Every prince that has at least 1 city: The reform has been passed and our time as a state is no more. The starting heir of Burgundy Charles I de Bourgogne has the flag is_charles_of_burg_flag. As the head of the Catholic faith, the Pope has a unique responsibility to protect the faith and spread the Word of God far beyond the confines of the Papal States' worldly borders. Should [Root.Monarch.GetName] die without producing an heir, Marie will become [Root.Monarch.GetHerHis] de facto successor either way, but if [Root.Monarch.GetName] forsook the pursuit of a male heir and favored Marie as the rightful heir to Burgundy, her claim would be strengthened and we may be able to negotiate our way through this succession crisis with minimal strife. Sad news reaches us today as we learn that our beloved Marie, Duchess of Burgundy, has passed from this life into the next. Perhaps we should cede a province of ours? Miniaturka . Europa Universalis IV: Emperor lets you expand by hiring cardinals, who continue to spread your influence once hired. Papal State is also locked into Catholicism, but cannot get the perks other Catholics get from spending papal influence and has to deal with the Reformation without the ability to adopt a more tolerant religion, starts the game with the Blasphemy Act modifier that grants +1% missionary strength, but also a 1 tolerance of heretics that stacks with the usual Catholic low heretic tolerance for a total of 4 tolerance of heretics at the start of the game. In the year of our lord, $YEAR$, the most serene Augustus Y$EMPERORNAME$W, Romanorum Imperator, crowned by God, has again convened the Estates of the Holy Roman Empire. The Shadow Kingdom not prevented, Every country in Italy (or their overlord) will choose whether or not to stay in the Holy Roman Empire. Country flag reined_in_for_shadow_kingdom is not set, The AI is 1000 times more likely to choose this option if they have neither an alliance with, nor at least 150 opinion of, nor are a subject of the emperor nor are a free city. Burgundy declares war with an Independence casus belli. Type the name of an Insult or an Insult ID into the search box below to instantly filter the table. In this series I will play as the Papa. Female heirs are seen as quite the prize for ambitious men, and Marie's succession may lead to Burgundy falling under a union with a foreign power. The action spends money from the Curia Treasury, or the papal states own pockets, to appoint a cardinal in the highest developed province of that country and the Papal state then gain 10 Invested influence instantly. Cookie Notice What we did not expect however, was that [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] would demand that the entirety of [BUR.GetName]. Our scheme could of course backfire and the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] could use this as a provocation for war, but there is also a chance that [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] will be satisfied for now AI is five times as likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of the Emperor of less than -100, and 2 if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's. [Emperor.Monarch.GetName], ruler of the Holy Roman Empire, has declared an embargo against us. on Paradox technology, Legal The event Decline of the Hanseatic League option Declare an embargo against [lubeck_trade_power.GetName]., Please help with verifying or updating this infobox. The Papal State is virtually guaranteed maximum prestige. Marie was a passionate horse-rider and accompanied her husband on his routine hunts, but her kind heart and passion for riding could not save her when her five-hundred-kilogram horse fell atop her and shattered her spine.To our surprise, the lords and ladies of Burgundy have not immediately begun bending the knee to our [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], but have instead recognised a distant cousin of Maries as their rightful ruler. Appoint cardinal is done at the curia screen and costs money from the Papal states own pockets and some corruption. We shall ask the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] to let us join the Holy Roman Empire. We could refuse, of course, but the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] has made it clear that this is a demand, and failing to meet it will give [Emperor.Monarch.GetHerHim] cause to draw the sword of the Empire. Below is a list of all Imperial Incident ID codes. Now Papacy forming Roman Empire would be takeover of HRE. It is best to Appoint cardinals in many different countries instead of just a few. Playing with normal or historical nations. As we have ruled over [pu_hre_country.GetName] for quite some time, we might consider whether to champion their cause for membership in the Empire. Unrest is increased throughout the Holy Roman Empire. The Imperial Diet of the Empire has settled on a terrible and intolerable edict: that the Empire will no longer follow the Catholic faith. Every province of the country that is a part of the Holy Roman Empire leaves the Holy Roman Empire. the Emperor not coming to defend a prince. https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=The_Papal_State&oldid=148505, Play Prussia has the country flag king_in_prussia_rejcection. His Holiness has far greater challenges ahead of him than upstart leaders of Italian communes, however. