The number of prisoners working for Messerschmitt increased greatly after the bombing of Messerschmitt's Regensburg plant on 17 August 1943. On landing, the Me 163 were to use a simple retractable landing skid, placed beneath the fuselage. Juli 1936 gegrndet als Zweigwerk des damals noch Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (BFW) genannten Augsburger Unternehmens, das 1938 umbenannt wurde in Messerschmitt AG. This was certainly a strength if we take into account the huge shortage of resources and materials that the Germans endured during the later stages of the war. The production of Bf 109s (and almost half of all German fighters) was located in Regensburg and in Wiener Neustadt, Austria. Few more are in the USA Flying Heritage Collection, National Museum of the USAF, and Smithsonian National Air and Space Museums. Based on this performance the company was invited to submit a design for the Luftwaffe's 1935 fighter contest, winning it with the Bf 109, based on the same construction methods. Messerschmitt relied heavily on slave labour to produce much of the parts needed for these aircraft during the second half of World War II; these parts were assembled in an enormous tunnel system in Sankt Georgen an der Gusen, Austria. If the safety procedures were not followed, there was a great risk of explosion, which happened on occasion. Weapons are not permitted including pocket knives and firearms, to include conceal carry and other dangerous weapons. In the Flossenbuerg factory of the DEST the Messerschmitt Company produced parts for the ME 109 fighter plane. In reality, this backfired, as it caused huge confusion and chaos with the delivery of parts, and poor quality in production. 1./JG 400 was at this stage prohibited from making combat flights in order to avoid the attention of the Allies. An interesting episode in EKdo 16s history is connected to the well-known German test pilot Hanna Reitsch. In November, the Me 163As were used for crew training. Finally, both P-47 groups were forced to turn back to base after only fifteen minutes of escort duty, without engaging any German interceptors. To split the German defense, these raids were supposed to occur simultaneously, with the Regensburg force landing at airfields in North Africa. In Schweinfurt, the destruction was less severe but still extensive. - Firearms* The end of the war hit BFW hard, since military demand for aircraft collapsed. The most obvious change was the completely redesigned fuselage, which was larger and had an overall more aerodynamic shape. With the expected increase in production, another unit, 2./J.G.400, was to be formed in May 1944. Given its small size and limited overall weight, the onboard batteries had a limited capacity. Ohne den Einsatz und die Ausbeutung von Zwangsarbeitern aus mehreren Konzentrationslagern wre eine Produktion in dem geschilderten Umfang unmglich gewesen. The tail wheel may have been the long or short variety. They chose Klemms Stuttgart-Boeblingen factory, with a monthly goal of some 30 Me 163 aircraft. But due to its unusual design the Me 163 certainly deserves a great place in the history of the development of aviation. [citation needed], Inside German airspace, the Bf 109 G-6 fighters of 5 Staffel/JG 11, which had pioneered the fitment of the Werfer-Granate 21 unguided air-to-air rocket weapon system to the Luftwaffe's single engine day fighter force the previous day, as well as the similarly armed rocket-launching twin-engined Bf 110 Zerstrer heavy fighters, including night fighters, joined the battle as more than 300 fighters from 24 bases opposed the raid. Spitfire pilots claimed 13 German fighters shot down and P-47 pilots claimed 19. It also used special fuel that was specially designed for it, and thus there was no need for allocating the vital German fuel reserves to it. RAF Fighter Command squadrons participating were: All break down the claims as 16 for the 56th FG, 2 for the 78th FG, and one for the 353rd FG. An Me 163B is engaging Allied B-17 bombers. The Me 163 did not engage the Allies probably due to the small number of available aircraft and the heavy fighter cover. This engine used a combination of T-Stoff and C-Stoff (a mixture of hydrazine hydrate, water, and methanol). Once the first prototype was available, it was flight-tested as a glider by Heini Dittmar in late June, or May of 1942, depending on the source. Das Werk wurde ab 1943 durch Luftangriffe nahezu vllig zerstrt. By the end of the war, only a few incomplete airframes were built. This project would eventually evolve into Me 163C. In order for the pilot to enter the cockpit, a ladder was placed on the left side of the aircraft. Not