LEVITT: The set of things hes done to his body over time, in the spirit of self-experimentation, are mind-blowing. But I still stand by the benefits of nicotine. Im involved in a coronavirus study now, that were trying to get off the ground, thats looking at the long term impact of immunity. And Im the provocateur who helps de-risk these things. For one thing, we can avoid looking at our electronics before bed. Peter Attia (born 19 March 1973) is a Canadian-American physician known for his medical practice that focuses on the science of longevity. Then theres the physical piece your muscle mass function, ability to move, freedom from pain, all of those things. When I finished residency, if you looked at a blood panel of mine, you would never imagine that I was a 33-year-old. LEVITT: And then you became obsessed with nutrition. Maybe it was partly the placebo effect of all your happy stories about it. Additionally, Dr. Peter is an advisor to and/or investor in the following companies: Virta Health, Hu Kitchen, Oura Health Oy, Magic Spoon Cereal, Inevitable Ventures, Salutoceuticals, Dexcom, and Supercast. I lived in Boston. Or better yet, just cut up your own tomatoes and make your own., LEVITT: This reminds me of when we had dinner a long time ago and the waitress came up to us and asked if we had any allergies. And maybe I would also say how ineffective our medical system has been more generally with Covid. What outcome data are there to show that going above 140 mg/dL in a normal glucose excursion is harmful? But something inside said, You dont feel right. So I said, Hey, Mike, I got to call it a day, man. And when I went down to cool down by hitting the speed bag, which is that tiny little round bag that basically has no weight or impact just the impact of hitting that hurt my head so much that I was like, I got to stop.. So the other thing we always want to be optimizing around is how much fiber can you get? What did your day look like? His unique spectrum of experience, relentless obsession over details, and ability to translate the cutting edge of science into something the rest of us can use is invaluable., Ive always been fascinated with medicine. Post a screenshot of the episode along with your biggest takeaways on Instagram, and make sure to tag Dr. Peter, Stay tuned for Wednesdays episode Part 2 of my interview with Dr. Peter Attia! Thanks, interesting.This is a lot of psyllium to swallow. , where his research focused on immune-based therapies for melanoma. LEVITT: All right, so lets talk about your very unusual background. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you. , Almost anything youre going to eat is going to come with something thats going to slightly raise your temperature. Im sure anyone who did something at a high level, whether it be playing the piano or doing anything, once theyre so far past their prime, they look back and go, I dont think I appreciated what it took to get there.. He spent two years at the National Institutes of Health as a surgical oncology fellow at the National Cancer Institute, where his research focused on immune-based therapies for melanoma. I really enjoy his take on things, his clarity, the brilliant guests he has on, and how out of my depth he is.. That was painful to watch. Stay up-to-date on all our shows. Dr. Peter is working hard to keep his body strong and healthy functioning even into old age. And Ive got her into it now. ATTIA: But I think thats an interesting point. Its one of the three vetted sleep surveys that really can give us insight into your sleep. If anything, I might even be more concerned with sugar, especially in its liquid form. I hope you loved this episode as much as I did. What a complete and total travesty. So there are lots of benefits to fasting. In addition to being an accomplished physician, Dr. Peter is also a successful businessman. And then youd just be guaranteed to get N.S.F. The other two preventions, however, might surprise you. And in the meantime, if youre ready to learn how to live to be over 100 and prevent chronic diseases, join me on. Sign-up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in my Longevity Toolkitdelivered by email as a 5-day course. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. ATTIA: No. [4] First wanting to become a professional boxer, he later attended Queen's University, receiving B.Sc. And my glucose level is very low. What the three main pieces of our healthspan are. But to accomplish that goal, we have to learn how to prevent chronic diseases. But I tried to build a mathematical model to address a problem in the I.C.U. This mask versus that mask? . Lets dive in! Dr. Peters goal is to reduce those early deaths as much as possible. Youve decided that was a terrible idea. It turns out that food has a huge effect on our bodies ability to sleep, so we need to be careful about eating before bed. And armed with your Nicorette gum, I figured, Look, this is going to be perfect. In many ways thats the advice I give everyone, is not to be afraid of change. Now, on with the show. Your podcasts are like a massive gift to humanity. Residency didnt seem very merit-based. Do you recognize that in yourself? Im actually going to tuck them underneath my lip like chewing tobacco and let it just ease out and keep me going.. And that ketone was a substitute fuel for glucose and for fat. But I think there was a very similar insecurity. in mechanical engineering and applied mathematics. Right? Peter ATTIA: If Im proudest of anything Ive done in my life, its that every time Ive made a change that has looked really stupid, Ive always been able to think that its okay, because Im going to be 60 one day. Physician. Almost anything youre going to eat is going to come with something thats going to slightly raise your temperature. Steven LEVITT: If I were really sick, Peter Attia is who Id want for my doctor. I want to be able to pull myself out of a pool where theres a one-foot gap between the water and the curb. While it's easy for me to say, I implore you to keep fighting back and never . ATTIA: Well, my undergrad was actually in Canada, which is where I did math and engineering. And therefore it was just disjointed. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. But I love that about you, that youre willing to change your mind. And that seemed like a better option, given that I was already sitting on two hundred thousand dollars worth of debt. And they have totally different mechanisms. You need to hit a local minima in life to make a change, if not an absolute minimum. And even if there were such data, what data are there that this harm is caused by the glucose itself? Learn how to live longer, be healthier, and optimize your performance. How do we know if we have Type 2 Diabetes? And, by the end of that fast, I have very high levels of these things called ketones in my blood. And that, to me, is where I get shocked at what Id call the failure of medicine in this dimension to provide us with the answers that, if we had known a lot more about other kinds of infectious diseases, we probably could have been a lot smarter. And you said, Well, Im allergic to sugar. And with a great deal of curiosity, she said, What happens to you when you eat sugar? And you looked at her completely deadpan. Where did this insecurity come from? We can be reached at radio@freakonomics.com. The owner of this blog reserves the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to the blog without notice. And we differentiate that form from the one that we evolved with by calling it nutritional ketosis. I dont know that its a substitute for the nighttime sleep, though. Its the common factor behind all three biggest causes of death Type 2 diabetes. So I was probably averaging 28 hours of sleep a week when I was in residency. LEVITT: And it sounds like youre doing it all with private money. Lets watch this thing instead. And shes like, Who is this guy? And I said, Look, I dont agree with half the things this guy says, but he is categorically one of the smartest dudes ever. And so for six months, Ive been doing something that was probably a really bad idea as well. Without your financial help, this blog is in critical danger of not surviving. ATTIA: I think you might be confusing a bit of its benefit with that of caffeine. Glucose is such an important molecule for energy that if we were to go more than about a day and a half without eating, we would begin rapidly destroying our muscle mass in an effort to produce enough glucose to satisfy our brain, which would further impair our ability to forage for food. So theres this molecule called adenosine. My guest today is physician Dr. Peter Attia. Hes really it makes me hopeful that I got some of those genes, that I can have a shot at some of that too. LEVITT: This is not a cheap study, I imagine. People I (Mostly) Admire is part of the Freakonomics Radio Network, and is produced by Freakonomics Radio and Stitcher. ATTIA: I did. The short answer is, its never been deemed interesting enough to do the studies, which is great news to me, because Im 100 percent convinced this is a knowable set of answers, but someone just has to do the research. Born: 1973. And you were like, Whats that? And I was like, Oh, I chew Nicorette gum. And you asked me if I was a smoker. But I certainly didnt appreciate at the time what it was doing to my health. Everything was metabolically broken. A look at the effort to figure out why we're fat", "What Makes You So Smart, Peter Attia? And then I would go to the gym and do an hour workout before that was mostly rowing machine and skipping. Sign-up (free) to receive the5 Tactics in my Longevity Toolkit delivered byemail as a 5-day course,my weekly newsletter,and new podcastannouncements. I could basically, within two weeks, turn you into an almost-diabetic by sleep depriving you. Dr. Peter Attia. I mean, I probably wish I had been a bit more introspective a bit sooner. So it might be another totally new way to tap benefit above and beyond the nighttime sleep. [1][2] He is also the first person to make the round-trip swim from Maui and Lanai. This is the subreddit for all things Peter Attia and The Peter Attia Drive. And so now eating a diet thats high in fructose, again, especially liquid fructose, wreaks all metabolic destruction. But heres the problem: Were living longer, but our quality of life is decreasing. ATTIA: Well, I mean, I think it definitely has some cognitive-sharpening capacities. So I embarked on a sleep experiment that went on for maybe three months where I did not sleep more than three hours a night. Sleep supplement. And so it might be that its the rigidity of thought that is really the biggest problem. So given those two facts, I would love it if there was an unbelievable amount of attention paid to: what will our next response be? In Part One, we talked about how mental health affects longevity, daily practices you can do to live a longer and healthier life, and all the details on Type 2 diabetes. The only sad part is my dad said a few days ago, Yeah, the last person I grew up with and I was friends with, they died. So I know Ive got the time to get better and better. This is a tragedy. [10][11] He was one of the speakers at TEDMED 2013.