Good luck! I like your pages. On No. "Color Guard, SALUTE." (The Color Guard renders honors to the Colors.) At the Day One Gilwell Field Assembly, a staff color guard conducts the flag-raising ceremony, setting the tone and providing an appropriate model for subsequent flag ceremonies. scouting and military experience. SAVE UP TO 8% See all eligible items and terms. Parade Rest Command: Parade, REST On the command REST, the left foot is raised from the hip (knee straight) to barely clear the ground and moved quickly to the left, so your heels are 12 inches apart on the inside of the heels. Our Flag is bright with Cheer, brilliant with Courage, and firm with Faith. They mean different things. @Heather - US Flag is first raised and last lowered. Seriously, if you and your fellow scouts hold each other accountable, youll have a spectacular flag ceremony! You are absolutely correct, you cannot carry a functioning firearm on camping, hiking, etc. d. Drill Routine. used where we often say "Scout Salute" or similar, and then That said, it should not be the ROTC either. Only two, Line Formation and Column Formation. interest in Military and outdoor adventures. If being raised then Color guard, advance. 604954; Scout or Scouter, Founder's Award recipient; nonuniform wear only. Scouts attending a funeral service in uniform should remove their hats, unless otherwise requested. (The narrator's commands should be loud and clear.) State and explain the Range Safety Rules. To be a leading provider of progressive, outdoor-based, nonformal education, committed to develop morally straight, disciplined, concerned and self-reliant citizens in the best tradition of World Scouting. Examples of instructional programs are the Boy Scout Rifle Shooting Merit The color guards form abreast and behind the flag bearers. flag poles through the recitations and would not participate. The BSa has answered this question. Question -- so if the color guard advances, post the colors and The second is the body guard, which escorts the person being honored, whether living or deceased, and carries the casket at a military funeral or burial. Quote from BSA: "The wearing of special helmets, scarves, gloves, unofficial leggings, and the carrying of ceremonial guns or swords by members of such organizations using the uniforms of the Boy Scouts of America is in violation of the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America." While facing, your arms should remain at the position of attention. There are four rest positions: parade rest, at ease, rest, and fall out. They offered to make a donation to the Troop, which I have a couple of answers to some questions in this blog, 1st, from CubMaster Chrispy, it was pointed out that you were incorrect about the posting, I would also like to point out that rendering a salute to the flag as it enters the door and passes the audience is in fact correct. Thanks for reading! GET A QUOTE Whether you are just starting an Honor Guard or looking to take your team to the next level, this is the standardized and professional training that you have been dreaming of. Please up date your website. ago, and we thought the idea had blown over. Great work! Join me now in expressing our allegiance to the flag., The red in our flag stands for courage and bravery. This is a good discussion. Examples. Please don't forget that it was the boys Flag should not touch anything below it, should not have anything placed on or above it, should not be used to cover anything, and should be kept clean. Check out my Ultimate Cub Scout Planner available in eithera fillable & printable versionor ina digital version! 3. The U.S. flag Color guard crosses from the right side of the aisle to the outside of the U.S. flag bearer, and the Troop flag Color guard crosses from the left side of the aisle to the outside of the Troop flag bearer. positioned itself to face the audience, the troop flag was That means, for example, Troop 58's Drum and Bugle Corps is supposed to wear their BSA uniform when performing, and they are not to carry guns or swords. Vintage BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA Color Guard Rocker Segment PATCH BSA Camp Badge. Standard Flag Ceremony. ), Please recite the Pledge of Allegiance., Please join us in reciting the Trail Life USA Oath., Ready, TWO.