for publication. Once the engine consumed all the fuel reserves, the aircraft essentially became a simple glider that was vulnerable to enemy fighter cover. [10], Folgen fr die Infrastruktur in Regensburg, Zahlenangaben wahrscheinlich einschlielich Zwangsarbeitern und Kriegsgefangenen,, Wehr- und Rstungswirtschaft im Nationalsozialismus, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike, Baubeschrnkungen fr den gesamten Stadtwesten wegen Verlust von Baugelnde und Erweiterung des Flugplatzes, Verknappung von Verbrauchsgtern und Preiserhhungen, Mangel an Arbeitskrften, besonders bei Facharbeitern, aber auch bei Behrden, Die hohe Gefhrdung als Angriffsziel fr Bombenangriffe machte die Stationierung von Flaktruppen ntig. Its fuselage was constructed of metal, while the wings were wood. After a number of attempts to get permission to flight test the Me 163, she was finally allowed to do so at the end of 1942. During refueling, the ground and the aircraft had to be sprayed with large amounts of water. I'd even settle for a history book of Messerschmitt that had some illustrations. T-Stoff was stored in one main and two smaller auxiliary tanks. First wave of attack. By then at least 15 bombers had been shot down or fatally damaged, 13 from the trailing formation. Colonel LeMay ordered the formation to perform two 10-minute turns over Switzerland, allowing damaged aircraft to rejoin the formation before flying to North Africa. 1980 an das ehemalige Messerschmitt-Werk. One year after the Eighth Air Force first attacked occupied Europe with its B-17 Flying Fortress four-engine heavy bombers, a mass attack of 376 B-17s attacked the Messerschmitt Bf-109 factory at Regensburg, Germany, and the ball bearing factories at Schweinfurt. In 1989 MBB was taken over by DASA. Die Kellerrume, in denen sich Zellen der Hftlinge befanden, bergen auch heute noch Zeichen der damaligen Geschehnisse. Because of limited range thanks to (inexplicably) not employing drop tanks,[12] escorting P-47 Thunderbolt fighters would be able to protect the bombers only as far as Eupen, Belgium, which was roughly an hour's flying time from both of the targets. To attack these in sufficient force, "Operation Juggler" was conceived,[7] in which the fighter production plants in Wiener Neustadt were targeted for attack by B-24 Liberators of the Ninth Air Force based in Libya, and Regensburg by B-17s of the Eighth Air Force. This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience and provide analytics data to implement future site improvements. 400. Die Zwangsarbeiter waren in einem Gebude mitten in der Stadt untergebracht, das als Auenlager des KZ Flossenbrg gefhrt wurde. This mission would make LeMay's name as a combat leader. I would like to know if there is anything left of that factory ( I asumme not ), or if there is some kind of messerchmitt-related sight in Regensburg . The development of the rocket engines was very slow and plagued with many setbacks, especially the limited production of fuel, which eventually led to huge delays in the Me 163 production. They were relocated to Wittmundhafen as the airfield at Deelen proved unfit for the Me 163 aircrafts operation. Hi David, as you model aircraft I'm sure you're aware of the fateful raid on Augsburg/Regensburg by the US 8th AF. Schweinfurt was close to the city of Regensburg, where there was a Messerschmitt fighter plane . Probably first time 3 Messerschmitt Bf 109 flying together in Europe after WW II (D-FMGS, D-FMGV, . After ninety minutes of combat the German fighter force broke off the engagement, low on fuel and ammunition. This meant that only the highly experienced Me 163 pilot had a chance of hitting the enemy aircraft. In comparison to the predecessor, the B-version had a number of modifications. Z-Stoff was an aqueous solution of calcium permanganate. Sixty aircraft were lost over German-controlled territory, in Switzerland, or ditched at sea, with five crews rescued. While the aircraft was heavily damaged, the pilot managed to survive. For landings, large hydraulically operated flaps were added on the wings. []The Me 163 utilized an auxiliary landing gear unit. I've googled, checked out and (Germany), and the Wikipedia. - Service animals 203 civilians were also killed in the strike. Bis zum Jahresende 1937 wurden in den Bau der Werksanlagen 11 Millionen Reichsmark investiert. In the autumn of 1921, Austrian financier Camillo Castiglioni first announced his interest in purchasing BFW. Note the brightly colored nose. The Regensburg force then turned south to cross the Alps, confronted by only a few twin-engined fighters soon forced to disengage by lack of range. But this situation would be rare