His dwelling-place is above my soul; from thence He beholds me; from thence He created me; from thence He directs me and provides for me; from thence he appeals to me, and calls me, and directs me; leads me in the way, and to the end of my way.. .. 8. Psalm 22 is an excellent choice for a sermon on Good Friday because, according to Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, Jesus, "the man of sorrows" (Is 53:3), voiced the haunting opening words of this magnificent psalm, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" in his dying moment on the cross of Golgotha. He Sings Again, verse 8: "By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me, a prayer to the God of my life." This is not a song of jubilant hope. The deer will die. DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 1 'The deer that rejects water.' Doesn't believe in it, doesn't long for it, or doesn't know they long for it. The sons of Korah (cf. Thus tremulous, timid, mobile, it is beautifully compared to a hind. 18. Wherefore so? He never loses this grip on the great truths about God. The writer suffered at the hands of tormenting enemies. What sacrifice of a troubled spirit I have within, hear. "Mizar" is probably the name of a hill otherwise unknown, and specifies the singers locality more minutely, though not helpfully to us. We will be looking at this Psalm in three parts over the next three weeks. The unity is vouched by the considerations already noticed, and by the incompleteness of Psalms 42:1-11 without such triumphant close and of Psalms 43:1-5 without such despondent beginning. From that everlasting perpetual festivity, a certain sweet and melodious strain strikes on the ears of the heart, provided only the world do not drown the sounds. So bloated with other things hasnt got space for water., DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 3 They rush upon him, multitudinous and close following; they pour down on him as with the thunder of descending cataracts; they overwhelm him like the breakers and rollers of an angry ocean. It is a birthday that is being celebrated (say they), there is a marriage here; that those songs may not appear out of place, but the luxurious indulgence may be excused by the festive occasion. How does he solve it? He states the very words of that confession; he repeats the grounds on which he fortifies his hope. OBJECTIVES:Each listener should be able to understand the story, repeat it, and . Charles Spurgeon calls the first part a hymn and the second a sermon. The situation is described as in the preceding parts. The psalmist was far from Jerusalem and the central sanctuary. And it was in the sanctuary of God that he understood this, and understood of the last things.For he tells us of his progress, and of his guidance there; as if we had been saying, You are admiring the tabernacle here on earth; how came you to the sanctuary of the house of God? Thats what hes seeking jubilant hope. The certainty of return to the Temple overbears the pain of absence from it, and the vivid realisation of the gladness of worshipping again at the altar takes the place of the vivid remembrance of former festal approach thither. Tweed. Psalm 41:10. These were Levites, and (according to 1 Chronicles 9:19 seq.) Esther 2:1-18 - The Best Beauty Pageant Ever. 1. DIFFERENT TYPES OF DEER: 2 The waves in what I already feel, the overhangings in that You denouncest. Source. For he compared these things in which he found himself, to those toward which he had been raised; and saw himself cast out far from the sight of God's eyes, as he speaks even here, Why have You rejected me? It was in wonder and admiration he spoke this: Abyss calls unto abyss with the voice of Your water-spouts. They keep him from capsizing in the tumult of his emotions. When can I go and stand before him? A quick reading of this Psalm suggests there are two divisions: (1) vv. * By Rev. Perhaps there was one "man" of special mischief prominent among them, but it is not safe to treat that expression as anything but a collective. Am I already 'drinking' from this 'fountain' with nothing to fear?Still Hope in God, is his answer to the soul that disquiets him, and would fain account for her disquiet from the evils with which this world abounds. Assuredly it is from your seeing me labouring, that you labour with me: for I am labouring not for myself, but for you. I, so long as I do not see, so long as my happiness is postponed, make my tears my bread day and night. So, one purpose of the big idea is that you organize the sermon around it. He was blogging and trying to find something to get a girl off his mind. We must learn to preach the truth to ourselves. The writer remembered with great delight the times when he found spiritual refreshment at the sanctuary in Jerusalem, but he was not able to return there yet. The facts on which faith feeds abide while faith fluctuates. So ends the first of the psalms; but obviously it is no real ending, for the victory over fear is not won, and longing has not become blessed. Hope thou in God; for I will yet confess unto Him Psalm 41:11. What abyss is this that calls, and to what other abyss? 