(Trail Life USA sign is dropped. Three safety rules when retrieving arrows. The color guard will stand at the back of the room. In these unsettled times, Let us Pledge our Allegiance to our American Flag with new hope. saluting of the flag is a two-step process. in a Explorer Law Enforcement Post or maybe a JROTC unit paired with a troop. I suppose that may be a civic matter that I should ask the VA about. Point 5: Tradition does not equal right. When the struggle for independence united the colonies, the colonists wanted a single flag to represent the new nation. During the big wars they were instrumental in gathering scrap materials. troop's past flag ceremonies. And 2., the US Flag is never The reason why is that their job is to protect and guard the flag at all times. So no boy scout should be handling a rifle period when not on an is not sponsored or endorsed by the Boy Scouts of America. back..we go to every meeting, but don't take part in the I find this detail very lacking. Hi! See more ideas about color guard, guard, honor guard. of Scouting. "Color Guard, Ready, TWO." "Color Guard, Prepare to Retire the Colors." (Flag bearers take hold of their flags with their hand in correct position for carrying the flags, and waits for the next command.) The flag etiquette youll be learning in this article is sourced from official Scouts BSA resources. Also the flag bearers and color guard We used to conduct a flag ceremony for our elementary school assembly. Adjutant will command the Color Guard followed by the junior Adjutant. Per the Marine Drill Answer (1 of 4): I do not know the Color Guard commands. Where can I see a video demonstration of this ceremony? As our flag symbolizes the hard work and sacrifices of our forefathers, it should be treated with the utmost care and respect. A short statement about the pledge or flag before reciting can help keep it meaningful. Matapt. If the American Flag is dirtied to the point where it is unpresentable, it must be retired through proper procedures. The U.S. flag should always be on the marching right in the procession. NOTES: The preparatory command for the color guard is, "Colors!", for the Ss, its "Flags!" as in "Flags, Carry, Flags!" It may sound strange, but it helps to create the separation. Flag should not be carried flat or horizontally. To do a flag ceremony, select a color guard. " that it is always higher than any other flag. Get your ideals of a military BSA out of here. Only the rifle corps wore cover under cover. of the Boy Scouts of America. I can't find an answer for this situation anywhere and I have been searching the internet. Countless American citizens have sacrificed everything to preserve the freedoms you enjoy today. To qualify as an Honor Guard unit, a Scouting Pack, Troop, Team, Crew or Post must complete: Commitment to provide outstanding and patriotic flag ceremonies upon request (with 14 day notice) Have available to them a full flag ceremony package, including as a minimum a United States Flag and a State of Utah flag, along with flag holders. honor guards as well as the prejudice against anything military (Salute has been held by Scouts and Scouters present and Commander - since command "Scout Salute" (No. The whole boy scout system is based on BOY run troops, NOT adult run troop. The Color Guard program for the cadet battalion participates in activities such as posting of the color at school functions, special ceremonies, competes in competitave drill meets against Dallas Indipendant School District (DISD) Schools as well as other districts. Veteran's Day ceremony in Cheshire features color guard, speakers - CHESHIRE The town's annual Veterans Day ceremony will be held on the First Congregational Church green, 111 Church Drive . You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard. Flag I am sad to see the politics in this discussion group. red berets, and leggings) march like a military honor After completion of the Pledge, Color Guard Commander gives the Command "Two." Upon this command, scouts lower their arm smartly to their side from the salute. Imperial Egypt as well as the armies of Babylon, Chaldea, and Assyria followed the colors of their kings. Great! It isn't. oath and law are recited or are they standing at attention the the outside just marched on the flanks (no rifles). Yours is the American flag. Some Suggested Commands for a Flag Ceremony: "Color guard, attention" Used to announce that the flag ceremony is to begin. I suspect the former, but I'm not confident. The end of an evening campfire is a natural time to retire a flag.] Arrow of Light Adventure Building a Better World1. Here are a few that I especially like: Long may it wave. will fly higher then any other flag being posted. The skills . Do you have to do a color guard? When retiring the flags, the US flag should be picked up first to keep it higher than the others. After all, our flag is a symbol of yourself, your community, and your country! Flag Leader: "Color Guard, Attention! the center when flown with multiple flags and others keep it to . You are misinterpreting a term of art -- "firearm." did not want this type of troop for our kids. Boy Scouting. MC lights the Spirit of Scouting candle before the ceremony begins. Note that picnics aren't as popular as "Capture the Flag". Unless stated, all the colors are from the official Boy Scouts of America brand guidelines, a link to which is provided on this page along with a link to their web site. To make it clear, a firearm would be capable of firing a projectile. 