given the fact that Me 163 was a short-range and unique interceptor that operated on its own without support from other aircraft. Youtube []The Scheuchschlepper essentially fulfilled two roles. . While the Mosquito pilot managed to fly back to France, he was forced to crash land. Founded in 1999. In mid-August 1944, the airfield was once again attacked by Allied bombers. In order to provide the necessary power, the Germans simply added a small windmill generator which was placed on the nose of the fuselage. The mission inflicted heavy damage on the Regensburg target, but at catastrophic loss to the force, with 60 bombers lost and many more damaged beyond economical repair. The renaming of BFW resulted in the company's RLM designation prefix changing from "Bf" to "Me" for all newer designs that were accepted by the RLM after the acquisition date. In July 1944, a second auxiliary unit (Erganzumgsstaffel) was formed. Even so, two damaged B-17s turned away from the Regensburg task force and landed in neutral Switzerland, where their crews were interned and the bombers confiscated. Da absehbar war, dass fr die Beschftigten des neuen Werkes auch neue Siedlungsgebiete erforderlich waren, wurden die drei Regensburg sdlich und westlich unmittelbar benachbarten Drfer Ziegetsdorf, Dechbetten und Groprfening eingemeindet. In addition to the bomber force, the Allies lost 3 P . The results of the bombing were exaggerated, and the high losses were well disguised in after-mission reports. Bei den Bombardierungen der Produktionssttten wurden auch zahlreiche KZ-Hftlinge gettet oder verletzt. The mission takeoff was delayed until 08:00, when the fog had cleared sufficiently over East Anglia to allow the 4th Bombardment Wing to take off using instruments, a technique they had practiced. First wave of attack. Otherwise, Nada. I have been looking all over for some 1940s era photographs of the Messerschmitt factories in Augsburg or Regensburg. - Diaper bags P.R.U. In addition all bags are subject to search and may be placed through an X-Ray machine. 20 Bomber ihr Ziel nicht und viele weitere waren nach der Landung in Nordafrika irreparabel beschdigt. 27 Jun 1944. In all 24 bombers were lost and more than 60 of the 122 survivors landing in Tunisia had suffered battle damage. The Me 163, despite its small number, proved to be a shock to the Allies pilots. (About a gazillion books on the aircraft themselves, it was and is a popular modeling subject!). Als Standort fr das neue Zweigwerk wurde 1936 unter dem damaligen BFW-Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Theo Cronei Regensburg ausgewhlt, da die Stadt Augsburg eine vom Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) geforderte Erweiterung des BFW-Stammwerkes mit der Begrndung ablehnt hatte, dass die Gefahr fr den Fall von Luftangriffen zu gro werden wrde.[2][1]. The Me 163 wings were swept to the rear at a 23.3 angle. Die Siedlung war ca. The smaller tanks were placed on both sides of the cockpit. This unit, which was formed in April of 1942, had the primary function of testing and evaluating the newly built Me 163 and helping in the development and improvement of its overall design. By this time, the unit had some 7 Me 163A and 1 of the B version. Williams personally led the mission, flying as co-pilot in an aircraft of the lead formation, as wingman to the commander of the 91st Bomb Group. JavaScript is disabled. Ihre Infrastruktur wurde an das Netz der Stadt Regensburg angeschlossen und durch Ausbau neuer Straen, Verlngerung von Straenbahnlinien und der zugehrigen Wasser-, Strom- und Gasversorgungsleitungen verbessert. Once again, further delays due to the slow delivery of engines postponed production until March of 1942. Interestingly, the town of Schweinfurt contained 80 percent of Germany's ball bearing industry. It is from there that the Me 163s attempted to intercept a huge Allied air formation of some 766 bombers, supported with over 14 groups of cover fighters. Given the previous success, of destroying 5 enemy bombers with a limited number of available Me 163, attempts were made to increase the number of squadrons with 20 aircraft. Delays in delivering essential parts, such as weapons, caused setbacks in the Klemm Me 163 production. But in reality, it took a few more months before the unit was actually officially formed at the start of March 1944. This was done by the unit mechanics, who wanted with this small gesture to bring good luck to their pilots. Description Galleries Specification Accessories Customer who bought this product also bought: Write Product Review. Im Herbst 1938 wurde die Produktion der Messerschmitt Bf 109 von Haunstetten bei Augsburg nach Regensburg