2. For example: Hes confirming his faith in the midst of turmoil and discouragement by remembering how real God was in corporate worship. I may perhaps finish the Psalm, aided as I am by your attention, whose fervour I perceive. If they find themselves thirsty they describe the desire as fairy story or suchlike. refreshing waters from a high hill. He calls past experiences to mind. Apart from air, water our most basic need. Everything We Need - Psalm 23. Download File. revival. But the victory is not quite won, and therefore Psalms 43:1-5, follows. HAVE MERCY ON ME, GOD. Psalms 42:3). They who trouble me cast me in the teeth. PSALM 42 And may He grant our desire through the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For I should be in error were I to seek for my God without the place of His tabernacle. Whoever begins as he did will finish where he climbed. Deep calls unto deep with the voice of your water-spouts Psalm 41:7. For it is there is the house of my God. Therefore follows: The Lord will commend His loving-kindness in the day-time; and in the night-time will He declare it Psalm 41:8. seeing that deep calls to deep, and after those sufferings severer ones are to be dreaded. This is not simply engaging in nostalgia. Hear what else there is in the hart. Therefore now he triumphs, and though he still is keenly conscious of his enemies, they appear but for a moment, and though he still feels that he is far from the sanctuary, his heart goes out in hopeful visions of the gladness of his return thither, and he already tastes the rapture of the joy that will then flood his heart. 10. And this, which is soon in the sight of God, is late to our longing. For it was said of a certain person, he calls on death; Wisdom1:16 that is, lives in such a way as to be inviting death; for there is no man at all who puts up a prayer, and calls expressly on death: but men by evil-living invite death. For the Psalm itself begins with a certain pious longing; and he who sings so, says, Like as the hart desires the water-brooks, so longs my soul after You, O God Psalm 41:1. Who is it then that says this? For there are already many things that I admire in the tabernacle. It was a long way from Mount Zion where the ark dwelt in Davids day. (vv. HOW MUCH DO WE REALLY DESIRE GOD? Apr 24, 2020. It may have been so, but the supposition is unnecessary. Sorrow is shot with trust. There are at least three reasons why we can assume psalms 42 and 43 were originally joined together. My God is the saving health of my countenance. Anathematize yourself, by being displeased with yourself; for if you are pleased with yourself, God will be displeased with you. This mans longing was intensified by his unwilling exile from the sanctuary, a special privation to a door keeper of the Temple. Update: Here is my sermon on Psalm 6 (video and manuscript) For I will go into the place of Your wonderful tabernacle, even unto the house of God. He may also have written those bearing the notation, "of the sons of Korah" (Psalms 42, 44-49). When Life Gets Slippery - Psalm 73. Here goes. Yet, with the strange but universal love of summoning up remembrance of departed joys, the psalmist finds a certain pleasure in the pain of recalling how he. MATTHEW HENRY Psalm 42 Commentary WILLIAM HESLOP Psalms 40-49 Sermon Seeds from the Psalms WILLIAM HOLWICK Psalm 42:1-11 When You Are Really Down (see OT > Psalms) HOMILETICS - Pulpit Commentary Multiple Homilies GEORGE HORNE Psalm 42 Commentary JAMIESON, F, B Psalm 42 Commentary KEIL AND DELITZSCH Psalm 42 Commentary A F KIRKPATRICK Psalm 42 - Honest Prayer from a Discouraged Saint This psalm is titled To the Chief Musician. Psalm 42 and 43 almost certainly originally a single Psalm. When the Rumors are Not True - Psalm 26. In other words, all his crashing and tumultuous and oppressing and discouraging circumstances are the waves of God. I have within a victim to sacrifice; I have within an incense to place on the altar; I have within a sacrifice wherewith to propitiate my God. Deliver me, O my God! What then is the abyss that calls, and to what other abyss does it call? In Praise Of The King And His City (Audio) Download File. God-Centred As we have seen, the immediate cause was his separation from the temple of God. PROPOSITION: To study the story of the rich man and Lazarus and notice: 1) The characters, 2) The circumstances, 3) The cries of the rich man, 4) The conclusions of the story. Has learnt to put up with less. You may see not my flesh merely, but even my bones. He has fixed forever and made melodious a sigh. It had been so far strengthened by the encouragement of the refrain that the reflux of sadness at once rouses it to action. There he understood of the last things; and solved the question concerning the prosperity of the unrighteous, and the sufferings of the righteous. Romans8:24-25. Faithbook (Psalm 133) On October 28, 2003, a Harvard student by the name of Mark Zuckerberg was bored. I shall not want for nourishment, "He makes me to lie down in green pastures." 2. Mountain Hill Church, All rights reserved, Website Created by Digital Design Solutions, New Life in the Spirit (Part 1) Romans 8:1-17. settled. He therefore glances back to himself, as if he were coming from that world; and says to himself, now placed in the midst of these sorrows, comparing these with the things, to see which he had entered in there, and after seeing which he had come forth from thence; Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why do you disquiet me? And it is principally in the temptations of the Church they say this, Where is your God? Some ancient Hebrew manuscripts united Psalms 42, 43 as one. 1-10 and (2) vv. It is sufficiently distinct in tone to explain its separation from the preceding, inasmuch as it is prayer throughout, and the note of joy is dominant, even while an undertone of sadness links it with the previous parts. For we find in the hart an emblem of swiftness. Korah was a great-grandson of Levi who rebelled against Moses leadership (Numbers 16:1-2). For in tribulation every one must be profited by what he heard in the time of security. Hermon means anathematizing. Help us purchase electrical generators for churches. But perhaps Scripture meant us to consider in the stag not this point only, but another also. Why, that the wicked, when reprieved here, are reserved for punishments without end; and the good when they suffer here, are being tried in order that they may in the end obtain the inheritance. 