Answer: True the Ninjas had their own code but it was not bound by the law. They were heavily armored warriors who were on horseback. Along with such physical moves, the boy was also taught exercises in music, the war songs of Tyrtaios, and the ability to read and write. They dominated Europe and Asia and were most famous for riding on horseback lead by one of the greatest military commanders in history, Genghis Kahn. Also, they are known for being stealthy shadow warriors of the night. There are sikhs . He is a supreme being in the Rama-centric traditions of Hinduism. Here, below is a list of the top 10 legendary warrior cultures throughout history. Carrying weapons such as arrows, javelins, and even darts, the hardiness, mobility, and unorthodox fighting methods espoused by these throngs of horsemen seemingly countered the more sedentary battle tactics of the wealthy Mesopotamian civilizations. As for the shock weapon part, from what we understand, chariots were used as both weapon platforms and for the shock effect of course depending upon the culture and the terrain. The one I have already is just the Vatican, having priests and the like (like from the Conjuring, the Exorcist, etc), so something like that would work best, but really any ideas would work. And even more than two centuries before Caesars time, Hannibal made use of heavy Celtic cavalrymen who were instrumental in dismantling their Roman counterparts in the Battle of Cannae. Pertaining to the latter scope, the ancient Celtic warrior had the reputation of fearlessness and ferocity qualities that were conducive to many close-combat scenarios. Knights were used even after the introduction of gunpowder weapons. Perhaps the most famous man from the Greek pantheon, Heracles is known for his 12 Labors. March 28, 2021, 1:50 am, by Kay, that's good. The episodes of war and human conflicts are persistent when it comes to the rich tapestry of history. They were a group of spirit healers, mediums, and witch fighters from Northern Italy. Thank you all for your time . In essence, it can be rather compared to heavy cavalry (the latter was obviously more maneuverable and thus more mobile), like cataphracts, who purpose entailed psychological affliction of his foes as much as physical affliction. The Gurkhas have a reputation for fearless military prowess. All Rights Reserved. The motto of the SAS unit is, Who Dares Wins.. Vote for an existing item you think should be ranked higher or add a new item for others to vote on or create your own version of this list in comments. In terms of figures, the Romans had seven legions along with seven thousand auxiliary forces and a thousand Gallic crack cavalrymen; which came to around a total of 45,000 to 52,000 men. This tactic in itself alludes to how the soldiers of Akkad must have been disciplined and trained, thus hinting at their professional status,as opposed to most ancient armies. And while the Scythian Age only corresponded to the period between the 7th century to 3rd century BC, the remarkable impression left behind by these warrior people was evident from the historic designation of (most of) Eurasian steppes as Scythia (or greater Scythia) even thousands years after the rise and decline of the nomadic group. It reached the height of its power after defeating rival city-state Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431-404 B.C.). Balder - Son of Odin and Frigg. Ninja swishing. Killed accidentally by his brother Hod. Bulgarians only appear in the early medieval period, also that used to be known as the dark ages, a term no longer used. The explicit comparison to the Amazons, a mythological group of female hunters and soldiers in ancient Greece, was first made by European men encountering the Agoodjie in Dahomey in the 1700s. Press J to jump to the feed. and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world. On special nights they would gather together to fight witches and their demons to secure good harvest and prosperity for the land. They are known for using a Kanata like sword, blowgun, ninja stars, and kusarigama which would be my weapon of choice. These nomadic warriors were part of an ancient group of tribes known as Scythians, who were masters of horseback riding and archery. Units made famous by the real-time strategy game Age of Empires 2, the eagle warriors (cuuhtli) and jaguar warriors (ocltl) possibly comprised the largest elite warrior band in the Aztec military, and as such when fielded together, were known as the cuauhtlocelotl.Pertaining to the former, eagles were revered in Aztec cultures as the symbol of the sun - thus making the eagle warriors . Shock weapon-I doubt. Unknown authorUnknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons, The Gurkhas are Nepali soldiers recruited by the British and Indian armies. A legendary tribe of ferocious female warriors, the Amazons are thought to have lived close to the modern region of Ukraine. And since we brought up the conflict between the Parthians with the Romans, the Battle of Carrhae (53 BC) can be counted among the first instances when the Romans came across the might of heavy cavalry, which was certainly a departure from infantry-dominated European battlefields of the ancient era. Posted By: Dattatreya Mandal Atirathi: A warrior capable of contending with 12 Rathi class warriors or 60,000 Maharathi's: A warrior capable of fighting 12 Atirathi class warriors or 720,000 Atimaharathi's: A warrior capable of fighting 12 Maharathi warriors simultaneously [] In other words, the story of Aeneas is a story about a man at war, a warrior-hero who will fight bravely and who will be, in essence, defined by his valor and prowess on the battlefield. To talk about the ancient Romans in merely three paragraphs is indeed a fools errand. 