604944; Scout or Scouter; nonuniform wear when not affixed to ribbon of Order of the Arrow membership emblem. One was to sign to salute and two was to drop the salute. Let us join in the Pledge of Allegiance to our Flag. Firearms have only ONE purpose in Scouting: to teach marksmanship. Pinky Swear . I created a printable lead magnet that has the ceremony steps listed out. The caller stands in front of the audience and troop. The Color guards follow the flag they are guarding and come to attention at the outside of the flag bearers, and facing the audience. salute; if the performance of duty requires the right hand for use or operation of If you're wearing a uniform hat, leave it on even indoors. The Scouts and audience members stand at attention. reasons. Please remove your hats., Color Guard, Forward, MARCH.(Wait until the Colors guard reaches the front position before giving the next command. The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room - or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. That the US flag is If someone is attempting to honor the flag and they are not being disrespectful, leave 'em alone :-). . ), Color Guard, Prepare to Retire the Colors.(Flag bearers take hold of their flags with their hand in correct position for carrying the flags, and waits for the next command. . Prepetory signal, but "Two" is the correct term to drop or end the (the color guard does not salute, and scouts out of uniform put their hands over their hearts like normal.) 1. When we first joined Cub Scouts, we held our meetings at my house. Thank you!! Start reading! I made a big deal @Feliscia - Uniforms are not mandatory to be in the Boy Scouts of America. Leaders are a role model to the Scouts they serve in guard, the two on the inside carried the flags, the ones on It is not a dishonor to have military The US Flag may be even with another flag when entering in two columns but should never be behind another flag when entering single file. Susan Grunenwald If a parent or family does not want to recite the pledge The US Flag is on the right, then State flag, then Troop flag on the left as the color guard is facing towards the front of the room - or, US Flag in front, followed by State, then Troop flag. Basically the BSA does not want outside organizations showing up, donning BSA uniforms, and doing their ceremonies. Any advice? :). do not say the pledge of allegiance and only salute after they have we did was have four fully uniformed scouts (neckerchiefs, Colors. If they aren't exactly the same size, make sure the one for the American flag goes on the left. With your den or pack, participate in a flag ceremony, and learn how to properly care for and fold the flag. they will not recite the pledge of allegiance due to personal @Heather. business. The troop (or state) flag bearer and other guards salute it and step back into their previous position. If you can, having a quick flag ceremony rehearsal will help the kids feel confident as they are presenting our nation's colors. the outside simply did a scout salute and then they posted You salute any time the US flag passes and until it is out of sight. Pretty common sense in most situations. The portion of the Insignia Guide referenced by Scouter Dale is specifically directed at BSA members that are "members of bands, drill teams, or drum and bugle corps affiliated with a unit or a local council". Troop(s), ATTENTION., Audience, please rise for the retiring of the Colors., Color Guard, ADVANCE.(U.S. The uniform guide does not restrict the use by BSA members but to outside organizations wearing BSA uniforms. COLOR GUARD:They guard the honor of the Colors and watch to see that the Colors do not touch the ground. There is a BSA pamphlet discussing flag etiquette at the official BSA online store - Guards One or more for each flag -- helps to . his personal believes. Trail Life USA and American Heritage Girls (AHG) have collaborated to standardize independent or combined Trail Life USA and AHG troop flag ceremonies. A. Our flag is one way we honor them. and scouts loved it. Click to enlarge. are very lax in this area. On the command FACE, (1) raise your left heel and right toe slightly and turn 90 to. The caller stands at the front of the room. When raising flags on flag poles, the U.S. that made it great. Participated in the Patrol Leaders' Council. Carry the Colors on the right side in right hand, keeping the staff vertical and the flag aloft and flying free. The greatest Public Document of the American People is the Constitution of the United States. This is NOT a military organization. Both Wolf and Arrow of Light Cub Scouts have adventures that involve a Cub Scout flag ceremony. The boys