8. {Nehemiah 11:19} The ascription of authorship to a group is remarkable, and has led to the suggestion that the superscription does not specify the authors, but the persons for whose use the psalms in question were composed. the heights of Hermon from Mount Mizar. He began with yearning after the living God. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. The actual return to the Temple is desired because thereby new praise will be occasioned. Perhaps avarice whispers in your ear some dark counsel, hisses against the word of God, hisses against the commandment of God. How much was this cast in the teeth of the Martyrs! The first time we see it in Bible history is in I Chronicles 16, when King David is bringing up the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. From whence did I remember you? When shall I come and appear before God? Because then God gives us all good things, because He Himself is good, not because we are worthy of it; because He is merciful, not because we have in anything deserved it; it is from the land of Jordan, and from Hermon, that I remember you. I will go, he says, into the place of the wonderful tabernacle, even unto the house of God! It is sometimes right to pray for the defeat of enemies. At our very core we have a desire that only God can meet. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series. No doubt the psalmist connected communion with God and presence in the Temple more closely together than they should do who have heard the great charter, "neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem"; but, however the two things were coupled in his mind, they were sufficiently separate to allow of approach by longing and prayer while distant in body, and the true object of yearning was not access to the Temple, but communion with the God of the Temple. Individual rather than corporate. For it is there, in the sanctuary of God, in the house of God, is the fountain of understanding. All my sufferings are Your waves; all Your denouncements of judgments are Your overhangings. Expository sermons allow the preacher, rather, to bridge the gap between an ancient culture and our own to make appropriate applications to those who hear him. The Point Of Psalms 34 The psalmist's longing for God 42:1-5 The writer suffered at the hands of tormenting enemies. Descend then, that you may be lifted up: be not lifted up, lest you be cast down. All unrest of longing, all fever of thirst, all outgoings of desire, are feelers put out blindly, and are only stilled when they clasp Him. P. J. Tibayan. [Note: See Swindoll, pp. For in order to making supplication unto God, I have not to buy anything from places beyond the sea; or in order that He may hear me, have I to sail to bring from a distance frankincense and perfumes, or have I to bring calf or ram from the flock. Are they not a kind of harts that the Apostle addresses, saying, Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the Law of Christ? 118-29.]. 42-72 In Book 1, all the psalms except 1, 2, 10, and 33 claimed David as their writer. This morning, I want to quickly offer us (be me, specifically) some hope when dealing with discouragement. This mans faith was not so dependent on externals that it could not come close to God while distant from His temple. a Levite, led the festal march to the Temple, and in listening in fancy again to the shrill cries of joy which broke from the tumultuous crowd. Furthermore, it is said in a certain passage, Your judgments are a mighty abyss, Scripture meaning to suggest that the judgments of God are incomprehensible. Mistaking the desire for religion and religious practices for a desire for God. sermons and saints. My soul is thirsty for the living God Psalm 41:2. But no finite being can still them; and after all sweetnesses of human loves and helps of human strengths the souls thirst remains unslaked, and the Person who is enough must be the living God. Esther 2:19-3:6 - Doing Good But Getting Punished. He doesn't feel jubilant hope. Again the psalmist encouraged himself with the rhetorical refrain (cf. He just said in verse 8, By day the Lord commands His steadfast love, and at night His song is with me.. When David came to the throne, one of his first thoughts was how he could show mercy to the household of his adversary Saul ( 2 Sam. 3. Tries to ignore thirst. I shall not want for strength, "He restoreth my soul." C. Jesus also knew the responsibilities of the Shepherd to the sheep. Let there be no sloth in your running; run with all your might: long for the fountain with all your might. If it is, the second part of the psalm is also conformed to the other two in regard to its not beginning with the Divine name. Weve got to preach it to ourselves, and preach diligently and forcefully, or well give way to a downcast and disquieted spirit. Strip away allow God to strip away all the things that give us temporary satisfaction. Notice that the Psalmist responds to his circumstances at one point by asking God, Why? Verse 9: I say to God, my rock: Why have you forgotten me? Let then my insulting enemies now say, Where is your God? With the alternation of mood already noticed as characteristic, the singer looks forward, even from the midst of overwhelming seas of trouble, to a future day when God will give His angel, Mercy or Lovingkindness, charge concerning him and draw him out of many waters. 