verlegt. I'd even settle for a history book of Messerschmitt that had some illustrations. In 1942, 800 prisoners worked in the "Messerschmitt squad 2004" and by 1944 it had risen . Woods, VIII Fighter Command transcription of 17 August 43, pp.110 and 111; Learn how and when to remove this template message, strategic bombing mission during World War II, "VIII Bomber Command 1 | American Air Museum in Britain", "Combat Claims & Casualties", transcriptions of RAF and VIII Fighter Command summaries by Tony Woods, The War Against the Luftwaffe: AAF Counter-Air Operations, April 1943 June 1944. ", Stamped on verso: "Passed for personal use only. Approximately fifteen minutes after it crossed the coast at 10:00, the Regensburg force encountered the first German fighter interception, which continued with growing intensity nearly all the way to the target area. Concurrently, pilots were beginning to arrive from the EKdo 16 training unit. 400. Etwa 500 KZ-Hftlinge wurden in KZ-Auenlager Plattling als Zwangsarbeiter bei der Errichtung eines Testflughafens eingesetzt. - Coolers Slave labour was provided by inmates of the brutal KZ Gusen I and Gusen II camps, and by inmates from nearby Mauthausen concentration camp, all located near the St. Gorgen quarries. While Olejnik suggested using a drum magazine, which was even tested successfully, his idea would not be adopted. While the cockpit was not pressurized, it could be jettisoned to help the pilot escape the aircraft in case of emergency. Learn how your comment data is processed. As soon as the reconnaissance photographs were received on the evening of the 17th, Generals Eaker and Anderson knew that the Schweinfurt raid had been a failure. The volatile nature of its fuel, occasionally lead to accidents and explosions, losing aircraft in the process, but more importantly the vital pilots. The fuselage could be divided into three sections, the cockpit, the central fuel tanks, and the rear engine compartment. In April and May, 1./JG 400 took delivery of a group of 10 aircraft, but one had to be returned to Klemm for modifications. This Gustav was built in the Regensburg factory in 1943 for operations in tropical and desert climates. About half of those became prisoners of war and 20 were interned. . By May 1944, only a small group of fewer than 50 pilots had a chance to fly either the powered or towed versions of the Me 163. Weitere industrielle Arbeitspltze gab es in der Stadt nicht und Bemhungen zur Ansiedlung von Betrieben waren erfolglos geblieben. Despite the problems with the Me 163 production, a small number of available aircraft were allocated to the Erprobungkommando (EKdo) 16 unit from April 1942 onward. This involved getting the Me 163 high above the Allied bombers and then plunging down at them with a dive speed of 885-930 km/h (550-580 mph). Because of the delayed start of the mission, eight squadrons of RAF Spitfire fighters (96 aircraft) from 11 Group and 83 Group had been added to escort the Schweinfurt force as far as Antwerp, where P-47s would take over and escort it to Eupen. Das Netz der Produktionsbetriebe spannte sich ber die Tschechoslowakei bis nach sterreich, umfasste auch Bergwerksstollen, Autobahntunnels und sogar getarnte Waldschneisen. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Features typical cowling and early canopy & tail unit. The last provisional wing in the task force was left without any fighter protection at all. Jedoch gab es auch zwiespltige oder gar nachteilige Folgen. [1][2][3], In Regensburg, all six main workshops of the Messerschmitt factory were destroyed or severely damaged, as were many supporting structures including the final assembly shop. Weekend edition of Bf 109G-6 produced by Messerschmitt Regensburg factory in 1/48 scale. Found one book by Schmoll. That is until it ran out of fuel, at that point it was completely helpless and could only glide back to base. Gebaut wurde 1936/1937 die noch heute erhaltene, denkmalgeschtzte Ganghofer-Siedlung, die damals nach dem Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe Gring-Heim genannt wurde. Our Public Suggestions List [Google Sheets], Donate to us on Subscribestar! The one captured by the Soviets existence is currently unclear. wurden neben dem Jagdflugzeug Bf 109 (Me 109) im Werk Regensburg an den Standorten in Prfening und im benachbarten Obertraubling auch die Typen Me 210, Me 323, Me 163 und Me 262 produziert. Within a month of being set up, the company was able to supply aircraft to the war ministries of Prussia and Bavaria. Milch eventually cancelled all contracts with Messerschmitt and forced BFW into bankruptcy in 1931. Quickly, bring me a beaker of wine, so that I may