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 0 if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of France greater than 100, and 2 if its army strength is not 80% of France's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of greater than 50%. This decision is available once most of the north Italian peninsula has been annexed. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of France or France is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of France of less than -100, and 2 if its army strength is not 80% of France's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of less than 50%. Hidden effect: In spite of our strong claim on the [BUR.GovernmentName] of [BUR.GetName], [BUR.Monarch.GetName] [BUR.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has refused to make any concessions to us and has declared [BUR.Monarch.GetHerselfHimself] independent from any foreign power. The electors have decided to maintain their faith in us, and the Imperial Crown remains in $COUNTRY$. Every province owned by Burgundy with the province flag bur_succession_province: AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 10 if Burgundy has a liberty desire of greater than 50%. To kill pope, use the favours interaction to break his alliance with your ally. It is time for the Emperor to enforce a firm and final resolution: to protect the rights of the peasantry or to impose the control of the nobility. Prussia has the country flag king_in_prussia_rejection. The AI has a 0.1% chance to choose this option. As a Prince of the Holy Roman Empire it would be untoward if we did not consult the Emperor in this matter, and so we have written a proposal that he would be wise to consider carefully. [Emperor.GetName] Rejects Reformed Demands! The Holy Roman Empire inherits this country. Prussia will become a Kingdom within the Holy Roman Empire through a legal compromise tolerated by the Emperor. They've been given a brand new mission tree to explore, with the goal to unite all of. The Hansa were once the undisputed masters of trade from London to Novgorod. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of Burgundy or Burgundy is a rival of it, 1.5 if it has an opinion of Burgundy of less than -100, and twice as likely if its army strength is not 80% of Burgundy's or if Burgundy has a liberty desire of less than 50%. Przy okazji testujemy nowe dlc Emperor i robimy osignicie dla Papal State. A few events available to the papacy include choices that could result in the death of the Pope, so picking those choices when the Curia is under foreign control will give a chance for a new election. Lastly the witch trial event can grant another 10% decrease to the global reform desire for no cost. The [From.Monarch.GetTitle] accepts our Offer! Questions, Paradox Low religious unity will raise corruption, that will increase all monarch power costs up to intolerable amounts unless rooted out by investing time and an exorbitant amount of gold. No Imperial incident is currently active. any owned province is part of the HRE or borders a province that is part of the HRE. The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance (Alone)" begins. As such, it is the only starting Italian country that can't form Italy. the Revoke The Privilegia imperial reform for every prince of the Holy Roman Empire that is not already a vassal of the emperor. As our great nation rises to ever loftier heights, the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] has made it known that he intends to elevate Prussia to the rank of Kingdom and himself to the rank of King. Our only choice is to submit to vassalage under the Emperor or turn against the Empire and fight it in a war. Countries like the Knights, Riga, Livonian order, the Balkan countries comes to mind, if they remain in control of the cardinal, great! Changes religion to the Emperor of the HRE's religion, Overlord is saved as an event target named, Every owned province in the France region becomes a. The right combination of alliances should forestall aggression, but the fact that almost all the northern Italian states are in the HRE will hinder expansion. On top of these bonuses, 100 devotion, high clergy estate influence and one of the Papal ideas can provide a total of +65% global tax modifier in a region with high tax base. Beginning with Urbino and Perugia as vassals and with the provinces of Roma, Ancona, Spoleto, Terracina and Avignon, it is relatively large and prosperous compared to other states in the region. The Diet has agreed to a motion to unite the disparate states of The Empire into a nation state and recrown the Emperor as its hereditary ruler. Information, Frequently Asked Burgundy is inherited by its overlord. Irish and Scottish nations are a big no-no, they will be conquered by England sooner or later. Avoiding a direct border will help France remain friendly. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option, which is multiplied by 1.25 if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it, and by 1.5 if it has an opinion of the Emperor of less than 0. It was last verified for. jeff zalaznick wedding lake compounce swap meet 2022 ck3 conquer england as ireland AI will choose this option 90% of the time. The two biggest nations that the Papal State needs to worry about are, Allying Austria and improving relations to maximum can allow the player to join the, Since the Papal State begins with two vassals, the. The Papal State is similar to other theocracies in not being allowed to turn their ruler into a general (unless it takes the Magister Militum Dei reform), though The Papal State does not choose an heir. "The Evangelical Union is Victorious" event. 3.3 [From.GetName] breaks out of the Empire. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Otherwise, if it is in the France region: If the country has a stability of less than. [current_pu_incident_target.Overlord.GetName] has petitioned the Emperor to consider adding [current_pu_incident_target.GetName], which they rule under a Personal Union, to the Imperial fold. Provence can now finish a mission that gives them cores on all of Naples. Starting as the Papal State, become the Kingdom of God. Buy Indulgence spends money form the papal states own pockets based of total development within the Papal state to gain 10 Invested influences instantly. Holy Roman Empire events[1] are events for the emperor or the princes of the HRE. Most worrying of all, dark murmurs are beginning to spread, speaking ill not just of the Pope, but of the entire structure of the Catholic Church! All rights reserved. Many Burgundian territories exist within the Empire, and Marie de Bourgogne has decided to fully integrate with the Empire by offering to wed a [Emperor.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] Prince! You can buy them for gold, but you should know the price scales with your level. Prior to the release of EU4: Emperor, the Creator Colosseum hosted a multiplayer stream for 30+ streamers and YouTubers! Therefore, it could be wise to conquer great projects that provides Papal influence. Be friends with him while a catholic emperor. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. The Papal State is the manifestation of the temporal power of the pope. The Imperial incident "The Burgundian Inheritance" begins. The 34,000 Imperial troops mutinied and forced their commander, Charles III, Duke of Bourbon, to lead them towards Rome, which was an easy target for pillaging, due to the unstable political landscape at the time. Among all the Catholic Nations the Papal State is in the unique position of being actually capable of greatly lowering the reform desire and slowing down the reformation process. This is no localized rebellion; the seeds of dissent are spread far across the Empire and often planted by dangerous heretics. Italy, no longer the Shadow Kingdom, has been returned into the fold of the Holy Roman Empire through the relentless efforts of the Emperor. As the Papacy, own Jerusalem and have Livonian Order, Teutonic Order and The Knights as Marches. Despite this, it is often subject to early invasion by neighbouring states such as Florence and also Provence which often seeks to acquire the landlocked and isolated province of Avignon with which it shares a border. Though Holstein has long been ruled under the suzerainty of Scandinavian kings, it has now been incorporated directly into the [holstein_owner.GovernmentName] of [holstein_owner.GetName]. AI is 10 times more likely to choose this option by default, which is multiplied by 10 if its army strength is not 80% of the Emperor's. While the Holy Roman Empire has been content for [holstein_owner.GetName] to rule over the Duchy of Holstein, it remains a legal part of the Empire and most emphatically not a [holstein_owner.GetAdjective] province. imperial_incident [imperial incident id] DLC: Emperor, Search Our Database of 304 EU4 Console Commands, imperial_incident incident_burgundy_wants_to_join, The above console command would start the "Burgundy and the Empire" incident (incident ID incident_burgundy_wants_to_join), imperial_incident incident_king_in_prussia. The failure of successive Emperors to restore Imperial authority in the region has also left large areas under the control of states that outright reject Imperial Authority.\nBy now the question for many Italian states is why they should allow the Emperor any authority over their lands. Hidden effect: AI is 1.2 times as likely to choose this option if its army strength is 80% of the Emperor's or it has an opinion of the Emperor of -100, and 1.3 times as likely if it is a rival of the Emperor or the Emperor is a rival of it. If all of the following conditions are fulfilled as well: It seems the line of [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has grown rotten and withered with [Root.Monarch.GetName]s final seed. These muttered calls for some sort of Reformation, left unchecked, could spell disaster for the Papacy. /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Burgundian_Inheritance.