3-7, NIV) Psalm 4: Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! Soul. We don't know when the psalms were gathered into five books, but the separation dates back to before our oldest manuscripts, compiled in the Masoretic Text. Oh, how much could be said here about the importance of corporate worship in our lives. Nevertheless he believed God would remain loyal to him. Richard Sibbes, one of the great old Puritan preachers of Cambridge who died in 1635, wrote a whole book on Psalm 42:5. It is what church historian Martin Marty might call a "wintery" faith. And indeed it is not ill understood as the cry of those, who being as yet Catechumens, are hastening to the grace of the holy Font. The separation, however, is old, since it is found in the LXX. They are sons of the bridegroom, sons of Christ. Objectives: That each would understand the events that occurred at the pool of Bethesda and learn the lessons of appropriate compassion and sinful apathy. And why ask, who it is other than yourself, when it is in your power to be the thing which you are asking about? The serpents are your vices, destroy the serpents of iniquity; then will you long yet more for the Fountain of Truth. Key idea here is longing for God when in a wilderness situation. Matthew24:12 When we see the strong members of the Church generally giving way to the causes of offense, does not Christ's body say, The enemy breaks my bones? The superscription identifies the sons of Korah as the writers (or recipients) of this psalm. Verses 1-11 II. There is great similarity between the content of these psalms and the ones David wrote. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. For men saw their torments outwardly; they did not inwardly behold their crowns! To see those who were thought to have some stability, giving way under temptations, so that the rest of the weak brethren despair when they see those who are strong succumbing; how great, my brethren, are the dangers! For when I was pouring out my soul above myself, in order to reach my God, why did I do so? Whilst therefore it is summer, while it is well with you, while you are in tranquillity, hear the word of the Lord. Psalms 42 expresses the writers yearning for God. Let this be allowed; and this meaning retain its place in the Church; a place both truthful and sanctioned by usage. 9 ). [Note: Bullock, p. In preparing an article on the above topic the writer is ex-plicitly informed that what is required is t"not an expository sermon," nor " an outline of an expository sermon, but di- Verses 12: As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. The psalmist encouraged himself rhetorically by reminding himself that he would again praise God. Esther 5 - Mission Impossible. Injustice is done it, if it is regarded merely as the longing of a Levite for approach to the sanctuary. The bold metaphors are more striking when contrasted with the opposite ones of the first part. A Psalm Of The Have-Nots (Audio) Download File. EXPOSITORY (ENGLISH BIBLE) . And when these are heard, what do we passers by say? She lays up in summer what will be useful to her in winter. Expository Sermons The World's Greatest Undertaking - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Parenting By The Book - Deuteronomy 6:1-9 The Faithful God - Deuteronomy 7:6-9 This Land Is Your Land - Deuteronomy 11:11-12 The Sacrifice Of Biblical Worship, Part 1 - Deuteronomy 26:1-11 Topical Sermons Back To Top Sermons From Joshua Expository Sermons Finally, the psalmist thirsts for God like a deer pants for the stream. Decisions made according to Scripture yield peace - Psalm 119:101 B. This too proceeds from that longing, of which in another place comes that cry, One thing have I desired of the Lord; that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. Nature reflects the poets moods, and overmastering emotion sees its own analogues everywhere. For I will confess unto Him. Thus the whole song is a picture of a soul climbing, not without backward slips, from the depths to the heights, or, in another aspect, of the transformation of longing into certainty of fruition, which is itself fruition after a kind. Were probably alert to the fragile desire for things. Here, the Psalmist is making an eschatological statement that even in the midst of powerful opposition, God will rule and prevail over that which is unjust in both the short-term as well as the long-term (v. 3-4). It's as if the writer is saying, "If you want to know how to thank God, let . Therefore we are warned to be like the ant. Naturally this transition strophe is marked by the mingling of both. The correspondence between mans needs and their true object is involved in that name "the living God"; for a heart can rest only in one all-sufficient Person, and must have a heart to throb against. For God's tabernacle on earth is the faithful; I admire in them the obedience of even their bodily members: that in them Sin does not reign so that they should obey its lusts; neither do they yield their members instruments of unrighteousness unto sin; but unto the living God in good works. For having but the first-fruits of the Spirit, we groan within ourselves; waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of the body. The name "Elohim" occurs 164 times in this section of the Psalms, and the name "Yahweh" ("LORD") appears only 30 times. For what is there more profound than that abyss? 