Clifford M. Campbell, USN, Commanding, On December 30, 1946, aviation radiomen Wendell K. Henderson, Fredrick W. Williams, and Ensign Maxwell A. Lopez were killed when their Martin PBM Mariner George 1 crashed during a blizzard. Of course wherever pyramids are discovered, speculation always abounds connecting them with extraterrestrial contact. Nice post. HIGHJUMP's objectives, according to the U.S. Navy report of the operation, were:[3]. Operation HIGHJUMP commenced 26 August 1946 and ended in late February 1947. Tompkins as a 17-year-old sailor in WWII with a model aircraft carrier, It was Tompkins daunting task to utilize vital incoming information and secrets for optimal use in developing Americas interstellar space propulsion program. Weather. Christianity speaks of Hell being inside the earth. On January 17th, 2004 Spains King Carlos and queen traveled to Antarctica on a Chilean ship. Inside sources suspected many had escaped to the German underground base in Antarctica. Well, a lot has been made of it. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. Moreover, in recent years enormous pyramid structures have also been discovered in Mexico, Central and South America, China, Kazakhstan, Bosnia among other places. But in fact, while he had the titular control of the operation, the Navy really called the shots. Highjump was a significant illustration of the state of the world and the cold war thinking at the time. After nearly two months on assignment, suddenly out of nowhere the naval task force was attacked by combat power and conditions never before witnessed on a battlefront. According to the author, the base has since been taken over by humans. Because the Secretary of Defense advocated an open policy of disclosure to his fellow Americans, and was both a supporter and ally of Admiral Byrd, his push to reveal the existence of UFOs and the deceptive machinations of the FDR-Truman wartime administrations became a thorn in the side of the rogue government. After the military, Joachim earned a masters degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field with abused youth and adolescents for more than a quarter century. Finally found the article from Chilean newspaper with admiral Byrd's quote "I'm not trying to scare anyone but the bitter reality is that, should a new war occur, the United States will be attacked by planes that fly over one or both poles". Task Force 68 included 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft. The colorful auroral displays at the poles have yet to be explained by the solid earth scientists, yet are easily understood when ions pouring out from the polar openings collide with the solar ions in the earths magnetosphere and the varying colors correspond with the various ionized gases hydrogen, oxygen, helium and nitrogen. In the meantime, lets take a snapshot of the last 100 years to concretely illustrate how we arrived at the precipice at this moment. and have obviously developed amazing technological capabilities. On 5 March, 1947 the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago, Chile appeared, with the headline article 'On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas' in which it quoted Byrd saying "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. The Byrd collection consists of two acquisitions, the first in 1985 and the second in 1990, and fills 523 cubic feet of space. In still another recent discovery Italian scientists believe that 70% of the earth heat is generated from within its center. Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero. Thus, these more recent findings thoroughly demolish everything weve been taught, debunking both the fake science timelines of mans origin only 10,000 years ago as well as Darwins notion that homo sapiens naturally evolved from the one cell amoeba to the ape and finally to us modern humans. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau on Muslim prayer in schools: Canadians must move beyond tolerance towards acceptance; Eastern Roman emperor in 1392 on Islam, The secret space program of the US government. Forrestals uncompromising, moral high ground stance had to be neutralized as he threatened to expose the criminal cabal operating at the time as the federal government, having compiled a multi-thousand page diary that the New York Times claimed could fill a file cabinet, revealing all the inside secrecy hed been observing. But realistically, based on the previous track record, initially any new proposed theories and conclusions about truth and reality are always vehemently resisted and rejected by the established conventions of the day. A former Russian navy officer and UFO researcher states that 50% of UFO encounters report the spacecraft emerged from ocean waters and 15% from lakes. Coincidentally, in July that same year the UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico was also quickly covered up, like Byrds violently close encounter with ET technology at the South Pole. Suddenly emerging from underwater, especially near Antarctica, they are believed to originate from undersea bases there. Cookie Settings, Dried Lake Reveals New Statue on Easter Island. During the first few weeks of settling in and engaging in reconnaissance and surveying, outside of some close calls under extreme harsh climate conditions, everything seemed to be progressing as scheduled. Of course Harrys dad Charles, Grandpa Philip and virtually the entire royal British bloodline was smitten by the pedophile of the century Jimmy Savile, whos believed to have even pimped child victims for the royal familys consumption. But this time we must not be fooled again with same as the old boss syndrome. Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. But others speculate that its one more piece of mounting evidence of a secret Nazi UFO base, perhaps the one that attacked Admiral Byrds Operation Highjump seven decades ago or the underground base mentioned next thats apparently still in operation under the ice. and encountered heavy resistance to their Antarctic venture from flying saucers and had to call off the invasion.1 The story is bogus (the UFO part), but gullible researchers have perpetuated this myth. Even a cursory examination of the real Byrds writing style and the amateurish comic book sci-fi account of the later discovered February 1947 diary plants serious doubt that the latter was written by the explorer. The flawed death investigation was concealed for 55 years before it was released in 2004. Deep state and especially the CIA are notorious for leaking disinformation and bogus lies, in this case intended to discredit both Admiral Byrds encounters with alien technology and the devotees of the hollow earth theory, deploying the old CIA yoke that renders them tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists.. It was the first time that these two heads of Christianity met face-to-face in almost 1000 years. But in todays world of controlled deception and deceptive control, responsible for devolving science into a compromised, politicized, serve-the-master agenda as a mere elitist propaganda tool, not unlike MSM, the truth has less chance of reaching the surface to even be seen or heard, much less win out. And we quote: Admiral Byrd spoke of flying objects that could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds. Majestic 12 is the top secret committee comprised of scientists, military leaders and government insiders invited on a need to know basis designated to oversee and conceal all alien phenomena and documentation. Another strange occurrence is the developmental biology lab where she was employed as a DNA research scientist suddenly caught fire. As citizens of the world, we hereby are emancipating ourselves from the globalists old system of robotic slavery and demonic control. But not all accounts of underground experiences are pleasant. (Of course, I usually avoid any UFO items that include the terms Nazi, Antarctica.). Admiral Byrd was interviewed by Lee van Atta of International News Service aboard the expeditions command ship USS Mount Olympus, in which he discussed the lessons learned from the operation. [11], As with other U.S. Antarctic expeditions, interested persons were allowed to send letters with enclosed envelopes to the base, where commemorative cachets were added to their enclosures, which were then returned to the senders. Privacy Statement And thats where all this Antarctica secrecy comes in and is going. In 1947, the Chilean newspaper "El Mercurio" carried an article from its correspondent Lee van Atta aboard the support ship 'Mount Olympus'. Like the ban on flying near or beyond the poles, now theyve made the entire southern continent off limits. With increasing tensions between US and Eastern powers Russia and China, the geopolitics chessboard match on our southernmost continent appears to be gearing up like never before. Yet another one of Himmlers peculiar pet projects in his quest to create the perfect Aryan race was allegedly sending 10,000 of the purest Ukrainian woman of German-Slavic descent and 2,500 SS bluebloods from the Russian front to Antarctica in order to breed the future super race in their polar base and alleged city New Berlin being built. From the research Ive done, Byrd really wasnt well. It was shot down by Congress and Quincys incoming successor Andrew Jackson also poo pooed the idea, figuring fighting off the central banksters was more urgent and important, which he successfully did. The surviving six crew members were rescued 13days later, including aviation radioman James H. Robbins and co-pilot William Kearns. For instance, despite the fact that Jupiter and Saturn are the largest planets in our solar system, it only takes Jupiter 9.8 hours and Saturn 10.5 hours to rotate a full circle. Among the most incredible stories in history, for good reason, its been ignored by the US government but scooped up by hollow earth aficionados as their biblical proof. Moreover, the forceful Forrestal also strongly opposed globalism and the establishment of the state of Israel. Even the [Operation Deep Freeze] expeditions during the International Geophysical Year [in the 1950s] were a fraction of that. Let 2017 be the year that together we take down the cabal and take back our planet before they completely destroy it. Their real agenda is to prevent us from knowing about their top-secret discoveries and further plundering for no good. Further supporting this belief of ancient civilizations inhabiting the continent, scientists have recently discovered two large pyramids located just 10 miles inland and a third near the coastline. The title of the article was: "Admiral Richard E Byrd refers to the Strategic Importance of the Poles."link to (secure) There has only been one Byrd diary that authentically documents the explorers experience and it was his first flight over the North Pole in 1926 featured in a 1928 book called Skyward. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Just as they back every handpicked presidential Republican vs. Democrat puppet to polarize, distract and divide us, they always back both sides to every one of their manufactured wars, and this one against the reptilians is no different. The Illuminati realize that maintaining their enslavement of humanity by owning and controlling their morally challenged puppets they groom and hand pick into power and then wield control over through blackmail and death threats, they know those days are finally over. The 6-month operation was forced to abruptly abandon its mission. Scientists are encouraged and free to come up with theories, test their hypotheses and investigate outcomes to generate empirical data that supports or doesnt support their proposed hypotheses. The film re-enacted scenes of critical events, such as shipboard damage control and Admiral Byrd throwing items out of an airplane to lighten it to avoid crashing into a mountain. Pilots who have flown over the poles verify this fact as their flight instruments are rendered non-functional. But wheres the actual proof? And it is with this ultimate aim to solve this ever-pressing mystery to end the secrecy and deception that this article has been written. That was classified at the time. During WWII Admiral Byrd was confidential advisor to both the Commander-in-Chief and top naval commander Admiral Ernest J. Crenshaw cites another example of plagiarism taken straight out of the 1937 Ronald Coleman film The Lost Horizon, where the supposed ET Master utters word for word Colemans scripted lines. On November 28th, 1929 Byrd and his crew made the first flight over the South Pole lasting almost 19 hours. And another half dozen years after Byrds passing, the same rogue government was free to once again get away with another murder, silencing the last honest US president trying to represent the peoples best interests. But what was he concealing from the public, and why did he swear to secrecy a handpicked group from among the crews that accompanied him on his polar expeditions? English, News That guided the building of stations there. This was alien technology in action. Rest assure the evil ones are vigilantly guarding the polar gates, apprehending any and all efforts by private citizens trying to escape from topside bondage seeking refuge in inner sanctum utopia. The Reis map was found at Istanbuls Topkapi Palace in 1929. A year after World War II ended, the U.S. Navy mounted a massive-though hastily planned-mission to the bottom of the world. Immediately following that historic feat, the explorer became the youngest admiral in US naval history at age 41. Hitler secured the Holy Spear when he annexed Austria although some believe it was a replica and that Himmler may have sent the real deal to Antarctica. Momentums on our side. A second attempt to secure the alleged relic has been connected to a stampede at a pilgrimage killing 2,000 more people. Maybe its our sun, Nibiru and the ET armada heading our way, intending us to become the doe caught in their triple threat headlights, paralyzed and overcome by deep state-induced fear and panic. The inner ocean thats believed to be 155 miles (250 km) deep could supply much of the ocean water at the earths surface. His itinerary showed that he left on Election Day. Apart from politics, a huge crack 80 miles long (130 km) and 300 feet deep is currently splitting and spreading across the 2,400 mile continental expanse. A growing body of supportive evidence is frequently discovered on Google Earth, such as the large open entrances to a subterranean world with saucershaped figures lodged in ice. The warm air convection current emanating from the polar openings obviously accounts for this difference. For numerous decades this anomaly has been observed by perplexed explorers and scientists. Never before had such a vast operation been deployed to the southernmost continent. The nuclear age had just begun, and the real fears were that the Soviet Union would attack the United States over the North Pole. Copies of this bogus diary were sold to make money promoting Byrds hollow earth meme. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Adm. Admiral Byrd by then was a minor player. William Tompkins has also corroborated the Nazi connection establishing an underground German military base in Antarctica. The article appeared on the March 5th, 1947 edition of Chilean newspaper 'El Mercurio': "Adm. Byrd declared today that it was imperative for the United States to initiate immediate defense measures against hostile regions. Science observes spinning objects with an absence of matter at the center due to centrifugal force. But aside from the US hegemons presence, Russias vested interest announced a year ago includes a naval expedition operating in Antarctica, its first in three decades, and seemingly a violation of the Antarctic Treaty. The press cover reads like a kid fulfilling his lifelong dream come true. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio and read in part as follows: Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. So the most logical conclusion is the 2,300 miles beyond the South Pole must have taken his plane into the earths interior. 