[12][13]. If you want pasta sauce, find one that has no sugar. And I missed that routine once in four years. ATTIA: Correct. And to me, we want to minimize that gap, right? After publishing my post Nutrition Science Initiative (NuSI) in retrospect, I received an email from Peter Attia, MD, the former president of NuSI, suggesting that I had gotten aspects of the story wrong due to a lack of additional context.Attia and I spoke twice by phone, and I think he has a point. People Lists Series Gifts. But do you have advice for young people who are trying to find their path in the world? Theres days when I think technologys going to solve all of our problems. and holds a B.Sc. Here we fans discuss the cutting edge of longevity science, the latest episodes, and anything we'd like to see/feedback for the future of the podcast. The four huge factors of Type 2 Diabetes. If you learned something today, please share it with us! Something about that fructose molecule is really problematic. So its basically what allows somebody to go without food for long periods of time. Both of them are funded by the Arnold Foundation, with substantial ties to animal agriculture industry lobbying. And just to be clear, Im just the guy who started it and who raises the money. Its also that it has no fiber left in it as well. And it was very uncomfortable. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 20122023 PA IP, LLC. It started very early. Nina Teicholz misleads readers by chronically failing to disclose how her work is financially supported, How to use psyllium husk supplements to reduce or in some cases replace cholesterol medications, THE SQUAT AND THE DEADLIFT ARE DANGEROUS, SPECIALIST LIFTS THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED BY MOST PEOPLE, PART 3, A comprehensive debunking of Peter Attias claims about continuous glucose monitoring, with a cameo appearance by david Sinclair. We would like it such that, when you die, its really your first encounter with death of any form. , So the big three are, in order, atherosclerotic disease so thats vascular disease, meaning heart disease and stroke. Dr. Peter Attia and Dr. Andrew Huberman discuss the best exercises for health and longevity.Dr. Its not about exercising more, especially as he gets older. But its crazy. And despite the fact that outside of the setting of a seminar, Nicorette had an incredible positive effect on me, I would literally fall asleep in two minutes in a seminar, despite the fact that I had the nicotine. I would run between five and 13 miles each morning. As we get older, we may develop knee or hip problems, hearing or vision loss, or even memory problems. So if you have defective cells, you dont want those guys going around replicating, making cancer cells and things like that. Of course, this is now a very hot topic today. Im afraid that Ive worked too much. Hes doing an appropriate amount of exercise for his age, and hes focusing on developing the strength and skills he still wants to have into his 80s and 90s. Thanks for listening. Dr. Peter is the perfect person to talk to about health and longevity, and Im excited to have him on The School of Greatness today! And thats when I stopped my experiment. Its not about exercising. How to figure out where they fit in and how they can lead the best life they can lead? And its unfortunate that it was typically packaged with an otherwise horrible set of molecules in cigarettes. ATTIA: Yeah, but you have to remember, I mean, the N.I.H. He explains the evolutionary drive to go from single-cell to multicellular life and unpacks the four different types of cell-based therapies and the problems they are attempting to solve. This episode is informative, and I know youll get a lot of value from it. Im so grateful to him for taking the time to join me here on, Healthspan has three pieces, right? Its complicated because there are lots of reagents that go into that type of testing and we dont control the origin of each of those reagents. ATTIA: I dont know if that exercise did, but yes, I think a lot of the training that I did did pay off, actually. Our staff also includes Alison Craiglow, Greg Rippin, and Corinne Wallace; our intern is Emma Tyrrell. He also receives speaking honorariums from organizations, including hospitals and health-related businesses, when he is asked to speak on longevity, metabolic-related topics, athletic performance, and his personal experience working in medicine. makes a complete mockery of what sexual harassment is and is not. I think there [are] basically three ways that we can approach dealing with this: One of these is through psychotherapy, pharmacotherapy, and then behavioral therapy, which Im an overwhelming proponent of in particular a type of behavioral therapy called Dialectical Behavioral Therapy or DBT. Dr. Peter Attia. Peter Attia: "I Definitely Lost a Lot of IQ Points That Day" He's been an engineer, a surgeon, a management consultant, and even a boxer. But theyre not really set up to do big, big thinking. I mean, my testosterone was slightly higher than that of a prepubescent girl. The first two are simple: Diet and exercise. Because theyre funding studies that have already been done, instead of funding research to be done. Which doesnt necessarily undo or undermine the results of that. LEVITT: One of the things that really bothers me about myself is that I can fall asleep anywhere, anytime. LEVITT: So the goal was that you wanted immediate feedback on what was going on inside your body as you did these extreme workouts that you were prone to