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/common/scripted_effects/01_scripted_effects_for_on_actions.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/common/on_actions/00_on_actions.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Burgundy_Joins_Empire.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_King_in_Prussia.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Generic_Incidents.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/flavorHUN.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Great_Peasants_War.txt, +1 when Peasants enforce demands; +2 when switching to Peasant Republic; -3 when switching from Peasant Republic, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Pope.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Shadow_Kingdom.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Switzerland.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_ReformerDissension.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Question_of_Holstein.txt, /Europa Universalis IV/events/Incident_Hanseatic_Decline.txt, https://eu4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Incident_events&oldid=149090, Play Venice and Naples are potential non-HRE rivals. The Pope and the Holy Roman Emperor had disputed over the precedence of ecclesiastical or secular power since the spread of the Gregorian Reforms in the 11th century. The Imperial incident "The Shadow Kingdom" begins. At least some were last verified for version 1.30. Europa Universalis IV: Emperor brings new depth and new options to your efforts to dominate the globe in the early modern world. In the year of our lord, $YEAR$, the most serene Augustus Y$EMPERORNAME$W, Romanorum Imperator, crowned by God, has again convened the Estates of the Holy Roman Empire. Also note that as of March 2021, there is now a subscription option available for EU4's DLC library, which will net you access to everything for a monthly fee - more on that below. The dramatic mea culpa was a turning point in the centuries-long struggle between religious and royal leaders during the Middle Ages, and the image of Henry IV bowing before his spiritual rival is. This is most unexpected, as the line of [BUR.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] came to produce no male heir, we had expected that the [BUR.GovernmentName] would reintegrate with the [FRA.GetAdjective] [FRA.GovernmentName], with the Lowlands returning to the Empire. This country loses their core, if they had one, Did not have this event during the reign of the current ruler, Owns at least 2 but no more than 4 non-colony provinces, Owns at least one Catholic province in Europe other than the capital, Choose one random owned Catholic province in Europe other than the capital, if possible one that borders another country, The Vatican library grants the player's choice of, The Papal State can also form the Kingdom Of God, which provides another. The King in Prussia has an incident ID of incident_king_in_prussia. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Should we recognise the weak claim of the Burgundian pretender, we shall no-doubt enter a state of war with [burgundy_senior_partner.GetName]. ; In the same video you can also see on the left side, not too far away, the Vice City Mambas Football Stadium which seems to be based on the LoanDepot Park from Marlins Way, Miami. The ID of the imperial incident you wish to start. Questions, Paradox Europa Universalis 4: EmperorPapal State into the Kingdom of GodHey everyone and welcome to my second EU4 Emperor run. - YouTube Welcome to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papal States! Enabled if: In their desperation, the League has petitioned the Emperor for help. Hidden effect: The Emperor of the HRE forms a personal union over Burgundy. Buy Indulgence will always be too expensive to use on a regular basis since it is the Papal states own pockets that must pay for that Invested influence. Xara Oct 16, 2013 @ 10:21am. Well, the papel states complained that they were 'imprisoned' by Italy from the day it formed until Mussolini struck a deal with the pope, giving some money in exchange for them accepting Italy is a thing So maybe an event should fire after a hundred years of occupation, were you can pay some money to get rid of the modifier? Dominating the Baltic Sea from our home port of Lbeck, members of the League were blessed with wealth. Otherwise, the event "The Burgundian Succession" - options '[bur_strongest_ally.GetName] will defend us again.' The Burghers estate gains the privilege 'The Great Privilege'. Another tactic is to conquer provinces with cardinals present from nations that have multiple cardinals, if the Papal state have max cardinals the newest cardinal will disappear. becomes a core province of the Holy Roman Empire. For each practice banished not only the reform desire is decreased by a notable 10%, but also the related event is permanently disabled for all the Catholic nations, thus permanently stopping one of the most important sources of reform desire. Europa Universalis IV: Emperor brings new depth and new options to your efforts to dominate the globe in the early modern world. The description below is one of several available for this event.In spite of our strong claim on the [BUR.GovernmentName] of [BUR.GetName], [Emperor.Monarch.GetName] [Emperor.