7. The angelic choir makes an eternal holiday: the presence of God's face, joy that never fails. All Your overhangings and Your waves have come upon me. The Jordan Valley is quite wide north of this sea and the mountains of Hermon rise up to the east from it. We have met with the sons of Korah in other titles of Psalms: and remember to have discussed and stated already the meaning of this name. My tears have been my meat day and night, while they daily say unto me, Where is your God? Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. The psalmist paints his calamities as storming on him in dismal continuity, each "flood" seeming to summon its successor. Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. Those very tears were sweet unto me: being thirsty for that fountain, inasmuch as I was not as yet able to drink of it, I have eagerly made my tears my meat. "Gods continual love is a comfort for the soul continually beset by questions and mourning (cf. It is not however one individual, but it is One Body; but Christ's Body is the Church. In his prayer, he would also ask God the reason for his continuing physical and emotional distress. Psalm 42 STROPHE DIVISIONS OF MODERN TRANSLATIONS READING CYCLE THREE (see "Guide to Good Bible Reading") FOLLOWING THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S INTENT AT PARAGRAPH LEVEL This is a study guide commentary which means that you are responsible for your own interpretation of the Bible. Feeling has to vindicate its rationality or to suppress itself, and its grounds have often only to be stated to the better self, to be found altogether disproportioned to the storm they have raised. May the Lord increase our hunger and our thirst to see the face of God. Thats why it pains me that were not presently able to be together. Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co.. Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. Psalm 41:9. It was God whom he addressed, who remembered him from the land of Jordan and Hermon. Psalms 42:5). Look at programs man has instituted to build the churches. This man was in exile and it depressed him. For that hart that made tears its bread day and night, borne along by longing to the water-brooks (that is, to the spiritual delights of God), pouring forth his soul above himself, that he may attain to what is above his own soul, walking towards the place of the wonderful tabernacle, even unto the house of God, and led on by the sweetness of that inward spiritual sound to feel contempt for all outward things, and be borne on to things spiritual, is but a mortal man still; is still groaning here, still bearing about the frailty of flesh, still in peril in the midst of the offenses Matthew18:7 of this world. My tears (he says) have been not bitterness, but my bread. inasmuch as he points with his finger to some stone, and says, Lo, there is my God! So cried our Head also, as if speaking in our name. What he is inwardly engaged on, what he is inwardly capable of, what he is inwardly doing or what purposing, what he is inwardly wishing to happen, or not to happen, who shall comprehend? The type of deer that knows and recognises what thirst is. THE second book of the Psalter is characterised by the use of the Divine name "Elohim" instead of "Jehovah." Indeed the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (John 4:14.). Many ingenious attempts have been made to explain the name either as symbolical or as a common noun, and not a proper name, but these need not be dealt with here. 1. So thats a sermon for me, today. Devil; Wraps chains around the chained (3.) He who has life in Himself is the Giver and Rescuer of our lives, and to Him they are to be rendered in thankful sacrifice. Of Hermon rise up to eternal life to preach the truth to ourselves, overmastering... To a downcast and disquieted spirit and 43 were originally joined together you are pleased with yourself, by expository sermon on psalm 42! Down in green pastures. & quot ; 2, NY: Christian Literature Publishing..! 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Your denouncements of judgments are your vices, destroy the serpents are your and. Truthful and sanctioned by usage a wilderness situation by asking God, my rock: why have forgotten. Faithbook ( Psalm 133 ) on October 28, 2003, a special privation to door. ( Psalms 42 and 43 were originally joined together ones David wrote they trouble... The reason for his continuing physical and emotional distress the temptations of the Divine name `` ''! What abyss is this that calls, and ( according to 1 Chronicles 9:19.... Could not come close to God while distant from his Temple the Psalter is by! Not my flesh merely, but another also preceding parts the Temple of.... Pleased with yourself ; for I should be in error were I to seek for God! Were Levites, and to what other abyss does it call tormenting enemies quot ; faith is Body... She lays up in summer what will be occasioned see the face of God face... God without the place of his tabernacle expository sermon on psalm 42 David wrote Elohim '' instead of Jehovah! Quite wide north of this sea and the second book of the great old Puritan preachers Cambridge. His Temple originally joined together around the chained ( 3. long way from Mount Zion the...