do. ATTIA: So ketosis is arguably one of the most important, if not the most important, metabolic adaptation that allowed our species to survive, because our brains are so dependent on glucose. He is well . This comment policy is subject to change at any time. Weve developed treatments for all kinds of conditions from acne to cancer, and weve greatly expanded our lifespans. Dr. Peter Attia is a medical doctor specializing in health, longevity and preventive medicine. So what are some things we can do to improve our sleep to keep this from happening? ATTIA: Well, I think theres something biologically interesting that happens in people when they have a kid, which is, they sort of realize their own mortality in a way. ATTIA: Exactly. And the ability to quit or not quit becomes a very high-water mark to separate those people out. So the brain could use it as a glucose substitute, and it would offset 50 to 60 percent of its glucose requirement. And to me, we want to minimize that gap, right? And when my daughter was born, I ended up getting a type of medical test that had a finding that no one in their mid-thirties should have. That sort of irked me. They get their money from Congress. ATTIA: Yeah, I mean, most of these viruses are actually benign enough. is incredibly risk averse. Post a screenshot of the episode along with your biggest takeaways on Instagram, and make sure to tag Dr. Peter, @peterattiamd, and me, @lewishowes. Aside from preventing chronic diseases like Type 2 diabetes, how can we extend our healthspans to become, as Dr. Peter put it, kick-ass 100-year-olds? to do just that, Dr. Peter structures his exercise around four main pillars: My training is very specific, but now it is fundamentally organized around four pillars: Stability, strength, mitochondrial or aerobic efficiency, and anaerobic performance. Dr. Peter Attia. Its great to live until youre 90 or 100 years old, but if you spend the last 20 or 30 years in so much pain or with a neurodegenerative disease like Alzheimers, youre not really enjoying those last few decades. ATTIA: So there were a lot of things that were really upsetting me at the time. And so if you can say, Yeah, youll live five to seven years longer, call it 10 years longer, but at 85, youre functioning like a fit 65-year-old, thats actually a much more important win for almost everyone.. So it turns out that if you deprive the body of glucose, the body still goes through that same process. That way, we can live lives that are both long and healthy! He is willing to entertain any hypothesis. Dr. Peter Attia is a physician focusing on the applied science of longevity. But you started out wanting to be a professional boxer. ATTIA: What an obnoxious idiot I was. The parallel in economics, the National Science Foundation, is the big federal funder of a lot of economists. what happened to peter attia. But you should be in the habit of listening to people talk about stuff that you dont agree with. And more recently, and that is to say in the last hundred years or so, people figured out that you could basically trick your body into doing that by restricting carbohydrates. And I think the people who are luckiest and I put myself in that category hit local minima, recognize theyve hit a local minima, but not so much damage has been done that they cant get out of it. How long? The problem is that we may be living longer, but were living with chronic health conditions that significantly lower our quality of life. After medical school, Attia spent five years at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland as a general surgery resident. There are a ton of different types of therapy you can get into, but the end-goal is the same. Explore the list of the most recommended book titles suggested by Peter Attia . Prior to that, in 1996, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics from Queen's University. Why dont we know the dose of fasting? @bariweiss. LEVITT: And so why did you end up leaving surgery to go to McKinsey, of all places? It was really an interesting thing to watch. For example, why werent we doing the contact tracing studies in subways and on airplanes and actually figuring out: what is a safe distance to be apart? And so we slogged through this hour documentary on income inequality, basically, and I dont know, would we have been better off watching M.S.T. Its just so hard to quit stuff. [5] He spent two years at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at National Institutes of Health (NIH), in Bethesda, Maryland as a surgical oncology fellow under Steven Rosenberg. I have used CGM extensively as a non-diabetic and correspondingly have personal experience; I am familiar with the literature cited, have considered it at great length, and have been communicating critically about the use of CGM for non-diabetics for more than a year (and warning people that it is a waste); I have followed Peter Attias career for nearly a decade, have listened to almost all of his >100 podcast episodes, was once an admirer, and am deeply familiar with his arguments about CGM; I have medical training and have nearly completed a PhD; Peter Attia once told me he respected me and offered me a job as a fact-checker (which I declined). does oakhurst coffee milk have caffeine, I chew Nicorette gum, I imagine our problems people I ( Mostly Admire! Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply then you became obsessed with nutrition very similar insecurity missed routine! I said, Well, Im just the guy who started it and who raises the money are. 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