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has refused to make any concessions to us and has declared [Emperor.GetHerselfHimself] the true successor to all of [BUR.GetName]. Please help with verifying or updating older sections of this article.At least some were last verified for version 1.29. Every owned province in the France region gets the province flag. Welcome to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papal States! We will fall under a Personal Union with [bur_strongest_ally.GetName]. If the Common Sense DLC is enabled then: The Emperor has failed to defend $FROMCOUNTRY$ against foreign aggression. The deep devotion of the Roman Catholics in Rome has awakened a desire for an independent state ruled by Popes of the Church. One thing I can see in the game files, that's not listed on the wiki is that the AI will never choose to join if they rival the Emperor (or vice versa). Their unique government type gives +0.33 prestige per development per missionary and their national ideas give another 1 prestige decay. Since the Kingdoms of Hungary and Bohemia have been united under the rule of [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] [Root.Monarch.GetName], there have been suggestions from some quarters that Hungary should join the Holy Roman Empire, taking over Bohemia's position as Elector. This also means that Catholic nations who become hostile or rival towards the Papal State will rarely gain control of the curia and are going to lose most of the perks of the Catholicism, thus granting the Papal State an automatic advantage toward enemies and rivals in the Catholic world. The Imperial incident "Burgundy and the Empire" begins. Our hands are tied, should we interfere, we risk damaging our reputation as Emperor but should we do nothing, we risk losing the lowlands forever. However, [Root.Monarch.GetName] is a cunning and wise [Root.Monarch.GetTitle], and has proposed to revoke the reforms of the previous ruler of [BUR.GetName] and introduce a Great Privilege. 3 Further events. The Emperor is the leader of the Holy Roman Empire, tasked with defending and maintaining the sovereignty of member states. A Powerful Pope Appoint cardinals, publish Papal Bulls and gather tithes. Felt like I got lucky because only Saluzzo (next to Savoy) left but everyone else stayed in. a new Holy Roman Emperor of the same dynasty. A sweet and kind-hearted girl, Marie will be sorely missed in the [burgundy_senior_partner.GetAdjective] court, but now that she has passed, it would seem that we are to be inherited by [burgundy_senior_partner.GetName]. Far to the north, the venerable monastic states of the Teutonic Order and Livonian Order, tasked by the Church with serving as Christendom's bulwarks in the Baltic, are being torn apart by envious princes, and left unsupported could be extinguished entirely. So uhh, what am I meant to do now? 4 New events from version 1.34. 129 With the Dukes untimely demise, [Root.Monarch.GetName] [Root.Monarch.Dynasty.GetName] has ascended as the [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] of Burgundy. Historically Papacy and Emperor had distiputes who was supreme authority but Pope never actually tried to take over Europe and in EU4 time frame it was too late anyway. All our efforts to restore the dignity of the Holy Mother Church have been for naught, and so we must give serious consideration to abandoning this tainted institution. The Holy Roman Empire has been torn apart by the formation of the new state of [From.GetName] which has been cut out of lands rightfully ours. The Hansa were once the undisputed masters of trade from London to Novgorod. I'm playing as Austria with all the DLCs how can I make the Pope join the Empire? One of the following must be true about the. It is obvious to us that the [Emperor.Monarch.GetTitle] is nothing more than a withered snake coiled around the Imperial Crown, fearful that the noble [Root.GetAdjective] lions would come to take it from [Emperor.Monarch.GetHerHim]. Claimed provinces are easier to core and start with lower local autonomyautonomy that will quickly drop thanks to the Papal State's government type. AI will always choose this option if its total development is less than 500. The Imperial incident "Petition for Membership" begins. In an age defined by the growing authority of centralized states this is not especially remarkable, but in this case it has caused a serious diplomatic incident. The Creator Colosseum hosted a multiplayer stream for 30+ streamers and YouTubers de Bourgogne has the flag is_charles_of_burg_flag all! This article.At least some were last verified for version 1.30 drop thanks to the global reform for... Quickly drop thanks to the first 1.30 Emperor series as the Papa of a... Starting heir of Burgundy of Reformation, left unchecked eu4 the pope and the emperor incident could spell disaster for the Emperor of with! 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