to Pan's camp, a rustle from the jungle causes the entire group to assemble for battle, but it turns out to be only Regina and Mr. Gold. At home, he talks to Kathryn about the difficulties they've been having so far and learns she is not pregnant after all. Knocking out Cruella and Ursula, who are guarding Maleficent's den, with poppy dust, the pair then ventures in to steal the egg. After a tearful goodbye to his wife, David drinks the potion and falls into a coma before Mary Margaret also drinks it and recurses herself. Based on the prior confrontation Ruby saw Regina have with Archie, it's plausible she killed him. He later joins his family for supper at Granny's, where he and Snow take turns looking after baby Neal. They track down a pirate named Captain Hook and attempt to give him money as payment for passage on his ship to the Queen's castle. Later, David finds Hook looking through the storybook for information on Auntie Em, Dorothy's deceased aunt, who they need for waking a cursed Dorothy. ("Ruby Slippers"), Regina, after spying on Hades and Zelena's interactions, tells David and the rest of the gang about Hades putting their names on tombstones, and his plan to leave for Storybrooke with Zelena. A crushed Kathryn goes to Regina for support, to which Regina warns Mary Margaret against getting involved with a married man. He confesses to texting while driving. Slow burn. Surprisingly, the man shoots the remaining guard instead of Prince Charming and then takes off his helmet to reveal himself as the Huntsman. One fateful day, Emma returns, memory restored, to reunite with her parents. Goading the dragon into chasing him, he eventually hops onto her neck and tosses the egg into the ear flap. She wants Emma, but Emmas not hers. During the first half of season three, Snow accompanies Emma, David, Regina and Hook to save Henry from Peter Pan. Finally, David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming their son after a true heroNeal. After tricking Medusa into looking into her own reflection, the creature becomes stone while Prince Charming is freed. Regina would rather try using magic on the map, a move David highly disagrees with, as does everyone else. Upon seeing some dynamite is missing, they realize Henry wants to blow up something. They spot the toadstool, but to reach it, David crosses a water logged bridge. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Sometime after the conclusion of the final battle, David and his wife move with baby Neal into a new home. As a more permanent solution, Regina attempts to use a magic hat to send the Wraith to another realm. Just as David decides to lock up Grif, he finds the toadstool, which came over from Camelot during the curse. David and Mary Margaret watch Neal free Mr. Gold from the box and have a warm reunion as their past differences and mistakes are reconciled. The couple make it to the town line just after Emma and Regina force the Chernabog across the barrier, where it ceases to exist. The Queen readily begins choking him while mocking him about his bloodlust, but with the arrival of Hook, Henry and Jasmine, she is outnumbered and eventually retreats. They ultimately failed during th e missing six weeks. As he apologizes for disappointing her, she forgives him with a hug. After leaving Neal in Belle's care, David and Mary Margaret try to make amends with Maleficent for what they did. Maleficent then realizes Snow is pregnant because the tree will only answer to two heroes not three and the pottential their daughter could become evil. He takes the hint; recognizing that Mary Margaret doesn't want to see him. With Emma, they confronts Regina on her doorstep about what she did. Arthur states it's rumored to be in the Forest of Eternal Night, though he is unsure if the toadstool is real. The pirate also mentions that his quest to bring their daughter back to Storybrooke was prompted by a messenger bird, attached with a note requesting for Emma as well as a vial of memory potion, which he had assumed was from Mary Margaret. At the diner, David is still confused about what the giant said until realizing he was mistaken for his brother, James. In the midst of this, the group notice Cruella has disappeared, and they depart with August, who is brought to the apartment to recover. Charlotte, Snow's handmaiden, is set to leave the castle permanently to tend to her ill mother, and joins the couple for a farewell dinner. THE Town is later engulfed in the smoke and the clock strikes 7:15. They free the giant, Anton, who reacts in fury when he sees David. David returns to inform Ruth of the change of plans, which sadly means he has to continue living the ruse of Prince James and marry Abigail, so it's not possible to see his mother ever again. After sundown, David carpools Anton, Bashful, Doc, Happy, Leroy and Walter to drop them off at the diner. Regina suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault and used ingredients to make the spell, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. Later, David finds out from Leroy that the Queen is now a caged serpent, and the man who punished her is the hooded figure from Emma's vision. Despite that Regina never anticipates he might awaken, the curse constructs a life with false memories for him, in which he is married to a woman named Kathryn. Little do they know, the Dark One has been playing them all once again. ("Unforgiven"), As a married couple, Snow and Charming attend the King's ball. 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Of Regina Mills or the Evil Queen once upon a time to give eternal life while Ruth dies peacefully the...