wet my mind and say something clever, A Penguin is for life - not just elevenses,,, Etwa 2000 Hftlinge des KZ Gusen I im System des KZ Mauthausen produzierten am Flieband tglich 25 Rmpfe und 25 Flgelpaare fr das Flugzeug Bf 109 sowie Teile fr die Me 262. A forum community dedicated to Model train and railway owners and enthusiasts. [citation needed] The commander of the first task force estimated that the bombers would not be able to climb over the clouds and elected to fly under them at 17,000 feet (5,000 m), increasing the vulnerability of the bombers to fighter attacks. This Me 163 is in the process of being refueled. I found this site which may have some info if you contact them - sorry my German ain't that good. The arrangement of two groups instead of three in the two following provisional wings meant a third fewer guns available to each for their mutual defense and made them more likely targets. However, Messerschmitt's friendship with Hugo Junkers prevented a stagnation of the careers of him and BFW, which was started again in 1933. Die grten Auswirkungen fr die Stadt ergaben sich, weil fr die Produktion im neuen Flugzeugwerk tausende meist hoch qualifizierte neue Arbeitskrfte bentigt wurden, die vor Ort nicht verfgbar waren und deshalb mit ihren Familien von auerhalb zuziehen mussten. I model WWII Luftwaffe aircraft (1/72nd scale) and European Model Railways (HO scale). Auf dem Gelnde des Werkes in Obertraubling wurde die heutige Stadt Neutraubling erbaut, in der sich zahlreiche Heimatvertriebene ansiedelten. still looking deadly in the dark corner. The original plans to build numerous connected airfields were abandoned in favor of concentrating all available Me 163 in a few selected airfields. Juli 1936 wurde als Tochtergesellschaft der Messerschmitt AG Augsburg die Bayerische Flugzeugwerke Regensburg GmbH gegrndet. To resolve this issue the unit personnel began drilling wells to collect water. 1] Wegen der Einberufungen zum Wehrdienst ergaben sich nach Kriegsbeginn Probleme bei der Beschaffung von qualifizierten Arbeitskrften und das Werk sog Fachkrfte aus allen Sparten auf, so dass viele Betriebe und Behrden in der Region unter dem Mangel an Arbeitskrften zu leiden hatten. On the 16th of August, five Me 163 attacked a group of B-17s, and even managed to shoot down two of the bombers. This mission was enshrined in fiction as the "Hambrucken raid" in Beirne Lay and Sy Bartlett's novel, Twelve O'Clock High. In Sddeutschland waren die Messerschmitt-Flugzeugwerke in Regensburg und Obertraubling von Angriffen nicht betroffen und konnten bis 1943 die Jahresproduktion von Me-109-Jagdflugzeugen unter Einsatz von KZ-Hftlingen auf weit ber 2.000 Stck pro Jahr steigern. In all the 1st Wing was delayed more than three hours behind the 4th Wing. Facebook: @planeencyclopedia The Me 163B in standard camouflage. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. The company still held stocks of materials sufficient for about 200 aircraft, and worth 4.7million reichsmarks. On August 17, 1943, the USAAF suffered staggering losses in the two-pronged attack against the Messerschmitt fighter factory at Regensburg and the ball-bearing plants at Schweinfurt, Germany. The lead wing was attacked continuously in head-on attacks by both Messerschmitt Bf 109 and Focke-Wulf Fw 190 fighters, and although the RAF escorts claimed eight victories they were forced to return to base early in the engagement. [1], In Regensburg waren ca. Instagram: plane_encyclopedia As it was overburdened with other projects, it would then be allocated to a much smaller Klemm factory where less than 60 aircraft were built in total. The C-Stoff fuel tanks were placed in the Me 163s wings. User experience and provide analytics data to implement future site improvements five crews rescued all with..., checked out and ( Germany ), and the high losses were well disguised after-mission. Von Zwangsarbeitern aus mehreren Konzentrationslagern wre eine Produktion in dem geschilderten Umfang unmglich gewesen in 1944! Von Zwangsarbeitern aus mehreren Konzentrationslagern wre eine Produktion in dem geschilderten Umfang gewesen! Concurrently, pilots were beginning to arrive from the article title parts for Me! Month of being set up, the unit mechanics, who wanted with this small to. Getarnte Waldschneisen was larger and had an overall more aerodynamic shape quality in production Neutraubling... ; s ball bearing industry Werksanlagen 11 Millionen Reichsmark investiert: Write product Review of metal while. Schweinfurt was close to the rear at a 23.3 angle, umfasste auch Bergwerksstollen, Autobahntunnels und sogar Waldschneisen! 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