31 August 2012: John McNulty from Uncertain Times writes in: I have done a considerable amount of reading on Nazi UFOs, underground bases and weird Antarctica lore. Exactly what he meant is open to question. Sunday 7 | 13C. The following year in 1927, Byrd, Bennett and three others were among several aviator teams that made the first nonstop transatlantic flight from the US to France, though flying solo Charles Lindbergh became the very first. The Nazi Antarctica myth has been out there for some time now, and having researched Nazi Germany and WWII for more than a few decades now, have known for about that long that no such Nazi base, and no such Nazi UFOs were ever present then, or now, in that region either above or under the surface, as many still claim. And we know that didnt happen. However, for your future research on the Nazi Antarctic exploits, you might find this interesting and this too This supposed Nazi documentary might be complete baloney, but it seems to have become part of the Neuschwabenland canon, for what its worth. By January 1947, Byrds Navy Task Force 68 fleet consisting of 4,700 Navy and Marine personnel, 13 warships including an aircraft carrier, a battleship and a destroyer and 33 aircraft had reached their icy destination and set up their base camp from which to locate and take out the secret Nazi base. The earths powerbrokers know that if the truth be known of their massive cover-up, their cabal would be forcibly overthrown and their rigid control over us would come to a screeching halt. There were maybe four [deaths] in Deep Freeze 2 or 3. Below is one of the most circulated texts in the UFO/conspiracy theory community: then from Joseph Farrells blog. NASAs Operation Ice Bridge has experts believing an ancient civilization once existed under the 2.3 kilometers of ice. They clearly show a gaping concave hole over the North Pole. On the way back Byrd gave an interview to the prestigious Chilean newspaper El Mercurio of Santiago on 5 March 1947. Belanger: No U.S. naval expedition had been in Antarctica for 100 years before that, not since the [Charles] Wilkes expedition of 183842. But their paradigm of deceit is crumbling now and about to end. The insanity of continuing to cover-up and deceive us has the so called real scientists in a conundrum trying to explain the Aurora Borealis instead of simply and honestly accepting the truth that would enhance all our lives except those connected to deep state fraud and criminality. The waters of Lake Vostok are believed to have been untouched for 20 million years. Yes there is. Just as the long night of the Arctic ends, the brilliant sunshine of Truth shall come again and those who are of darkness shall fall in its Light FOR I HAVE SEEN THAT LAND BEYOND THE POLE, THAT CENTER OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN. They conclude that there is a sun underneath the surface of our planet. So much for diversionary rabbit holes designed to lead us to nowhere but disbelief. Charles W. Thomas, USCG, Commanding, Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature Film, "Scientific Diving Under Ice: A 40-Year Bipolar Research Tool", "Operation Highjump: The Great Antarctic Expedition", "Operation Highjump: A Philatelic Introduction", "Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature", "Declassified Records on Operation Highjump",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the United States Coast Guard, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The leadership ranks were very thin, especially in the flying ranks. As early as 1943 the boastful [JdN: hunh?] Stricken with an undisclosed medical condition that was allegedly deteriorating, he had to be hospitalized and quarantined according to his Antarctic tour company, White Desert. Refirindose a la expedicin de reciente finalizacin, Byrd dijo que el resultado ms importante de sus observaciones y descubrimientos es el efecto potencial que tienen con respecto a la seguridad de los Estados Unidos. Tuesday 10 . Its our responsibility to harness and impart this knowledge and wisdom to uplift and enrich all of our lives. This is NASAs sneaky way of delivering half-truths while willfully withholding the other far more revealing half-truth that it too like the earth also has polar openings. Cayce also predicted strong earthquake activity in the Western US that includes Californias San Andreas Fault and the Nevada-Utah area. The US supposedly ceased its naval operations on the continent in 1998. Clearly there is increasing evidence that modern science, in its rare, honest form, is catching up to the wisdom of the ancient cultures. But then thats what deep state wants cynics without belief. A month ago 86-year old 33rd-degree Freemason and legendary moon walking astronaut Buzz Aldrin was touring the continent but suddenly became ill and had to be airlifted from the frozen wasteland. Heres a link to the only peer-reviewed research article on this topic I know of. As a young man Olaf suffered for telling his story and kept it to himself until befriending a person near the end of his solitary life to share his amazing tale. Mike thanks for pointing to the reference article on this topic. And just a few weeks prior to the French astronauts dramatically delivered dire warning, in late October came the Joe Biden-Vladimir Putin meeting in Moscow with Inqusitrs sensationalized headline ALIEN UFO INVASION FLEET WILL REACH EARTH IN SEPTEMBER 2017, OBAMA ALLEGEDLY WARNS PUTIN AFTER NASA DETECTED MILES-WIDE ARMADA OF SPACESHIPS THAT ENTERED OUR SOLAR SYSTEM.. In 1692 renowned English scientist Edmund Halley who discovered Halleys Comet and made valuable contributions in geophysics, mathematics, astronomy and meteorology proposed that the earth was hollow. The only known reference Byrd ever made even remotely resembling the above statement is in the October National Geographic article. Im not sure why when the real story is not difficult to find. And within a week in early April 1949, against his will, Americas first Secretary of Defense was committed to Bethesda Naval Hospital for mental exhaustion. He was branded mentally unstable and that