have to be super careful! I wouldn't expect someone confined to a wheelchair to stand. Do other boy scout It says that you can have the presentation of the colors at the beginning of your meeting but reserve saying the Pledge until later in the meeting. The American flag is on its marching right.. this flag has been flown all over the world when our country has come to the aid of others, in times of war, and in times of peace. Looks like the line "color guards cross" is missing right after the salute in the opening. Ken Harris, there are courses in BSA that teach cover outside and no cover under cover. We do scout reach and run 5 packs every week. However, since Scout uniforms are not provided to the youth of units, we try not to force them to buy items that don't contribute to the program. who convinced Baden Powel to start scouting because of their "Except for law enforcement officers required to carry firearms within their jurisdiction, firearms shall not be brought on camping, hiking, backpacking, or other Scouting activities except those specifically planned for target shooting under the supervision of a currently certified BSA national shooting sports director or National Rifle Association firearms instructor." Parents Let us look at it with pride as we Pledge our Allegiance to it. Honor Guard. never blocked from view of the stage. Show how to properly display the flag in public, and help lead a flag ceremony. The color guard stands in the rear of the area, forming a double line behind the U.S. flag bearer. Try one of these unique game ideas, perfect for girl scouts or boy scouts of ANY age! Immediately, the flag bearers grasp the flags with both hands and pulls flag out to both sides of the pole to display the flag for a silent count of about three seconds and then the flag bearers come back to the position of attention. boy scout troop about bringing in more of a military style find a definitive description on it. artificial rifles in the color guard? On more than one occasion, we couldn't find our printed script, so we pulled up one on our phone's browser and handed the phone to the caller. Some say the American flag in District who said it might be "too" military. Other dens use the flag patch that's sewn on the Cub Scout uniform. The exception to this is if you're in a religious institution where custom forbids wearing a hat indoors. Those drill simulated rifles cannot. ), POST THE COLORS.(Both (or all) flags should be placed in the stands at the same time. The U.S. @Lars - I think it's good that you find pride in memories of your Remember to always include the American Flag in any troop flag presentation. See, e.g., entire time? How does having Scouts bear arms in this manner support any of the Aims or Methods of Scouting? Thus, a flag ceremony is more than just a presentation: its a commemoration to your troop, your state, your community, and your country! ), Those not in uniform, please place your right hand over your heart. You may decide to post the colors before saying the Pledge. Looking for authoritative guidance on saluting. be military order and appearance scoutingwellmaybe - Narrator: Troop, attention! @Dean - Either way is fine. @Patricia - There's nothing wrong with him simply standing at attention while the others salute. Boy Scout flag ceremonies are always led by the boys. "Color guard, honor your flag" Signals the color guard to salute the flag or place their hands over their . It represents our people, our land, and our many ways of life.. Baden Powell was a military man and set up an military oriented Scouting organization. 1 Say to the audience, "Please rise for the presentation of the colors." 2 Say, "Please remove any hats that are not part of a scout or military uniform." 3 Say (if it's a VFW Ceremony), "Attention." This signals anyone in uniform to salute. The following 3 points will help your troop and color guards (the scouts who hold the flags) to maintain a serious and proper atmosphere when raising and lowering our American Flag. 9) "Color Guard, retire." (Color guard walks in orderly fashion to rear of space or to other finishing . If the Scout Flag Ceremony is derived from Military flag Email Basics for Bloggers - Easy Blog School, [] example, I have a blog post about how to conduct a Cub Scout flag ceremony. Have the color guard in the back of the room, ready holding the flags. Camping Bedarf. Good luck! Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. "One" can be 51 subscribers Major Paul Ramirez from the Colorado Air National Guard teaches our Troop 184 scouts the basics of Color Guard using the EDGE method, explaining, demonstrating, guiding, and. @Feliscia - If a group of scouts is performing a flag service for some other organization, such as VA, city council, high school football game, then that is a perfect time to look sharp and wear the uniform. @Anthony: This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Honors are rendered to a flag on a staff as it is considered to be "Flying" and as it moves the hand salute is to be rendered. When the troop ventures forth from their campsite en masse at a camporee it quickly becomes nothing but a line of stragglers. Medals (up Magalang. Fake firearms or swords are not part of a Scout uniform. Thank you for answering!! If this isnt possible, it should be put in the position of honor, (located to the flags own right) as the right-hand side is often the most important. The moment the American flag begins to rise the Color Guard Caller says: "Scout salute". To qualify, all individual Scout transactions must be recorded through the Trails-End App. Caller Commands: Opening. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. When the color guard gets to the front of the audience, the bearer of the American flag and its guards will cross to the left, and the pack flag bearer and guards will cross to the right. Before we jump into things, take a few minutes to watch this quick but informative video (1:57) below. . PS. not forget that BSA has now banned use of airsoft and Nerf and marshmallow shooters The minimum color guard compliment requirement is the American flag and two guards armed with rifles, shotguns, or ceremonial fire axes. Some scouting training I've seen no comments here As Paul and the BSA has said: There is no allowance for weapons in the BSA outside of the range. For the opportunities our country offers to the youth of America, Let's say our Pledge to the Flag, the emblem of our Nation. When the Commander steps down, he shall be succeeded by the Vice Commander and the Adjutant shall become Vice Commander. Girl Scouts' birthday, March 12, commemorates the day in 1912 when Juliette Gordon Low officially registered the organization's first 18 members in Savannah, Georgia. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the site author is strictly prohibited. Although I didn't try it during an indoor ceremony, I'll bet they would work to help the younger kids carry the flag during your ceremony. the flag and retreated. knot on the uniform shows that the Scouter has that award in day-to-day The U.S. During the remainder of the Wood Badge course, the PROGRAM PATROL takes responsibility for the flag ceremony. The ONLY place a firearm is allowed with Scouts is on a firing range. Will the audience please rise?Pause to give the audience time to stand up. Flag is the emblem of our Nation. The ceremony requires five individuals: a "leader" to give the commands; two individuals . $12.99 + $1.50 shipping. . it's the first I've seen it. Also a helpful tip the U.S. flag I've recently joined a troop that has the flag detail just stand there at attention with no salute or speaking. During a flag ceremony, the American Flag will be presented before the audience, typically after its been raised or before it is lowered. Presenting the Colors. Proper respect should be given to the colors at all times during the ceremony. Girl Scout Week is celebrated each March, starting with Girl Scout Sunday and ending with Girl Scout Sabbath on a Saturday, and it always includes Girl Scouts' birthday, March 12. Girl Scouts always use the citizen's salute even if they are in uniform. deriding military, nor promoting any political view. Leader. It was my understanding that Baden Powell didn't call them the Boy "Scouts" for nothing. It is indeed a special accomplishment. The narrator (if other than the SPL) advances to the front. Fact is, Scout units like the one pictured above are permitted to provide a color guard flag ceremony, in uniform, at political events. Have a great event and keep up the good work! the audience view) ahead of them, the state and troop flags are The Boy Scouts of America has created the Eagle Mentor pin as a way of honoring those whose efforts have assisted a Scout to reach the Eagle Scout rank; and tonight, we would like to honor three of our leaders who have given us a tremendous amount of help in making this night possible for us. Family Camping Trip . Scouts, attention. Couldn't find definitive guidance on which is correct. Troop 16 Eagle Scout Court of Honor Work Sheet. Watch the clip below. told me at tonight's meeting, pretty much all they did was He's been "training" several of the scouts in my troop and quite frankly, I don't think it's very appropriate to be imposing military drill on scouts who are barely 16. Wait for Color guard to return to formation at the front position. Is a symbol of yourself, your arms should remain at the front and troop flag bearers is! 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Flag PATCH that 's sewn on the Cub Scout flag ceremony, your... Post or maybe a JROTC unit paired with a boy scout color guard commands just marched the!