10. The Spartan city-state was without question one of the greatest warrior cultures in human history. They were the imperial guard and the standing army of the empire. Knights followed the chivalric code of conduct and were expected to exhibit a gentleman's behavior. Yoruba mythology and history [ edit] Oya is the Orisha of the Niger River. on "10 of the Greatest Ancient Warrior Cultures You Should Know About", 10 of the Greatest Ancient Warrior Cultures You Should Know About, The Akkadian Warrior (circa 24th century 22nd century BC), The Spartan Warrior (circa 9th century BC 192 BC), The Assyrian Warrior (Neo-Assyrian Empire 900 BC 612 BC), The Scythian Warrior (circa 7th century 3rd century BC), The Celtic Warrior (circa 6th century BC mid 1st millennium AD), The Dacian Warrior (513 BC first mentioned by Herodotus; early 2nd century AD, Trajans war with Dacians), The Roman Warrior (the ancient Roman Republic and Empire, 509 BC 395 AD), The Lusitanian Warrior (circa 2nd century BC), 2,800-year old Aramaic incantation mentions fire-producing devourer, The mysterious case of Tutankhamuns warrior armor, 12 Interesting Historical Inventions You Thought Were Modern, 15 Commonly Used English Words With Fascinating Mythological Origins, Archaeologists excavate (and reconstruct) a massive ritual bath inside Herods fortress of Machaerus, Medieval Sketchbook Showcases the Maverick Designs of Renaissance Italian Engineer, Archaeologists finally reveal Chinas largest Taoist temple-palace, an almost thousand-year-old structure, New study shows that the builders of Stonehenge indulged in sumptuous barbecue feasts, Mysterious 500-year old Samurai scroll mentions how to use blinding powder and fight in stealth, The Major Mayan Gods and Goddesses You Should Know About, Mamluks: The Incredible Islamic Slave-Warriors of Egypt, Knights Hospitaller: 10 Things You Should Know, 30 Interesting Ancient Roman Latin Phrases And Sayings, 10 Mythical Dragons from Different Cultures You Should Know About, The Ancient Egyptian Soldiers of the New Kingdom, 14 Exceptional Weapon Systems from History That Were Ahead of their Time. Real investigation of history might help.The horse didnt even exist in that area until around 1400-1500 BC they think, thats about the time of the Hyskos arrived. There are various gods, goddesses, worlds, realms, and beliefs you can use to inspire your clan name. The word 'kamikaze' means 'divine wind' in Japanese. You could even choose the name of a real Viking clan, such as . Caf Bookclub 2 members Last Activity Jan 25, 2023 07:44AM Books & Literature General Join the GR bookclub group for the book podcast Caf Bookclub! The Roman centurion was a battle-hardened officer who ensured the legions did not forget their . Soldiers. They usually attacked in groups that number less than a hundred warriors (called a 'hapu'). This encouraged the youth to sometimes steal food; and on being caught, he was punished not for stealing the food, but for getting caught. Nevertheless, as most history aficionados would know, the Romans to their greatest extent (circa 117 AD, the year of Emperor Trajans death) controlled the largest empire in the ancient world, stretching from Spain to Syria and Caucasus, and from North African coasts and Egypt to the northern confines of Britain. The Immortals were a group of 10,000 heavily armed infantry of the Achaemenid Empire. When it comes to the popular history of nomadic groups, tribes (and super-tribes) like Huns and Mongols have had their fair share of coverage in various mediums, ranging from literary sources to even movies. Sadly, we know too little about most of these brave warrior women who stood up to the powerful male leaders of their day because . Livy [3] organizes the twelve deities into couples as follows: Jupiter - Juno. He took the midwife underground and had her attend to his Earthwife during labor. The ninja emerged as mercenaries in the 15th century, where they were recruited as spies, raiders, arsonists and even terrorists. The Vikings the terror of Europe. However, hundreds of years before the emergence of mixed-Huns, Turkic and Mongolic groups, the Eurasian steppes were dominated by an ancient Iranic people of horse-riding nomadic pastoralists. Finally, this organizational scope gave way to legionaries, an ancient Roman equivalent of professional soldiery that was inspired by a mix of foreign influences, including that of Celts and Spaniards. And these feudal orientations actually allude to the warrior culture ingrained in Parthian military norms, where the knightly armored horsemen epitomizedthe crme de la crme of the Persian society a cultural legacy carried forth by the future Sassanians. The legendary warrior standing wearing an ornately patterned coat and voluminous trousers gathered below the knee. The SAS recruits only the strongest. They had a saying: come back with the shield or on top of it which means dont come back unless you are victorious. They were an elite sect, chosen from high society families whilst still in their childhood to train as elite warriors. However, in most practical scenarios, the ruler probably donned his role as a commander and directed his troops from protected vantage points. I suggest that you look through two pages of my book: Michael Baizerman, Dawn and Sunset: A Tale of the Oldest Cities in the Near East. Tr De Dna Tr De Dna refers to the three gods of crafting in ancient folklore. A few steles also showcase how the Akkadians (and their preceding Sumerians) made use of the armored cloak a panoply that probably consisted of a leather skin (or cloth) reinforced with metal discs; and helmets for further protection in brutal melee combats. Troops. The. When a cat fights well in battle, it is often said that they "fought like LionClan." When . Heracles undertook his labors to atone for his crimes after the Queen of the Gods, Hera, drove him to madness and forced him to kill his wife and children. As Greek historian Diodorus Siculus said , There is a custom characteristic of the Iberians, but particularly of the Lusitans, that when they reach adulthood those men who stand out through their courage and daring provide themselves with weapons, and meet in the mountains. The scream or wail of the banshee is a signal of impending death. Katsushika Hokusaiderivative work: AMorozov, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Filippa. The Special Air Service or the SAS is a special forces unit of the British Army founded in 1941. Around his neck a necklace of magatama and tigers' claws. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like A fable is a type of folktale, What everyday action would most English speakers associate with the mythological realm that was the focal point of aboriginal Australian mythology?, Little red riding hood is what type of story? Marcus Cassius Scaeva Marcus Cassius Scaeva is probably the toughest Roman ever. Interestingly enough, the martial culture of the Hittites was often represented by their kings who were also the commanders-in-chief of their armies. They will eat your harvest and bread, they will eat your sons and daughters, they will eat your sheep and oxen, they will eat your grapes and figs. They were usually heavy infantry with armor and a shield modeled after the ancient Greeks. Thanks. They are a tribe part of Bantu and a very powerful tribe known for establishing the Zimbabwe Empire that once dominated southern Africa and forced the Swahilis to submit a tribute to the great Shona rulers. They were among the toughest soldiers in history to kill because of their armor. The ninja was stealth soldiers and mercenaries hired mostly by daimyos. There are earlier references to groups of twelve deities in Greek mythology, Anatolian, Lycian, Hittite, Etruscan and Egyptian cultures. This partial list of warrior queens and other women warriors runs from the legendary Amazons who may have been real warriors from the Steppes to the Syrian queen of Palmyra, Zenobia. Combatants. Here are 10 of the strongest warrior tribes in Africa. Exploring the magic of traditional fairy tales, mythology, folklore, fractured fairy tales, retellings, new/original works, high fantasy, and fantasy. Unicorn . He was married to his aunt for a brief time. So objectively, from the numerical context, the Romans lost anywhere between 5-10 percent of their male population in their bloodiest encounter for a single day. They were feared among their enemies and respected by their allies. During the battle of Thermopylae, they held off the Persians for three days before dying. Also, they were the greatest knife fighters the world has ever seen and were pretty good with the tomahawk and throwing ax. Rama is a fearless warrior and is a legendary archer in Hinduism. Oddly enough, while the socio-political effects of the Scythian incursions in the Middle East can be comprehended to some degree from contemporary (or near-contemporary) sources, historians are still mystified by the logistical and organizational capacity of the military of these nomads from the distant steppes. In consideration of all these strict rules, Plutarch once observed that the only rest that a Spartan got from training for war was during the actual war. Apache earn the number 4 spot on the Top 10 Legendary Warrior Cultures of Ancient History list. Bast, cat-headed goddess associated with war, protection of Lower Egypt and the pharaoh, the sun, perfumes, ointments, and embalming Horus, god of the king, the sky, war, and protection Maahes, lion-headed god of war Menhit, goddess of war, "she who massacres" Montu, falcon -headed god of war, valor, and the Sun But over time they adopted maniples that were possibly influenced by other Italic people (and contemporary social conditions). Over time, they became a powerful military caste who overthrew their masters, defeated the Mongols and the Crusaders and established a dynasty that lasted three hundred years. The Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan stretched all over Asia and part of Europe. An all female military troop that originated as a group of elephant hunters during the time of King Houegbadja. Intriguingly, beyond the weapons manufacturing scope of the Dacians, there was a social angle to the warrior society of these people, aptly represented by the aforementioned falx a scythe-like weapon that curved inwards sharply at the tip. Unlike most native cultures, the Maori were never conquered. No 1 Army Film & Photographic Unit, Smith (Lt), Clements (Lt), Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons. As for the history of the Celtic armies, they made their presence felt in the Mediterranean theater when the Gauls led by their king Bran (Brennus), sacked Rome in 390 BC. 1. Former Indian army chief of staff field marshal Sam Manekshaw once said: If a man says he is not afraid of dying, he is either lying or he is a Gurkha. The motto of the Gurkhas is, better to die than be a coward.. Shona people. Enveloping maneuvers on the battlefield created the false impression of a larger army. In essence, the military of the Parthians mirrored the armies of Europe during the early middle ages, where the military (and political) leadership was focused on heavily armed mounted warriors, while the rest of the army played a rather supporting role. Question: Was Leonidas the greatest warrior? GuySingingMrBlueSky 3 mo. Legions were masters of the sword and spear combination going along with a shield. And where is your wife? It would be nice to hear about other ancient warrior cultures outside of Europe and the Middle east, such as these form South America: the Wari, Chachapoyans, and Shuar, you should put Bulgarians in this cultures. The samurai warriors were also referred to as 'bushi' which means warrior. Artist Jolomo to showcase new exhibition of paintings Sponsored Content. Perseus. He then returned fire with his left hand killing 31 Japanese soldiers! The Mamluks ruled Egypt and Syria from 1250 until 1517. Rama aka Ramachandra was a god in Hindu mythology. 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