was all that was necessary to arrange a few weeks later his suicided murder on May 22nd, 1949, claiming that he had plunged to his death from a small 16th floor hospital window. He was privy to all the secret cover-ups of the federal government from the UFO phenomenon to the secrecy of the US, Nazi and alien space technology. The very first mention of Byrd flying past the North Pole into a hollow earth is alluded to in a book entitled Worlds beyond the Poles: Physical Continuity of the Earth, published in 1959 by a controversial, self-proclaimed scientist named F. Amadeo Giannini. Both Buddhism and Hinduism embrace the concept of the hollow earth as the two religions refer to Shambhala as the capital of the interior world. The likelihood of yet another engineered, epic-sized false flag crisis, pitting aliens against us humans, could be coming sooner than later. The northern winter was coming, and Highjump was a quickly planned exercise to move the whole thing to the South Pole. The war records do list that U-209 as missing. Navy Grand Admiral Karl Dnitz with Hitler, ..Admiral Byrds post-WW II Lost Naval Battle against Militarily Advanced Hostile German and/or ET Forces, ..Disinfo Central Admiral Byrds Bogus 1947 North Pole Close Encounter Inside the Hollow Earth, ..Byrds January 1956 2,300 Mile Flight beyond the South Pole, ..Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and His Tragic Fate, ..2016s Nonstop Globalist Guest List in Antarctica, Nazis, E.T.s, Deep States, the Admiral Byrd Expedition and the Exposure of Antarcticas Hidden Realms, Revealed: Antarctic ice growing, not shrinking, The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive,, Unholy Alliance: A History of Nazi Involvement with the Occult, SOTT Exclusive: New X-Files blows it on the truth and reality of alien abduction Part III: Mass deception, Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutsche) Fourth German Reich AFTER 1945 in Antarctic and elsewhere, Religion of Peace (facts on actual Koran teachings), The New Order (honoring George Lincoln Rockwell & Matt Koehl), White Rabbit Radio with Horus the Avenger. The Secretary of the Navy that sent Byrd down to Antarctica on his 1947 military Highjump mission was James Forrestal, a onetime naval aviator himself, a successful businessman and in September 1947 the first US Secretary of Defense. As glaciers recede during warmer months, and increasingly sophisticated, sensitive technology is being used, research operations are no doubt detecting and recovering hidden treasures. The admiral further stated that he didnt want to frighten anyone unduly but that it was a bitter reality that in case of a new war the continental United States would be attacked by flying objects which could fly from pole to pole at incredible speeds.. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service. Not only did no Arctic expedition take place in February 1947, but the source of this pure myth is also suspect. On 5 March, 1947 the El Mercurio newspaper of Santiago, Chile, had a headline article On Board the Mount Olympus on the High Seas which quoted Byrd in an interview with Lee Van Atta: Adm. Are the feds afraid someone might actually stumble their way into Agharthas inner core? We didnt know about precision flying or what we were looking at.. He calculated the width of the earths crust separating the surface world from the inner one to be 800 miles, corroborated by Lt. Col. Woodards more recent testimony. In September 1939 Germany made its third New Swabia expedition to Antarctica succeeding its previous research venture from December 1938 to April 1939, staking out the Third Reichs territorial claim in the Queen Maud Land area. Apparently this civilization is willing to work with selected humans like Woodard, deployed by deep states black ops at Area 51s subterranean levels, 85% being military and 15% civilian. Hence, his smear campaign and ultimate demise. Olaf sailed into the opening near the North Pole in 1829 and wrote of his wondrous experiences inside the earth and his persecuted, tortuous life back on the surface. A number of Antarctica maps derived from ancient cultures showed the continent was not always covered under ice. Belanger: Well, there [also] are bodies from Operation Deep Freeze, and theres been no attempt to get them either. No, Wait Extrat Hitlers Antarctic Base: The Myth and The Reality. Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions. A Turkish admiral named Piri Reis credited with creating an early map in 1513 depicts Antarctica to be ice-free long before its Western discovery by two Russian explorers in 1820. The fantastic speed with which the world is shrinking recalled the admiral is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent Antarctic exploration. Yet another cartography contribution was Orontheus Phynius map in 1531 that even showed Antarcticas mountains and rivers. That this article has been written knowledge and wisdom to uplift and enrich all of our lives of. That there is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer knowing about their discoveries! Admiral Richard E. Byrd is thought of as an iconic American hero Byrd gave an interview to German! The forceful Forrestal also strongly opposed globalism and the Reality an exclusive interview with International News Service thought as... William Tompkins has also corroborated the Nazi connection establishing an underground German military base Antarctica. To a stampede at a pilgrimage killing 2,000 more people time we must not be again. 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